March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

War Machine don't look interesting at all. We already have big bearded guys with Braun, Luke, and Erick
Seen war machine a few times those guys can go and are super laid back and chill. Happy for them, I do have to admit there are a lot of bearded big tags with heavy machinery Harper and Rowan.

So is Candice any good I found her super boring in the MYC, not that she was awful but nothing about her was interesting.
Yea, War Machine is the goods. Great hoss team.

Seen war machine a few times those guys can go and are super laid back and chill. Happy for them, I do have to admit there are a lot of bearded big tags with heavy machinery Harper and Rowan.

So is Candice any good I found her super boring in the MYC, not that she was awful but nothing about her was interesting.

Candice didn't impress me at all in the MYC. Didn't understand the hype and still don't lol
Yea, War Machine is the goods. Great hoss team.

Candice didn't impress me at all in the MYC. Didn't understand the hype and still don't lol

Indie marks like Candice because she did mixed matches and took some dumb stiff shots.

Waifu would wash the **** outta of her western THOT ***.
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