March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week


ihust1e ihust1e
In your opinion where would you do it? Dominion? Sakura Genesis? KOPW? The Dome show is their equivalent to Mania so it makes the MOST sense to ME.

Naito's 4 year long redemption story arc began and ended with losses to Okada it made sense to me to finally end the story here where it all began.

Naito can win it at any other show and i'll be honest it won't be the same for ME personally. This is your big show of the year and your biggest crowd of the year you have the hottest wrestler in the world right now and he has everyone eating out of the palm of his hand. This was the time to do it.

I need time man. I can't say what I would have done. But he JUST won the G1. He JUST won the title a year ago (short time frame in the NJPW world). I don't see the need to "rush" a Naito title reign. I just don't see why it HAS to happen NOW.

To say it HAS to happen now suggests

A. He is going to lose popularity
B. NO other time would be as memorable.

Again, he has yet to CHASE for the title. This was his FIRST Tokyo Dome main event. He JUST won the G1. Should he get all of his gifts at ONCE? I don't see the benefit in that

I guess the prime difference in what we see is you view this moment as the END. I don't see why this had to be the end.
I feel like until time has passed, an you are able to see HOW things have played out, it is #PrisonerOfTheMoment to say something in NJPW (that has a PROVEN track record) was the wrong decision. If it is one thing they know how to do, it is position chess pieces around the Heavyweight Title.

I feel like we should give it time and see how things play out.

But to compare it to a Daniel Bryan type situation is SUPER #NTextreme.
In your opinion where would you do it? Dominion? Sakura Genesis? KOPW? The Dome show is their equivalent to Mania so it makes the MOST sense to ME.

Naito's 4 year long redemption story arc began and ended with losses to Okada it made sense to me to finally end the story here where it all began.

Naito can win it at any other show and i'll be honest it won't be the same for ME personally. This is your big show of the year and your biggest crowd of the year you have the hottest wrestler in the world right now and he has everyone eating out of the palm of his hand. This was the time to do it.

Not being a **** or anything, but this is a very WWE/old school mentality (which y'all constantly accuse me of)..Not every single story line, big or small, has to be blown off at the "Big" show of the year..I tend to always want things to wrap up in a tidy little bow come WrestleMania (or Starrcade for you old enough to remember real wrestling)..But I've been honestly trying to change that view of thinking cause if it's 100% expected (like everyone thought last night would be) then there's no real anticipation/surprise/special moments..

But I understand your point of view completely and don't think you're necessarily wrong..It just don't always have to be that way..

Why does THIS have to be THEEE culmination?

Does his G1 victory 3 months ago not count for anything towards his ascension?

It absolutely doesn't have to be THEE culmination..It can happen anywhere if the story is written, and executed, the right way..And the vast majority of are constantly saying the one thing NJPW crushes WWE at is writing well thought out, and long, stories that keep the fans hooked..
I need time man. I can't say what I would have done. But he JUST won the G1. He JUST won the title a year ago (short time frame in the NJPW world). I don't see the need to "rush" a Naito title reign. I just don't see why it HAS to happen NOW.

To say it HAS to happen now suggests

A. He is going to lose popularity
B. NO other time would be as memorable.

Again, he has yet to CHASE for the title. This was his FIRST Tokyo Dome main event. He JUST won the G1. Should he get all of his gifts at ONCE? I don't see the benefit in that

I guess the prime difference in what we see is you view this moment as the END. I don't see why this had to be the end.

You are right he did just recently win the G1 but he hasn't had the title in over 564 days that is quite a while man. I don't believe they rushed it at all if anything I think the timing was perfect considering this all really began when he lost to Okada the first time at WK.

And it is very possible that he might not ever be as HOT as he is NOW. I could be wrong but you never know.

I also said to ME it will NOT be as memorable if he wont it at another show. The dome is the dome man it is the Wrestle Mania for NJPW it will always outshine any other event. He could win it at any other damn show and for me personally it won't be as memorable.
Not being a **** or anything, but this is a very WWE/old school mentality (which y'all constantly accuse me of)..Not every single story line, big or small, has to be blown off at the "Big" show of the year..I tend to always want things to wrap up in a tidy little bow come WrestleMania (or Starrcade for you old enough to remember real wrestling)..But I've been honestly trying to change that view of thinking cause if it's 100% expected (like everyone thought last night would be) then there's no real anticipation/surprise/special moments..
Well said
You are right he did just recently win the G1 but he hasn't had the title in over 564 days that is quite a while man. I don't believe they rushed it at all if anything I think the timing was perfect considering this all really began when he lost to Okada the first time at WK.

And it is very possible that he might not ever be as HOT as he is NOW. I could be wrong but you never know.

I also said to ME it will NOT be as memorable if he wont it at another show. The dome is the dome man it is the Wrestle Mania for NJPW it will always outshine any other event. He could win it at any other damn show and for me personally it won't be as memorable.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree here. Until we know what the future holds, I don't think we can honestly/objectively say what is/was/ever will be the "perfect" moment.

We can dead it.
We will have a better look at things once Dash is over tonight. Got a sneaky suspicion that if Jericho is sticking around you will see him and Naito next.

I honestly don't know who you give Okada? Ibushi?
From the Classic Japanese Wrestling FB Page.

Stuff like this..............

Some thoughts on Okada. He's awesome, but IMO it's more his opponents make him great than he's just great. He's not elevating people by beating them, he's just squashing their momentum, with the exception of Omega, he's just building his legacy off of great stars. Case in point, EVIL, who is still growing, didn't look great with Okada while Omega made Juice look like gold. Okada's great, but he's been the promised one for a long time in the same way that Roman Reigns has been, but Okada has talent. To that end he's been booked down our throats, love him or hate him. My overall point is it's not hard to be booked as the greatest, which Gedo has done a fine job of doing, but the role of the champ isn't just to beat people, but to elevate them. I know Gedo likes to play the long game, but I think he dropped the ball here.
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