Manti Te'o's Girlfriend Never Existed

This **** of GOSSIP! Why are we turning sports into GOSSIP. And why is there a PRESS CONFERENCE for it?

Yall think I am playing. This is sad. Why is this news!

If he is gay ok?
If he got GOT, ok?

Why is this NEWS.

Why is an AD wasting time addressing the media on this?

Did someone die or something. NO.


The circumstances of his "girlfriend's" death played a large role in the Manti Te'o 2012/13 lore and hype machine. These things were STILL being mentioned at the DAC before the Heisman was announced. On top of it all, you got numerous fluff pieces being shown on Te'o over the course of the year about what he's going through and what he's trying to overcome on a daily basis in dealing with the untimely deaths of two people who were close to him. Not to mention the publicity he got from writing heartfelt letters to parents of kids who are dealing with awful illnesses. It goes on and on. The "girlfriend" story spun out of control and took on a life of its own. I can TOTALLY understand why this is getting publicity. This is the world Manti Te'o built, and now the walls are crumbling. ****, if you're watching the ND presser right now, things are getting worse and worse as far as people making Te'o out to be some sort of sympathetic figure when it shouldn't be that way. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Dude is a attention*****. ND knew about the entire thing from the jump. Sickening smh
TO ME: it's an indictment on American media, the sham of college sports and the machine of created fame. And it's just a juicy story of lies and deception that could become even larger (possible ayoness.)
The **** is gossip. That is all it is. Soap Opera ****.
its pretty clear, Teo and the dude who was in on it are "together" and they were covering it up because it wouldn't be "acceptable" for an ND linebacker to be on the other team. Just my theory. Nothing wrong with it tho.

Agreed 100%. After reading the deadspin piece, no doubt in my mind.
I mean if you would have put some cliff notes on page one.

I am seeing on ESPN NEws what this is all about.

Thank you ESPN NT is terrible wit the cliffs.

In short dude made a fake girl. To cover his real life. Ok.

Why is this news?

Because as dumb as it may sound to you, people make real emotional connections to people and their stories of overcoming difficulties or tragedies. Being that Manti is under the publice eye (thank or blame whomever you want for that one) a lot people felt and sympathized for his situation and his ability to harness that into something seemingly very positive in the betterment of himself.

A lot of peole still believe in hope in this world DC...Even if they...if we are suckers, it's moments like this that the world and its people let us down.
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TO ME: it's an indictment on American media, the sham of college sports and the machine of created fame. And it's just a juicy story of lies and deception that could become even larger (possible ayoness.)
The **** is gossip. That is all it is. Soap Opera ****.

I usually agree with your takes, here I cannot. This is something very big, thats why they have this guy at the podium just 3 hours after it broke.
I usually agree with your takes, here I cannot. This is something very big, thats why they have this guy at the podium just 3 hours after it broke.
How is it NOT gossip?

This is some mediatakeout stuff man. But because it is an athlete it is getting pub.

Dude is gaY?

But yall got it. Yall can enjoy it......

This is a waste of airwaves.
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"When they started to restart the relationship after Lennay had admitted that she had not died..."

This press conference... 

How stupid do they think we are?
Still don't understand why the AD at Notre Dame are answering questions and not Te'O?

It would be funny if Te'O just blamed it all on Brian Kelly and be like he told me to do it to get more attention to the university.
Serial liars man, lmao my question is why even go through allllll that effort, that deadspin story has exposed him. You did this just for publicity? :smh: *Scumbag Manti meme*
DC is clever. He sneaks big, conversation building questions that stimulate and focus the dialogue into threads as what only looks like trolling. Right?


I mean if yall dudes are fine with chronicling the life and times of a football player and his online "love life," go on.

Just as bad as the women as their shows man.

I am done man.
On second thought, this is a lose lose situation, he either made it up or he's telling the truth but never seen his girlfriend for 2 years!
I mean if yall dudes are fine with chronicling the life and times of a football player and his online "love life," go on.

Just as bad as the women as their shows man.

I am done man.

Son you can't be that stupid :smh:
Swarbrick is putting his career on the line for a pathological liar. He is all in with this.
I don't believe he's hiding that he's gay.

Why would he make an elaborate story about his gf and her dying, to hide that he's gay, why not just avoid the topic at hand?

Or lie about a gf that is alive...
I usually agree with your takes, here I cannot. This is something very big, thats why they have this guy at the podium just 3 hours after it broke.
How is it NOT gossip?

This is some mediatakeout stuff man. But because it is an athlete it is getting pub.

Dude is gaY?

But yall got it. Yall can enjoy it......

This is a waste of airwaves.

How dont you get it?

Sure, in a way it's gossip but if a story this big bothers you how do you even watch sports if you consider this unbearable gossip? Do you watch sports on mute?
I don't believe he's hiding that he's gay.

Why would he make an elaborate story about his gf and her dying, to hide that he's gay, why not just avoid the topic at hand?

Or lie about a gf that is alive...

Exactly my thoughts.
How dont you get it?

Sure, in a way it's gossip but if a story this big bothers you how do you even watch sports if you consider this unbearable gossip? Do you watch sports on mute?
There is nothing to get.

It is gossip.

Wasting air waves.

I watch sport for sport. Not all that extra personal life stuff man. No I don't watch sports on mute. All that EXTRA stuff infiltrating into sports bothers me.

That is all I am expressing here.

And folks (men) are cool with that.

THought that was for the ladies. Guess I was wrong......
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