March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Just from reading, is there any possible way the Royal Rumble is anywhere close to Takeover?

man they wasting that man in nxt.

i hate when they waste these already known guys in nxt. then they get called up but they already in the wwe system. takes away the big feeling surprise like how aj styles showed up at the rumble

how you gonna make guys like drew galloway, samoa joe, and ec3 go to nxt but have mike enos bennet go straight to smackdown?
Finished watching TO.

Great show.

Skipped the womens match. The Dream/Ohno match was meh. Ohno's fat *** botched a few moves.

Tag match, Black/Cole were :pimp:

Gargano/Almas match was :wow:

Thea is so ****ing hot

Ciampa/Gargano feud will be :pimp:

Only real negative was the crowd being obnoxious after every 2 count wwith the too sweet crap.
Becoming a huge fan of Dream even though it's sort of a Prince knock off but as MN guy I love it. Dude is entertaining and good worker.
That main event was GOOD!
Saw Rhodes turned on Omega so that interest me and maybe get me to watch more NJPW.
But man for the last year when NXT and Raw/SD are taking over a weekend I've enjoyed the HELL out of NXT shows more than Raw/SD. I was trying to think of the last good main event both shows had that would come close to NXT and I can only think of Brock/AJ and the IC triple threat on Raw.
For the final in the Rumble I'm going Jason Jordan, Roman, Seth, Nak, and Finn the winner will be out of those 5. Finn and Nak teaming up.
That match was amazeballs.

so many quotable moments.

"**** you Jay"-Kenny

"That guy is ****ed"-Nick

"Red shoes was slow on the god damn count"-Don

"Keeeennnnyyyyy!" -women in crowd

BC stands for ***** Club. Bunch of whiny punks.

And then my beautiful **** up, Ibu-tan comes to save the day.

That match was amazeballs.

so many quotable moments.

"**** you Jay"-Kenny

"That guy is ****ed"-Nick

"Red shoes was slow on the god damn count"-Don

"Keeeennnnyyyyy!" -women in crowd

BC stands for ***** Club. Bunch of whiny punks.

And then my beautiful **** up, Ibu-tan comes to save the day.


Drew bout to have the ultimate fap coma.
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