March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

aye if Dean x Roman can forgive sexth so can i :smile::smile:

You earned your vest ihust1e ihust1e !!

I’m dreading to see who I get..Probably gonna be a Singh brother or Karl Anderson..
The Shield has the best placements to do the most damage

@B Sox at 2, Meangene45 Meangene45 at 11, Bad Moon Rison Bad Moon Rison at 15, 22stylez 22stylez at 20 and me at 21. We all over the place

Meanwhile LIJ bunched up in the first 10. Easy pickings

You might as well send us our payout now b 3dgarfly23 3dgarfly23 :lol::lol::lol:

And whats the the NTWT RR poster. Why am i behind that mewtoo guy and got a foamposite on my head smh

You put that budget to good use though lol

@B Sox gonna go to work on all these pre show LIJobbers :nthat::nthat::nthat:

This is why you didn’t get those Gatorade 6s. I’m sure you’ll be too busy crying over that, and then you’ll be eliminated.
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