Manti Te'o's Girlfriend Never Existed

damn forreal nako by the way your avy:smokin that boy quinn is the truth I saw him play back in 09 against gonzaga hs in the summer of 09
Well, ESPN seems to have succeeded in making this story go away. Is the kid even gonna go on Dr Phil anymore. I would have thought that would have happened already. Or are they waiting till after Superbowl week so they have something to talk about once the Superbowl is over other than the commercials?
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View media item 242070

”Manti Te'o may have been buffaloed by a fake girlfriend, but sometimes "fake" is actually better. That's why PETA created this billboard urging football fans to avoid unnecessary roughness to chickens on Super Bowl Sunday by intentionally grounding real chicken wings and opting for play-action fake fowl instead.

Those animals in PETA's "Glass Walls" video? Unlike Manti's make-believe girlfriend, their deaths are real. Birds slaughtered for their wings and other body parts are often dropped into tanks of scalding-hot water while they are still conscious and aren't covered by even the meager protections of the Humane Slaughter Act.

Ronaiah Tuiasosopo Tells Dr. Phil That He Had Romantic Feelings For Manti Te’o

On Thursday, the first half of Dr. Phil's exclusive interview with Ronaiah Tuiasosopo will air in its entirety. Today, Dr. Phil McGraw went on the Today Show to talk about the interview and share some of the things that Ronaiah told him about the hoax he carried out against Manti Te'o. Here's what McGraw told Today's Mike Taibbi about Roanaiah's feelings for Te'o:

Here we have a young man that fell deeply, romantically in love. I asked him straight up, "Was this a romantic relationship with you?" And he says yes. I said, "Are you then therefore gay?" And he said, "When you put it that way, yes." And then he caught himself and said, "I am confused."

The Today segment also asserted that it was in fact Ronaiah and not a female accomplice that Te'o was speaking with on the phone with when he thought he was talking to "Lennay." Ronaiah also told McGraw that Te'o was "absolutely, unequivocally" not involved in carrying out the hoax.

View media item 243012
Im guessing at minimum Te'o definitley whacked off to a guys voice at max he's gay like I thought from the beginning. I know I shouldn't care. But there's so many twists and turns I can't help it :smh:
If he really was the one doing the voice then I have to HEAR him do the voice. Not tell me he did it. Because those voicemails are a girl from what I can hear. So either Te'o had someone record those voicemails recently to cover up the gay thing he has going on with this kid or that kid is super talented @ changing his voice. And im not too convinced hes that talented.

The whole story has had a "gay" vibe to it since the beginning. Im even on the 1st page saying this seems pretty fishy before all the gay ideas blew up in the media and they were running with the Te'o is a naive kid angle. Just never bought into any of that. You dont go 3 years never seeing a chick and publicly acknowledge her as your girl. And again there is nothing wrong with him being gay. But if thats the case just stop lying about it.

Theres still much more to this story that we may never find out about.
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This will all be swept under a rug and we'll never learn the truth...
I dont think it's getting swept under the rug.. It's just a story that's running it's course. A story with so many holes and not many of them being filled with any new revelations as of late. People's attention are going to eventually move on to something else.

This feels like Roniah is falling on the sword to protect Te'o but I'm just assuming
Dude needs to just come out of the closet already. He made things much worse for himself by creating this whole fake girlfriend BS for the public. If you like the D, just say it T'eo....
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I dont think it's getting swept under the rug.. It's just a story that's running it's course. A story with so many holes and not many of them being filled with any new revelations as of late. People's attention are going to eventually move on to something else.

This feels like Roniah is falling on the sword to protect Te'o but I'm just assuming

Dude needs to just come out of the closet already. He made things much worse for himself by creating this whole fake girlfriend BS for the public. If you like the D, just say it T'eo....

If he is gay, he won't come out because he can't. The reason he can't is because of people in the league like Chris Culliver.
is dr phil gon ask roniah to speak like a girl? anyhow, well never know the truth, roniah will just call it a hoax tmrw n manti escapes.

imo, hes not gay, the main motive was for the cinderalla story he created with "lennay". Roniah wouldnt be brought up here if he was trying to hide it. Hes the scapegoat since the start
after what the 49ers player said i can't even be as mad that he won't come out. this guy got the balls to say that in the gayest city in america

america just isn't ready
dude won't be with the team next season probaby.  stupid.

i'm all for freedom of speech and i'm not gonna sit here and tell someone not to voice their opinion (even though his is stupid) but dude is dumb. in san francisco no less.  

he'll be gone.
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