March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Raw 25 is going to be an absolute **** show right? In terms of pleasing the Barclay's crowd AND Manhattan Center with surprises/legends.
They really need to have Nakamura stop doing promos though. That cell phone one last night was really bad
Unless Rick O'Shea mic works improves substantially while he is in NXT he is going to be an absolute bust on the main roster and get stuck in the hell hole of 205. Def gonna enjoy his time in NXT bc I don't see him doing anything on the main roster which is very unfortunate.
They should reenact this pic lol
If Balor can stay on the main roster at 190 then Ricochet has a chance. He just needs a really marketable thing about him.
If Balor can stay on the main roster at 190 then Ricochet has a chance. He just needs a really marketable thing about him.

Balor coming into the company had his body paint gimmick which is very marketable in WWE but I can't think of anything for Ricochet that you can use other than he is a high flyer. I guess only time will tell with him. Dude really really needs to take advantage of the coaching down there and work on his promos bc they are putrid.
Now you just gotta come around on Miz and you'll be a member of the 21st century :lol:

Ain’t happening..Miz will never be taken seriously by any real wrestling fan..But he’ll always be a sports entertainment fan’s wet dream..
The problem with 205 is that it’s a shoe instead of just a division..They need to just blend the CW’s into the show instead of trying to separate them..Seems like they’ve tried a little but it’s not enough IMO..
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