Manti Te'o's Girlfriend Never Existed

Look.  Manti and Ronaiah were in on it together to build a story and press for his awards runs.  All this extra stuff is just them trying to save face after being outed.

Ronaiah said it was him, people screamed "that ain't no dude, man!" then he said it was his cousin in American Samoa and people pointed out that the calls on Manti's spread sheet were all from California, not Samoa (lol at Manti producing voicemails with no timestamps and a spreadsheet full of calls he logged in personally, instead of just printing out his phone bill.)

NOW they're saying he kinda DID video chat with her just couldnt really see her face? 

And lol at all of Ronaiah's family members coming out of the woodwork to anonymously snitch on him.  For what?  This whole thing is a weird string of lies.
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This **** is hilarious to me.

I got immigrant parents. This is exactly how immigrants would handle this.
With the weakest lies just piling up, that would only work in a world without internet and fact-checkers.

Son, what you do?! Why I see you on TV??
Tell them it's Roniah.
Skype? What Skype?
Tell them it's his friends.
Why? Who care why?
Get his cousin to leave voicemail, say it's him.
They say it don't match? They devil.
Tell them it's his cousin.
Tell them shut up where the calls from.
Look all this money Notre Dame give. :D
We going on Katie, make these devils stop.

View media item 235361Whatever you say, dad...

Son. :lol:
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SAS has been calling out everyone on the entire show. It's been hilarious

SAS as the voice of reason lol. Who woulda thought
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wait why were the voicemails brought up? And how did these shady dude who doesnt even know manti, (they hugged once after a game) get his phone #/ profile on whatever site?

Why did he initially say that he was the voice of the woman? The man's lawyer, said it was him that made that voice wth? Now today, its his cousin?

So basically: Te'o made a fake girlfriend to create the cinderella story but why is the story of this hoax so hard to piece together? Maybe he is gay
Why would Ronaiah Tuiasosopo's lawyer claim that his client was acting as a woman on the phone for hours upon hours when there was an actual woman who was playing that role?

So, Te'o was calling American Samoa? That's where Roniah's cousin lived.


Maaaan, NOTHING in this story adds up.

Yeah but luckily they both had AT&T or that bill woulda been :wow: At least that is what he said in that Sports Illustrated interview. This dude is still trying to yank everyone chains. Nothing at all adds up, the story changed way to many times. This dude is GAY, there is no doubt in my mind at this point. THink it is best he comes out already so he can move past it and get on with his life.
wait why were the voicemails brought up? And how did these shady dude who doesnt even know manti, (they hugged once after a game) get his phone #/ profile on whatever site?
Ronaiah lives in So. Cal.  Manti got him field level tickets to the USC vs. ND game.

Or rather, they couldn't show where the tickets came from but family friends on both sides acknowledge that he and Manti are friends.

Manti however claims he doesn't know him.  Right...
actually found out what this story was about yesterday. Before, I just saw it everywhere but paid no mind to it. This story is definately fabricated, why he did it is what I want to know. there is evidence (at&t phone bills) of these hour long calls so manti definately was talking to somebody. If he was in on the hoax, who the heck was he talking to, roniah for pleasure? If he is gay, and was in a relationship with roniah, why even share these phone calls to expose it smh. Roniah trying to take the fall but fails miserably after lying about him being the voice of the woman.
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did anyone ask him what reasons for not skyping?

Said that he did but could never see her face due to it always being dark. LOL and yes for 3 years he did this.

Honestly it's the fact that it lasted 3 years that debunks all the stories.
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^^^ not that I care but after all this I'm just curious to see what the truth is. It's like a horrible moves you watch with your girl but after watching 1hr 1/2 of it you just have to see the ending
the person in the skype call, was it roniah dressed up in a wig? haha
manti after 3 years, youd think he would at least ask for a meeting in person SMH is he for real? no way anyone is that dumb to have feelings for a online persona for 3 years
so that roniah dude is gonna be on dr. phil to reveal everything?

when is that airing or did it already air?

i guess he got enough coaching from his boyfriends camp to take all the blame in this. son is gonna take the bullet for his man :lol:
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