Manti Te'o's Girlfriend Never Existed

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So this is losing steam now that Schapp got the Te'o interview and it seems like he really was duped the whole time? However he lied about meeting her to make it seem like he wasn't a complete weirdo about the whole thing?
So this is losing steam now that Schapp got the Te'o interview and it seems like he really was duped the whole time? However he lied about meeting her to make it seem like he wasn't a complete weirdo about the whole thing?

It might be losing a bit of steam only because more people are realizing what a lying clown he is. That "interview" was a joke. ESPN should be ashamed for conducting it under those circumstances.
So this is losing steam now that Schapp got the Te'o interview and it seems like he really was duped the whole time? However he lied about meeting her to make it seem like he wasn't a complete weirdo about the whole thing?

Being duped for a short period of time is one thing....being duped for 3 years is another. I'm sure CAA/Te'o approved all the questions that were asked by Schaap.

No one can get a hold of Tuiasosopo, but he managed to call Te'o and confess to his role in the hoax. RIIIIIIGHT. :lol:

Dr. Saturday
Manti Te’o's off-camera interview leaves more questions than answers

Manti Te’o’s attempt to clear up the story involving him, a woman he thought was his girlfriend and a hoax that’s been going on since his sophomore year, did not result in the closure for which he hoped.

After ESPN’s Jeremy Schaap delivered a piecemeal account of a 2 1/2-hour interview that wasn’t allowed to be taped and involved limited audio, those listening to Schaap retell Te’o’s story were left with more questions than answers.

Perhaps the most telling piece of information – the tidbit Schaap buried at the end of his first recount – was the fact that Te’o told him he thought Lenny Kekua, his supposed girlfriend, was still real until two days earlier when the Deadspin story broke. On that day, Te’o told Schaap that Ronaiah Tuiasosopo, the man many have fingered as the mastermind behind this hoax, called Te’o and told him he had made up Kekua and that the entire relationship was fabricated. Schaap did not provide details on Tuiasosopo’s motives or any other details of the call.

Rest of Article in Link
So this is losing steam now that Schapp got the Te'o interview and it seems like he really was duped the whole time? However he lied about meeting her to make it seem like he wasn't a complete weirdo about the whole thing?
It might be losing a bit of steam only because more people are realizing what a lying clown he is. That "interview" was a joke. ESPN should be ashamed for conducting it under those circumstances.
Whether or not he was filmed or not doesn't really matter... Its on audio, and his words are his words.
Whether or not he was filmed or not doesn't really matter... Its on audio, and his words are his words.

But his answers still don't add up. He's absolutely lying about key components of this, and if you can't see that, then I don't know what to tell you.
JoePa sighting at :56
I lost respect for ESPN for trying to pass of that sham of an interview. It's obvious that they wanted to be the ones to get the first interview with him so they agreed to whatever demands his people made. The only way we truly find out what happens is if TMZ or a site like it, really digs deep. And that's kinda sad for these so called sports reporters and channels.
ESPN got completely duped all year about a dude that was up for the Heisman and didn't do any background research, yet they're just gonna randomly find a dude and his "mystery cousin" that got duped by the exact same dude a few years ago THAT USED THE EXACT SAME LENNAY KUKUA NAME within a couple days of this story being put out....? You know how many people that you would have to clear just to be able to get your own personal interview on ESPN? Those random *** Samoans they got to tell that BS story are going to be getting paid by Notre Dame and ESPN for the rest of their lives.
Am I the only one who thinks the story is plausible? Whether you believe in online dating or not, it sounds like it was a kid who liked a girl and then got duped and was embarrassed about it.
There are people who get married without ever meeting the other person. The world is a cold place these days. Te'o is obviously off some other stuff with the way he lives his life, but I could see this happening easy.
Am I the only one who thinks the story is plausible? Whether you believe in online dating or not, it sounds like it was a kid who liked a girl and then got duped and was embarrassed about it.
Alright but how do you duped for 3+ years? Plus he was talking about how perfect she was and how much he liked her but within a month of your "gf" dying you start dating another chick. We're not talking about a random chick he was smashing but his "gf" of years that he was supposedly talking to for 8 hours a day.
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