March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

I WILL wait for you to answer my question. THATS RIGHT you CANT. YOU dont even watch wwe.
I have watched at least 75% all of his main roster matches.

To say he hasn't been decent is an exaggeration.

Trash is for someone like Bo, Hawkins, Axel, Titus. Nakamura hasn't been trash.

But again, you know this
Balor coming into the company had his body paint gimmick which is very marketable in WWE but I can't think of anything for Ricochet that you can use other than he is a high flyer. I guess only time will tell with him. Dude really really needs to take advantage of the coaching down there and work on his promos bc they are putrid.
I think he could do something similar to Balor with the name "Prince Puma" That sounds really cool. He could have a whole royal entrance wearing a badass puma mask. Idk if he already does something like that, but just a thought
I have watched at least 75% all of his main roster matches.

To say he hasn't been decent is an exaggeration.

Trash is for someone like Bo, Hawkins, Axel, Titus. Nakamura hasn't been trash.

But again, you know this
I MUST have a higher standard of wrestling than you then. I have SEEN his NJPW work and this is not even close. DONT take the easy way out and blame the WWE.
I MUST have a higher standard of wrestling than you then. I have SEEN his NJPW work and this is not even close. DONT take the easy way out and blame the WWE.
I am only speaking on word choice.

He isn't on his NJPW level, obvious.

But TRASH, no, just no
I really don't get the "Nakamura hasn't been good in WWE" talk. Maybe everyone just overhyped him and the Sami Zayn NXT match set the bar way too high for him. Did he do anything different in the Sami match that he hasn't been doing now? I think he has been fine. Nothing amazing, but he's had plenty of very good matches.
I really don't get the "Nakamura hasn't been good in WWE" talk. Maybe everyone just overhyped him and the Sami Zayn NXT match set the bar way too high for him. Did he do anything different in the Sami match that he hasn't been doing now? I think he has been fine. Nothing amazing, but he's had plenty of very good matches.

The thing is we all expected him to be NJPW Nak all the time. The match with Sami lived up to expectations. Nothing has surpassed that up to this point.
Oh, hi Mark

That's Jules' line.

I mean The Empress is still kicking the **** out of her opponents and so is Hideo when he’s not injured...

I mean accurate but they let her loose in a burgeoning division and made she a figurehead. They didn't **** with her persona at all, kept her move set, etc.

Kenta definitely early on saw some tampering and I think it was only when he was allowed to work with other guys who could take stiff work dude was able to shine and I think it became apparent to Trips and the crew that they had to let him do his thing due to the lack of screen time because of injury. Now he will die a quiet death on 205 due to them loving a no talent assclown who sells t shirts who can't work for **** in the ring and only can cut a promo.

Nakamura shouldn't have lost his ability to work stiff, shouldn't have cut the king of strong style tag, and I truly agree, kept him off the Mic and let him kick the **** out of people and yell "Yeaoh!".

This was some 22 level detective work lol.
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