LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Speaking of characters appearing on other series,anybody here watches Sons of Anarchy?actress who played Gemma was Helen in Lost...you know John Locke'slove interest.
Originally Posted by AIR Kamote23

Speaking of characters appearing on other series,anybody here watches Sons of Anarchy?actress who played Gemma was Helen in Lost...you know John Locke's love interest.
lol she was also the mom in 8 simple rules for dating my daughter or something like that.
Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

Originally Posted by AIR Kamote23

Speaking of characters appearing on other series,anybody here watches Sons of Anarchy?actress who played Gemma was Helen in Lost...you know John Locke's
love interest.
lol she was also the mom in grounded for life.

Shes also the voice of Leela from Family guy and the mother from both 8 simple rules for dating my daughter and married with children.
Originally Posted by VanillaGorillaDX

I just found out that Mac from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia was in an episode of Lost.
Originally Posted by 18key

Oh who's that allll the way on the left of that picture? Ana Lucia?

Nah thats that new girl who was carrying Lockes body around in that chest
Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

Ok guys, season 5 season finale part 1. I have a question about an exchange between somebody and Juliet and I'm not how to ask it without revealing stuff.

Spoiler [+]
Right when Kate, Sawyer and Juliet get back to the Island after coming back from the sub, Bernard asks Juliet "you sure you don't want some tea?" Then it shows his face and the music plays or whatever. Does anyone know what he meant? There's no way this was an awkward camera moment or something like that.
Good point. I'm thinking it's something that hasn't happened yet in the time pretzel that is Lost! Just like in of the 1st eps. thatshowed them time skipping into the nighttime stormy canoe chase. Someone gets shot and falls but we have yet to see that play out as well. I'm growingmore and more impatient every day until Feb 2! Dangit, get here already Lost!
Originally Posted by 18key

Ohhh okay. Damn I wonder if she's gonna be a key part of the show next season.
i think so.. or maybe im the only one that has no idea why they keep saying "were the good guys"
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Anybody try streaming this from Netflix? How is quality? High Definition?
its really good if you have good internet connection. (have netflix on my xbox) straight HD quality. I put my dad and sisters on Lost this breakand we saw all 5 seasons in 2 weeks. Also good for me cause i forgot how they left off now im ready to go!
Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

Originally Posted by 18key

Ohhh okay. Damn I wonder if she's gonna be a key part of the show next season.
i think so.. or maybe im the only one that has no idea why they keep saying "were the good guys"

Spoiler [+]
I think she was saying that because they were trying to stop the Black Shirt guy from killing Jacob. Which failed, but I'm sure Locke is going to play a BIG part in what's to come.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

Originally Posted by 18key

Ohhh okay. Damn I wonder if she's gonna be a key part of the show next season.
i think so.. or maybe im the only one that has no idea why they keep saying "were the good guys"

Spoiler [+]
I think she was saying that because they were trying to stop the Black Shirt guy from killing Jacob. Which failed, but I'm sure Locke is going to play a BIG part in what's to come.

that group from the ajira (sp?) flight are gonna be important mos def...how else did they come out of nowhere asking Richard "what lies in the shadow ofthe statue" or whatever the +$*+ when Ricardos answers on the latin tip lol

I just picked up my season 5 Bluray set today and am going to try to get the whole season watched before Feb 2nd. Man I cannot wait. Don't forget to addthe countdown timer to your facebooks.
The addition of Claire in the picture and a previous statement from many pages back saying she will return in the final season has me very interested as to HOWshe will return and WHAT actually happened to her/WHERE she went.
how good is Lost really?

my favorite shows are entourage, californication, and the wire.

do you think i would like it? thinkin about giving it a shot my homegirl has been trying to get me hooked on it forever. still have yet to see one episode tho.
Originally Posted by BIGTEEZY

how good is Lost really?

my favorite shows are entourage, californication, and the wire.

do you think i would like it? thinkin about giving it a shot my homegirl has been trying to get me hooked on it forever. still have yet to see one episode tho.
Arguably the greatest show on TV in the past 5 years. It's nothing like the other shows you mentioned although it is just as engaging if notmore. You might argue The Wire is better so all I could tell you is find seasons 1-5 asap if you want to be in the know. Season 6 in Feb. Not that you shouldrush or feel that it's not worth it but give the first two seasons a try. If you're not hooked I don't know what to tell you.
Originally Posted by BIGTEEZY

how good is Lost really?

my favorite shows are entourage, californication, and the wire.

do you think i would like it? thinkin about giving it a shot my homegirl has been trying to get me hooked on it forever. still have yet to see one episode tho.
Put it this way. I divide the television I watch into 3 groups...comedies, sports, and everything else. This is in the everything else category,and it is the greatest show I've ever followed in my entire life. This is the final season though, so you need to get on your horse if you're going toget caught up for the premier on Feb. 2nd. But many have watched multiple seasons in a week before. That's how bad it hooks you.

One note though, you have to really devote all of your concentration to LOST. You can't play video games, make lunch, etc. while watching it or you'llmiss way too many important hidden things.
Its not that I like or don't like Lost but I really want to see how they pull this ending off. Last season was the best since 2.
for sure. she has all the seasons on dvd, and i can just dl season 6 im not really trippin.

i was hoping people that had the same taste as me in shows, like the ones i listed, liked Lost as well. so yea thats cool man.

yea ive heard a bunch of people say its the best show ever, so it looks like im gonna have to give it a shot tho. gotta finish up the wire first tho.
If anyone would be so kind as to give me a quick recap of season 5 it would be greatly appreciated

I missed out on a lot of episodes in the middle of the season

Can't wait for this next season though, one more month!
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