Manila Peninsula Hotel Takeover


Staff member
Feb 3, 2002
What a mess (another one)

Senator Trillanes is the biggest idiot recently elected to public office.

You are a coward and full of +++*.

You need to man up and pay the consequences.

All these stupid actions have brought nothing but more trouble to our country.

Oh, and don't even get me started on the Catholic church. Talking about how morally bankrupt the country is. Puhhhhhlease! I'd rather have a morallybankrupt country that has a thriving economy rather than a holy one with a financially bankrupt economy. Separation of church and state? SMH @ these bishopsacting like the church doesn't have a long history of wrongdoings.

Senator Trillanes, you're a disgrace to the Philippine Senate and this country.

You went from a brave and cocky man when you walked out the court and stormed into a peaceful luxury hotel to a scared loser, voice shaking and all after theAPC barged into the lobby of Manila Peninsula. Your words didn't make sense in the end. It was so obvious that you had no clear agenda. The Filipino peoplehave given you the privilege of serving the country and all you did was +++* in our faces. %%$$ you. I was at least hoping you'd go out with guns blazing.You need to learn from Gringo Honasan.

Why don't you just all do us a favor and put a bullet into your own cranium.
I'd rather have a morally bankrupt country that has a thriving economy rather than a holy one with a financially bankrupt economy.
I disagree crux i think we can have a morally thriving economy if hell freezes over

Seriously i think both the governemnt and the CC in the RP are full of doo-doo making headlines about each others mistakes instead of worrying aboutthemselves.
My boss and colleague was billeted in that hotel today. Buti nalang they were out somewhere when the idiots rebels barged in. The state of politics in thePhilippines is just ridiculous. A lot of times, Filipinos are. Voting for actors, actresses and coup leaders. Remember how we totally forgot the blunder andplunder of the Marcoses and welcomed them back like a foreign diplomat. They stole billions of dollars and now they are back in public offices. We easilyforget offenses. ONLY IN THE PHILIPPINES!!! Tsk, tsk, tsk. And how do coup leaders like Trillanes or Gringo get voted into the Senate?????

It's really sad how the majority of the Filipinos have no clue what the consequences are when they vote for candidates who have no moral ascendancy at all.What did they think would happen??? That giving them bigger responsibilities like a high ranking public office would make them change or do a 180 degree turnfor the better??? If you can't be trusted with small things, it would be irrational to trust you with bigger things, right? And there is so much corruptionin the system that if you go in with a low or no level of integrity, the system will eat you alive.

GMA has her lapses but the people are tired of revolutions and replacing presidents. We have been through that one too many times and it's time we supportwhoever is in office and do our part by voting wisely.

Bottomline, This is not good for the peso and the people buying kicks in dollars hehehehe
Curfew??!! man very sad and weird day for th PI.. other than political problems sayang naman yung Manila of the top hotels in makati....memorablehotel..for sure marameng nasira yung tank when it forced its way inside the hotel lol... It got scary to the point where they used tear gas, tanks etc.. eventhough may civilians pa sa loob..
on a lighter note,switching between channels covering the siege,i had a deeper sense of respect for the ABS CBN news crew.when things get tight,covering amajor event as it happens,thinking on your feet,ABS simply outclasses the was painfully obvious that bag of human waste known to us as arnold clavio isa third rate journalist.(how many times could you ask what time the deadline the pnp mentioned and still not get it?what a complete $!!%%!#)you see a reportersskill when the prompter is off & youre going solely by your wit.he simply does not have it.
man, the peso was all the way at 42.6 to the dollar, then the rate went back up a bit.

hmm, either way though, maybe i should try and get my contract negotiated in euros..

so what exactly happened? i read the CNN article and it wasn't really specific.

from what I got it was..
so Trillanes who's a rebel leader/Senator (wth?) fled a court hearing and overtook the hotel? if so then that's crazy.. that's why I don't payattention to any political news about the Philippines because it's ridiculous, like someone already said people just vote for actors when they have nobusiness in politics and should stick to showbiz. last time I heard of any politics they were talking about Angelica Panganiban running for something, not evensure if it was true but I have no idea of her qualifications if any to be in politics but knowing my fellow Filipinos they'll vote for her over the morequalified person. It's been so long that I haven't even realized that Noli De Castro became the VP which to me is a surprise because it seemed justyesterday I was watching him on MGB. I don't know what's worse, people voting for actors or the actors actually running for a position, they know theirqualifications and yet still continue to run knowing they'll only bring down the politics in the PI even more.

Even the first time I came back to the PI after leaving for the US in I think '03 they were trying to do another Edsa revolution but it was broken up, IMOthat was ridiculous since everytime we have a problem with who's in office we just go to Edsa to fix things at that point. I forgot who they were trying tooverthrow, maybe it was GMA, I didn't really care at that point.

If I sound ignorant about what I'm talking about then it's probably cause I am about this subject, I know very little about what's going on in thePI now since I'm in the US and even when I lived there I didn't care about it since I was still young.
Originally Posted by ggotrice

so what happened to the akon concert?

It pushed through as planned. People were scampering to go home after the concert in hopes of meeting the 12mn curfew.
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