MAKING A MURDERER | Season 2 on October 19th!

Was Steven Avery set up to take the fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • No

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
Your stance, in essence, is "it takes injustice against white people for the masses to care about corruption within the system". But you have to realize how you look silly for that when you yourself haven't taken any noticeable action within the NT community to shine light on injustice against minorities. You come to this thread, which is the actual effort of film producers who delved into a story to present to the public, to spew statistics yet flat out refuse to make the effort to champion the cause which you supposedly advocate. Your fake outrage is comical, and it's saddening because it should be legitimized by your own willingness to take action. But you won't. "I'm not making a thread". Continue the crusade against racial inequality and injustice. Because we all know everyone in here is arguing against you when it comes to that matter. :rolleyes
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Your stance, in essence, is "it takes injustice against white people for the masses to care about corruption within the system". But you have to realize how you look silly for that when you yourself haven't taken any noticeable action within the NT community to shine light on injustice against minorities. You come to this thread, which is the actual effort of film producers who delved into a story to present to the public, to spew statistics yet flat out refuse to make the effort to champion the cause which you supposedly advocate. Your fake outrage is comical, and it's saddening because it should be legitimized by your own willingness to take action. But you won't. "I'm not making a thread". Continue the crusade against racial inequality and injustice. Because we all know everyone in here is arguing against you when it comes to that matter. :rolleyes
I've contributed to several threads and have created threads in the past on such issues, (peep my post history). I'm actually very active in my community and throughout the nation advocating for the oppressed as an activist and community organizer. I've been doing community work since childhood actually. NT is the last place I need to effectuate change trust. Most people on this site don't care about justice or activism. I'm not a keyboard activist, but I call out nonsense when I see it. You should create a thread sir...
Shouldn't I be able to call out injustice in threads that speak about injustice?? If people in here were truly concerned about justice they wouldn't be concerned about my posts. I'm trolling though, ok.....
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Again for those who are offended by posts hit the block or report button.
Again for those who are offended by posts hit the block or report button.

What a ******* pretentious... Nvm, a troll is a troll even if he changes hats.

So again the folks who voted no, why? Seriously, I'd like someone to articulate that side.
This it's extremely sad how the humanity of black victims of the CJ system is often denied and they are often criminalized. It seems that the only time the flaws and inhumane nature of the CJ system is examined deeply by society is when a white person is brutalized by the system. This docunentary is important because it shows people that although the system disproportionately targets and brutalized poor blacks, poor whites too can be targeted by the CJ system. Whites and others shouldn't ignore the ineffective CJ and only examine it when it impacts people like them. Like MLK said many moons ago a injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

Preach. I knew exactly what you were getting at and going with this man. People see "race" and get uncomfortable. Very well put. Like it or not, this Documentary really is an eye opener to SOME white people who had faith in the justice system. The same ones who think the cops always get it right, are questioning if everything their told to believe in the justice system is indeed true. Also regarding black peoples relations with police. No problem with that reaction being discussed here...because that reaction to this Documentary is being seen and discussed on social media.

As stated earlier, this is a great documentary and should be discussed and open up the discourse on the broken justice system and how it affects minorities and poor people.
What a ******* pretentious... Nvm, a troll is a troll even if he changes hats.

So again the folks who voted no, why? Seriously, I'd like someone to articulate that side.
This is the last comment I'll make that isn't related to the thread. How am I trolling??? Thanks for the kind words...
Preach. I knew exactly what you were getting at and going with this man. People see "race" and get uncomfortable. Very well put. Like it or not, this Documentary really is an eye opener to SOME white people who had faith in the justice system. The same ones who think the cops always get it right, are questioning if everything their told to believe in the justice system is indeed true. Also regarding black peoples relations with police. No problem with that reaction being discussed here...because that reaction to this Documentary is being seen and discussed on social media.

As stated earlier, this is a great documentary and should be discussed and open up the discourse on the broken justice system and how it affects minorities and poor people.
Excellent post my friend. Like former U.S. Attorney general said were a nation of cowards when it comes to talking about race.. People want to live in a colorblind utopia world...
And how does 6% of this thread think Steve is guilty? I'm legit curious here. At least in the legal sense. How can you prove he's guilty without looking at the very shady evidence?
What a ******* pretentious... Nvm, a troll is a troll even if he changes hats.

So again the folks who voted no, why? Seriously, I'd like someone to articulate that side.
This is the last comment I'll make that isn't related to the thread. How am I trolling??? Thanks for the kind words...

So your thing here is you think folks in this thread are uncomfortable talking candidly about race. They're not, if you took your own head out of your *** you would recognize some of the same names championing the cause in other threads, you're preaching to the choir. It simply comes down to folks just want to discuss this case and and this documentary series. Nt has its fill of race arguments and derailment, pick one (which makes your statement on nt not liking to discuss race mute). You sir, are only out for attention and chaos. So you changed hats, no longer the drunkard running rampant making things up and posting nonsense, you want to be an activist, fine, but you're still the same attention *****. You are wholly transparent, if you were sincere you would pick your spots.
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On a realistic note, is there anything that can seriously be done? I think I read Steven exhausted all his appeals? And the best way is to attack Brendan's case?
So your thing here is you think folks in this thread are uncomfortable talking candidly about race. They're not, if you took your own head out of your *** you would recognize some of the same names championing the cause in other threads, you're preaching to the choir. It simply comes down to folks just want to discuss this case and and this documentary series.

That's all we've been saying.
So your thing here is you think folks in this thread are uncomfortable talking candidly about race. They're not, if you took your own head out of your *** you would recognize some of the same names championing the cause in other threads, you're preaching to the choir. It simply comes down to folks just want to discuss this case and and this documentary series. Nt has its fill of race arguments and derailment, pick one (which makes your statement on nt not liking to discuss race mute). You sir, are only out for attention and chaos. So you changed hats, no longer the drunkard running rampant making things up and posting nonsense, you want to be an activist, fine, but you're still the same attention *****. You are wholly transparent, if you were sincere you would pick your spots.
I won't talk about race anymore in this thread since people don't want to hear it... I don't see how I'm attention whoring in here though.
On a realistic note, is there anything that can seriously be done? I think I read Steven exhausted all his appeals? And the best way is to attack Brendan's case?

On the state level, he's out of appeals. I think the only way to backtrack in any fashion (as far as the state of Wisconsin v. Steven Avery is concerned) is for an offici to discover a heinous misuse of justice. Other than that, he has to take the case before the federal courts for review. Hopefully this show garners attention from some advocacy groups that can help.

Another option would be for Brendan's case to be retried. Because they used some of his statements and testimony :smile:rolleyes) against Steven in the separate trials. If they went back and retried Brendan, then I think Steven would have grounds for an automatic retrial, as the evidence that was used against him was proven to be inadmissible or unreliable.

All in all, it won't be a swift process. They'll both be behind bars for a while. But with each day that passes, more people are becoming aware of the unjust practices that take place all across the country. I just hope they can get Steven out sooner rather than later, because this man's life has been torn apart by what appears to be corruption. Seeing his family all distraught over what the system's done to him is gut wrenching at times. :smh:
You're attention whoring because for the duration of this thread, we've been able to successful keep race out of the conversation. Not because we're "afraid" (whatever that ******* means :rolleyes) or because it makes us uncomfortable. I'm glad you can quote Eric Holder, but I doubt there's anyone in this thread that's a stranger to race threads on NT. Simply put, we were shown THIS case, so we'd like to discuss THIS case. If you're really trying to advocate for justice all around as opposed to people only getting up in arms when the system fails white people, start that conversation in another thread on your own means.
You're attention whoring because for the duration of this thread, we've been able to successful keep race out of the conversation. Not because we're "afraid" (whatever that ******* means :rolleyes) or because it makes us uncomfortable. I'm glad you can quote Eric Holder, but I doubt there's anyone in this thread that's a stranger to race threads on NT. Simply put, we were shown THIS case, so we'd like to discuss THIS case. If you're really trying to advocate for justice all around as opposed to people only getting up in arms when the system fails white people, start that conversation in another thread on your own means.
I didn't know that folk would get offended by me bringing up race in this case, I saw someone post something earlier about race and he wasn't attacking the way I was. I'll stick to this case then....
See you're mistaking people being annoyed with people being offended. I don't think anyone in here took offense to what you were saying. Simply put, we know all of that already. You entering the thread on the "it only matters when it happens to white people" is what rubbed us the wrong way because we're simply trying to discuss the two cases that were presented in the documentary. If it were an overall "unjustly accused/conviction thread" and 9 out of 10 stories were about white defendants, no one would mind you taking the stance you took. If an injustice thread were only bumped when justice failed a white defendant, we'd understand where you're coming from. But that isn't what's going on in this thread. C'mon fam.
why r you guys still feeding this obvious troll?
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