March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

**Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn were guests on Wednesday’s edition of “Talk is Jericho” with a conversation that was recorded after Christmas a few weeks back. There were several notable issues discussed throughout the conversation:

-The biggest takeaway for me was the level of stress that Zayn underwent the day of the Hell in a Cell show and his role in the finish of the Shane McMahon vs. Kevin Owens match. Zayn had to appear out of nowhere to rescue Owens from the table at the last second as Shane plunged off the top of the cell and crashed through the announcer’s table. Zayn described how small the margin of error was and that if it was mistimed at all, someone could have been seriously injured. This brought up a larger issue for me and that is the level of stunt work that is being assigned to professional wrestlers and it goes beyond just the WWE. As Zayn explained in the interview, if this were a scene in a movie it would be rehearsed over-and-over, there would be a crash pad and numerous safety measures taken while also using trained stuntmen to perform. In this instance, you left it to the three performers to execute this intricate stunt that could have gone wrong with the slightest hiccup. Owens added that he was also having lower back problems at the time and needed to sit up and get away from the desk to make matters worse.

-Kevin Owens discussed the headbutt onto Vince McMahon from last September and explained that it’s a spot that will probably never be done again. When Owens performed the headbutt, he wasn’t even aware of the injury sustained by Katsuyori Shibata earlier in the year as he doesn’t follow a lot of non-WWE wrestling. He stated that when Vince McMahon put his microphone down before the headbutt, he started cussing at Owens and Owens laid it in on him.
'preciate the goodwill as always, I hope I can get somebody to look at it and not recoil in horror. :lol:

you...haven't seen the NT thread on it tho? that's what kinda let me know "real people" are kinda into it now.

oh yeah, trade secret, NT is my "real people" idea proving ground. demographics, you see.

out of curiosity, what did your lady friend have to say on the matter?

I will check the link you gave me, thank you. I am sure this will go really well on NT lmao.

I imagine someone will find it intriguing. Honestly, the whole Real Doll thing years ago I found fascinating as simulated intercourse with something that had an "uncanniness" about it seemed so futuristic in the late 90s that wasn't just a balloon with holes, ya know. So I am sure an upstanding news outlet like Vice (I am totally saying this with sarcasm as the publication has gone drastically downhill the last 5 years or so) will be interested in your WAY too good for them piece. But I do hope someone takes it seriously. Totally understand the demographics thing though.

Smart assery aside, the discussion was something like, she dug the idea, was about it, but apparently it learns empathy and feelings and can console you and that is right where she drew the line. I then quipped that if she couldn't figure out my Galaxy S8, she was not going to be able to work some future **** machine, regardless of instructions. All she was trying to do was google some random thingon my phone and she owns a samsung device. This was mostly me being a dickhead to her in hopes that it would impress her, blah blah blah.
There is no logical reason to believe he won't flop.

You are the weekly UNPAID manager of a wrestling thread on a show forum, whois the real mark?

There is no logical reason to believe he won't flop.

You are the weekly UNPAID manager of a wrestling thread on a show forum, whois the real mark?
Who said I don't get paid? Also my mark comment was sarcasm since my next line was on the real he has IT. Special athlete that has charisma.
Like I said, there is nothing other than HOPE/FAITH that would lead you to believe WWE won't drop the ball on Ricochet
He has IT he will rise above the WWE and become a star. Great look and can to spectacular things in the ring. If they give him time to find a voice in NXT I don't see why in a few years he cant be a top babyface.
He has IT he will rise above the WWE and become a star. Great look and can to spectacular things in the ring. If they give him time to find a voice in NXT I don't see why in a few years he cant be a top babyface.

Others have had it and they still found a way to mess those dudes up.

Wwe doesn't have a track record of NOT dropping the ball.

We can all hope but if you look at it LOGICALLY

A. He will be severely toned down, in ring wise.
B. Their history of doong anything seriou with undersized dudes with no mic skills. (Neville, Finn, Sami).

Temper expectations is all I am saying
STOP IT. They gave that ****** Finn Balor a world title he cant talk and dude looks soft. Ricochet future WWE champion.

Fergal was more known worldwide before he came to the WWE and had a gimmick with his microsoft paint stuff. I HOPE they find something for Rickie though bc he is a damn good talent.
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