March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

I don't recall that. I see Cock Sox, 5th grade reading level, and BMI.

Only time you @ Hustle is in the F13 thread so ya'll can gang up on him.

Poor guy is the ugly girl with the cheerleaders. Raising the stock of the average *** white girls around her just so they can be part of the clique.

He’s the Chris Hero of Shield..Was supposed to be in, but got replaced at the 11th hour..
I like Hustle, I really do. I am willing to deal with the outdated ads for the RonCo Electric food dehydrator and Nintendo Power Hotline to chat with him while you continually break his trust.

But if he wants to continue to side with ya'll, then he can get washed too. I will even take this money I win and give it to his patreon/twitch sub funds.

is this what if feels like to be the center of all the envy?

I thought LIJ hated The Shield bc of the wealth...but in actuality its bc you cant get in??? :rofl:

Learned something new today

unappreciated reference to gif usage, my man.


is this what if feels like to be the center of all the envy?

I thought LIJ hated The Shield bc of the wealth...but in actuality its bc you cant get in??? :rofl:

Learned something new today

When did any of us EVER say we wanted in. Dudes who modeled themselves after someone who spams a punch, has the charisma of a wet rag, and crossfit bro? Naw.

Instead, I found the individuals who were outside the fence, looking in pissed off at what everything had become. We do what we do regardless of money.

The Rumble, this is the example I am setting. I am doing things my way, my rules, and not a damn one of you marks can stop me.

LINTWT, we push each other, no matter what our aim is, but you can bet your *** that our goal collectively right now is make the NT Shield obsolete.

They're not..Had my 9 yr old change it for me..

I imagine that is the best part of having kids, making THEM do **** you can't or won't.

Im really disappointed in you guys CleanestNdaCity CleanestNdaCity drewdioxin2345 drewdioxin2345 Case Case

The money does change ppl :frown:

I did this for the money?

I admit

We've had our issues in the past, we're brothers, who doesnt??

We've walked, talked and worked through our differences. And we're stronger than ever. :nthat::nthat:

And there in lies the difference btwn you and us.

We work together as a unit, we are vocal on calling each other out whether public or in private. (Me more so public lol). We resolve our issues and move on as one.

You guys on the other hand are freakin called incorrigible. I bet yall dont even go to lunch with each other or goin on family outtings together.
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