March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

First I’m lazy for not going back and looking for ish, and now people shaking their head. These fake Shield members might be worse than the real ones.
I admit

We've had our issues in the past, we're brothers, who doesnt??

We've walked, talked and worked through our differences. And we're stronger than ever. :nthat::nthat:

And there in lies the difference btwn you and us.

We work together as a unit, we are vocal on calling each other out whether public or in private. (Me more so public lol). We resolve our issues and move on as one.

You guys on the other hand are freakin called incorrigible. I bet yall dont even go to lunch with each other or goin on family outtings together.

Ima tag you when I post the LINTWT/NTWT meet up pics after Strong Style evolved.

Digging up old txt smh. I bet you go through your girl phone when she leave her purse on the couch :smh::smh:

I would check your "brother's" texts to see when that chairshot is coming to your back, bubba.
unappreciated reference to gif usage, my man.

I found the individuals who were outside the fence, looking in pissed off at what everything had become.

I did this for the money?


No my friend

The money did it to you :frown:
I admit

We've had our issues in the past, we're brothers, who doesnt??

We've walked, talked and worked through our differences. And we're stronger than ever. :nthat::nthat:

And there in lies the difference btwn you and us.

We work together as a unit, we are vocal on calling each other out whether public or in private. (Me more so public lol). We resolve our issues and move on as one.

You guys on the other hand are freakin called incorrigible. I bet yall dont even go to lunch with each other or goin on family outtings together.
I admit

We've had our issues in the past, we're brothers, who doesnt??

We've walked, talked and worked through our differences. And we're stronger than ever. :nthat::nthat:

And there in lies the difference btwn you and us.

We work together as a unit, we are vocal on calling each other out whether public or in private. (Me more so public lol). We resolve our issues and move on as one.

You guys on the other hand are freakin called incorrigible. I bet yall dont even go to lunch with each other or goin on family outtings together.

Yeah but..

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