March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

i aint watch the naito match yet but its hilarious seeing dudes upset that 'their company' making the same decisions as 'our company' in not giving the belts to the ppl champs

makes you wonder eh :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Like I said earlier the booking in NJPW has been so good the past few years that I'm more than willing to give the benefit of the doubt and see how this continues but i'd be lying if I said I wasn't extremely disappointed at the outcome. Also bc I stayed up all night and I am at work running on fumes it made me a little more salty than normal :lol:
**** *** young buck won man wtf


WK trash man
where can i see replay of wrestlekingdom?

Watchwrestling should be good to go bye now..

I've seen several responses on here and twitter about the Jericho match that use words like excellent and great and awesome, but those same reviews/opinions also keep using the words "for what it was"..I think a lot of people are letting the excitement of Chris in a non-WWE ring kinda blind them a little..Not saying the match was awful, I actually enjoyed it..But it definitely didn't come close to living up to the hype..The majority was sloppy as hell and the last couple minutes can't make up for 3/4 of it being, for lack of a better word, boring..Jericho was trying was to hard to be the edgy heel, Kenny still can't figure out how to blade without making it super obvious & he doesn't know yet how to properly pace himself in a match, and it seemed like neither guy could adapt to the other one's style..

I think the thing that sunk this match from the beginning was trying to rush a story and then turning it into a No DQ match..Should've been a simple "Hey I'm back in Japan and want a crack at the best thing going, so let's have a match"..Nothing more, nothing less..
s listed in the WON tonight, Jinder Mahal wrestled the most matches out of anybody on the roster this year at 185 matches.

That's also more than Tetsuya Naito in New Japan, who wrestled in 155 matches (but only 18 were singles).

anyone curious and directly from WON:

MOST MATCHES: Jinder Mahal 185, Baron Corbin 181, A.J. Styles 179, Sami Zayn 178, Charlotte Flair 173

MOST WINS: Dean Ambrose 144, Shinsuke Nakamura 131, Seth Rollins 127, A.J. Styles 117, Roman Reigns 116

Scrolling through the names it looks like Cesaro comes in at number 6 with 171, Nakamura comes in at 7 with 170 and Dean and Sheamus come in at 8 and 9 with 169 and Jason Jordan rounds out the top ten with 166.
Dean really had the most wins? Surprising. From a character and story perspective, this is the first time I'd say it's been a down year for him
Just watched Jericho/Omega and Naito/Okada. Will watch the rest of the card in a bit.

I loved Jericho/Omega. Seems like some of you guys in here had some wild expectations for it going in, and were overly critical, considering Jericho is 47. It was a fun match. Like someone said, it kind of seemed like an ode to the Attitude Era. I was dying laughing when Jericho was on the top rope with the chair and yelled "KEN-NY". That OWA on the chair was vicious.

Absolute TRASH ending to the show. This would've been like Daniel Bryan not winning the triple threat at Mania after the huge build. Naito is as over as can possibly be and the buildup was all there. I'm not even a huge fan of either guy, but it seems brutally obvious as to what should've happened. Match itself was good, but I just can't believe they had Okada go over.
s listed in the WON tonight, Jinder Mahal wrestled the most matches out of anybody on the roster this year at 185 matches.

That's also more than Tetsuya Naito in New Japan, who wrestled in 155 matches (but only 18 were singles).

anyone curious and directly from WON:

MOST MATCHES: Jinder Mahal 185, Baron Corbin 181, A.J. Styles 179, Sami Zayn 178, Charlotte Flair 173

MOST WINS: Dean Ambrose 144, Shinsuke Nakamura 131, Seth Rollins 127, A.J. Styles 117, Roman Reigns 116

Scrolling through the names it looks like Cesaro comes in at number 6 with 171, Nakamura comes in at 7 with 170 and Dean and Sheamus come in at 8 and 9 with 169 and Jason Jordan rounds out the top ten with 166.

Hail the Maharaaaaaaaaaaaajah
I guess I'm the only one who liked the outcome of Okada/Naito..Think it was the perfect swerve to 95% of the audience who though there was no way Naito could lose..Okada is still the best in the world and Naito is still super over with the fans..So Naito not winning is fine with me..I'm thinking this sets up a big heel turn for Okada, so the next time they wrestle Naito will be even more over with the crowd and his win will be that much sweeter..
Show long as hell. Gotta watch this in segments man.

As expected, that 4 Way match was a bunch of STUFF. Not mad at them, just hard to get emotionally attached to those types of matches

I really enjoyed it, but the loud spot calling and blatant pre planned spots definitely took away from the match..Hard to get emotionally invested in a match when the whole thing seems very choreographed..
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