March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Man Mutoh has his hands all over this roster in terms of training and clear influence.

Tanahashi: Dragon Screw Spamming
Naito: Pacing
Sanada; Moonsault
Bushi: Mist
Omega: Stop go style
I have to say though, with my own personal gripes aside, this was the most fun watching a wrestling event I have had since the G1.

The live posting was fun as hell, and honestly between the sleep dep, buzz I had, and overall interest, pages of laughs were had.

so big ups to my NTWT/LINTWT fam for hanging in there together (except @Warmachine85 and @Case at the very end :wink:)
Ok I have had my coffee and I am wide awake now and will proceed to give my thoughts on the main event finish.

I just want everyone to know that even though I am a huge Naito and LIJ mark my reaction would have been the same if I wasn't. I am sure I will probably sound super biased but I assure you I am not. I am a big Okada fan as well but this ending just really rubbed me the wrong way.

I just don't understand why you have the hottest guy in the company completing a redemption story that started with a loss to Okada over three years ago and it ended with another loss to Okada. This was THE right time to pull the trigger and they didn't do it. Just disappointed for Naito, he’s worked so hard against the odds and became a megastar in the process. He absolutely deserved tonight. Okada deserves everything he gets bc lets face it he is probably the best to ever grace a NJPW ring but tonight wasn't his night IMO.

I also really have to question the people who defend this with 'longterm booking' when this storyline has been building for over three years. Now is the time to payoff the longterm storyline when it's at it's emotional peak. People want to compare it with Okada losing to Tanahashi at WK9 but the key difference is, Okada already had 2 title reigns, one of which was a 391 day title reign so Okada losing didn't matter here. Naito's only had one title reign that lasted for all of 2 months and only defended it one time. Big difference if you ask me. I have also seen people saying “at least it wasn’t predictable” but seeing over 34,000 people mark the hell out for Natio makes me think sometimes the predictable decision is the best one.

The booking in NJPW has been so good the past few years that I'm more than willing to give the benefit of the doubt and see how this continues but i'd be lying if I said I wasn't extremely disappointed at the outcome.
Naito should have won. Okada is my favorite guy right now but dude should have lost and do a rematch at Power Struggle or King of Pro Wrestling. Okada is a made man, he didn't need to win. Yet I still have faith in NJPW. Maybe there's something there we can't see.
Jericho vs Omega delivered for me, first New Japan event i've watched in full since last year's WK. When the english commentary table got smashed i felt a little for the people who watch WWE PPVs in spanish every month.
How tf you still awake drewdioxin2345 drewdioxin2345 :lol:
I operate on hatred and bitterness for the vast majority of humankind.

And Dino nuggets. I ******* love those.
He has strong style

Shibata :frown:|l

Naw, I'm mostly like a weepy Japanese girl who acts tough on the outside.

But I appreciate the backing.

Also on another note. NJPW has made me into a total mark again and I absolutely love it. WWE step the **** up and learn from these amazing shows that New Japan is putting on. I want to love your product again as much as I love NJPW right now but god damn man ya'll need to get it together.

Agreed with all your points, man. I'm just having the most difficult time understanding how this was beneficial for anyone not named Okada and even then I'm interested to see how the Japanese fanbase reacts to this through social media.

Some friends I have who were there are already voicing their distaste for the outcome, so I can only imagine what others think.
Jericho coming out to Judas was so badass. Puts into perspective how outdated Break the Walls down is. Even Jericho said he's tried to get his theme song changed and didn't know the lyrics to it
Overall the show was really really good. I was most disappointed with Tanahashi-White and I feel a little bad for Jay bc it was a big moment for him and it just fell flat IMO. Hopefully it doesn't phase him and this switchblade character can get better.

Bucks and Roppongi 3K was very solid. Kinda surprised they took the belts off them so quickly but they'll be in the mix for a long time.

Never tag belts are worthless so G.O.D and Fale losing is irrelevant and they will prolly win them again tonight at New Year's Dash.

Cody had his best match in NJPW by far :pimp:

EVIL and Sanada hopefully get a long run with the tag belts but that match seemed a little flat.

Minoru is a wild and scary man I love how he just shaved off the back part of his hair and left it in the ring :lol:. I expected Goto to lose and turn heel in the process but not mad at the result. Makes Minoru look even more deranged with that haircut.

Fatal 4-way was damn good I have no complaints.

Tanahashi and White was super meh and I hate that for Jay but I got faith he will rise up.

Jericho and Omega was awesome. For what it was it was very enjoyable and I was left satisfied. Yeah Jericho has obviously lost a step and can't keep up with Omega but he still made the best of it and it ended up being a crazy brawl. Last few mins were excellent. Hopefully Jericho stays around for a few more matches.
Man. I was with ya’ll through the Cody match and then I knocked out. Woke back up to watch the Omega match, which I liked for what it was and then knocked out again during the beginning of the main event. Gonna catch up on what I missed during work today.
I still have to watch the whole show. I can’t finish this Kenny vs Jericho match without getting bothered. I am up to the point I came into live with y’all.
Caught up on the 500+ posts and I wished I watched with live with you guys. :frown:

The comments had me in tears, like this gem:


I'm picturing Cartman say this. :lol:

Real surprised they didn't pull the trigger on Naito. Would've been a great way to cap off his redemption story. If/when he does beat Okada for the belt it won't be as rewarding IMO.

Gonna watch the show in a few after I run some errands.
Outside looks :x

Waiting for it to stop so i can shovel the snow.

I will head to the store and buy a few things to eat and then put on wk12.

Already read the spoilers, couldn't help myself :smh:

Don’t go outside bro.

I just don't understand why you have the hottest guy in the company completing a redemption story that started with a loss to Okada over three years ago and it ended with another loss to Okada. This was THE right time to pull the trigger and they didn't do it.


Jericho coming out to Judas was so badass. Puts into perspective how outdated Break the Walls down is. Even Jericho said he's tried to get his theme song changed and didn't know the lyrics to it

I still pop for break the walls down lol
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