MAKING A MURDERER | Season 2 on October 19th!

Was Steven Avery set up to take the fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • No

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
Lenk is one of the biggest slime balls, by far.

I couldn't stand that idiot who drew the sketch of Steven for the rape and then proceeded to hang the sketch in his office.

Then they reveal that he drew the sketch from an earlier mugshot of Steven and he ends up looking like a total moron.

THEN dude has the audacity to claim that his sketch is more concrete than the DNA evidence that exonerated Steven.

Talking about "Well, DNA can be fabricated."

I hate everything, bros.
See you're mistaking people being annoyed with people being offended. I don't think anyone in here took offense to what you were saying. Simply put, we know all of that already. You entering the thread on the "it only matters when it happens to white people" is what rubbed us the wrong way because we're simply trying to discuss the two cases that were presented in the documentary. If it were an overall "unjustly accused/conviction thread" and 9 out of 10 stories were about white defendants, no one would mind you taking the stance you took. If an injustice thread were only bumped when justice failed a white defendant, we'd understand where you're coming from. But that isn't what's going on in this thread. C'mon fam.
There are people in here who agree with me so ur stance is subjective. Again we agree to disagree... Let's get back to the documentary.
Lenk is one of the biggest slime balls, by far.

I couldn't stand that idiot who drew the sketch of Steven for the rape and then proceeded to hang the sketch in his office.

Then they reveal that he drew the sketch from an earlier mugshot of Steven and he ends up looking like a total moron.

THEN dude has the audacity to claim that his sketch is more concrete than the DNA evidence that exonerated Steven.

Talking about "Well, DNA can be fabricated."

I hate everything, bros.
the jury must have consisted of a bunch of dimwits..
Lenk is one of the biggest slime balls, by far.

I couldn't stand that idiot who drew the sketch of Steven for the rape and then proceeded to hang the sketch in his office.

Then they reveal that he drew the sketch from an earlier mugshot of Steven and he ends up looking like a total moron.

THEN dude has the audacity to claim that his sketch is more concrete than the DNA evidence that exonerated Steven.

Talking about "Well, DNA can be fabricated."

I hate everything, bros.

Watching this again over the weekend. Gotta mentally prepare myself for all of the bs I'm about to witness.
Imma watch it again, because I was legit pissed off after episode 8. Few movies or documentaries give me that feeling where I just want to cut it off. So I paid passive attention to the last two episodes.
Gotta be honest, Steven Avery is one strong dude. The emotional toll smh. I just keep thinking about his parents passing while he's still locked up. They've legit robbed this dude of life, a hell of a lot of it. Something he will never recuperate.
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Man......... My blood is just boiling.

The ONLY thing about the states argument that made sense is that it DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!!!

Just like many others have stated, how do you change your accusations in the middle of the trial. Went from killed her and basically dismantled her in the bedroom to oh no.. it was in the garage. Like what?????

............................ and then you go back and use the bedroom argument in the next case but you just said in your previous case that it wasn't the scene of the crime? C'mon B... A trained monkey coulda called ducktales on that one.

I'm not even gonna get to the vile of blood and all that mishandling of evidence and reports and the false key..... I thought that more than spoke for itself and I have no idea how any of that held up.

There is most definitely some sort of secret society or cult in this town. I have no doubt about that. I'm also thinking Avery's brother is involved in this somehow.

So I do have a question and it's not a shot at Avery's innocents because I truly do believe the man is innocent.

How did the bones end up there???
Were they planted by the police when they shut down the property and didn't allow them back to their property???
Or could it have possibly been when there was mention that Steven and the family ( If I'm not mistaken) had been away at a cabin and his brother was running the business at that time.... meaning the brother was involved also, who would also have access to Steven's blood seeing as they do manual labor and all, not uncommon to cut yourself on a daily basis. ( The blood theory comes into effect IF AND I MEAN IF we choose to believe that the blood wasn't planted from the vile...... but I'm sure we all believe it was, including myself)
No he should have not. He would have been destroyed in cross examination and the defense knew that.

All he would have said was "I don't know"
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What's not talked about most was the number that kept calling her weeks prior when her colleague mentioned that she kept receiving calls from a number that upsetted her or bothered her. Why didn't they investigate that number and see who it was and questioned the person calling her leading up to her disappearance.

And her brother and ex boyfriend both guessed her password apparently for her voicemail and records.

Shady roommate who never reported her missing for three such days.
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After watching more episodes I truly feel sorry for Steve, Brendan and their fam.
I think that + the fact that the family was seen as outsiders / scum added to the situation.
Yup plus the cops preyed on poor Brendan. I wish his mother could have told him not to say anything to the cops.
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Just finished the 10 episode series. I immediately jumped on here and started researching what people were doing after seeing this on Netflix. It's wild to see both convicted, and Brendan has gained at least 50 pounds since his initial trial. I'm interested to see how far this is going to go after the publicity and buzz it's getting.
I thought the EDTA in the blood stain was going to solve the case and we would have a happy ending (I didn't read up the results before I watched the doc). However, when they didn't find it in the sample it made me think of something that I only know because of my career:

EDTA is a "chelate" that is also used in iron fertilizers for hydroponics or soil. The purpose of the chelate is to kind of surround and protect the iron molecule and keep it in a state that makes it available to the plants. If that chelate is destroyed then the iron is no longer available to the plants. One of the main ways that a chelate can be destroyed is by UV radiation (aka sun light). I wonder if that applies here and if it had an effect on the sample. I mean the car must of been left outside at some point and gotten some direct sunlight? Either way it doesn't help the case of Steven Avery
Finished this last night. Legit speechless. Smh @ Brendan... feel bad for Avery's parents too.

On a lighter note, the Wisconsin accent was almost unbearable :lol:
The thing that has disgusted me most so far (currently finished episode 6) is the coercion of Bredan.

Taking advantage of a very obviously mentally handicapped kid like that is just 

And his lawyer was more working against him than for him, he wasn't even present during the interrogations.

He had no clue what was going on and the cops just kept on coercing him to say things he never did 

It's one thing to see articles or short videos about the terrible acts of the police in the US but to really see exactly what they're doing and how they're getting away with it in a 10 hour series is something else... Absolutely disgusting.
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Kachinsky was a public defender or appointed automatically right, whatever that term is? I definitely think there was some strings pulled to appoint him as Brendans lawyer, either manitowoc county was involved or these other shady dudes had a hand in that. His first order of business was to have his "special investigator" again coerce a story out of Brendan, it wasn't to try to find out the truth or defend him in any way. Plus the dude had that sorry ****-eating grin on his face every interview with the media. Slime ball deluxe.
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