March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

I came across this too...took me all of 3 minutes to read, and I would easily pass a comprehension test connected to retaining the information contained within.

on topic tho, you MUST respect the culture of the places you visit. this shows such typical entitlement, and that's all I have to say about that.

Totally agree..But the funny thing is, almost every time I've been on a vacation in the US and there's been Asian tourists around they are the rudest people to be around..They don't try to "fit in" like they want us to in their countries..They'll cut in front of you in a line, walk right through a picture being taken, step on your feet and not even say sorry (or at least acknowledge they did something wrong)..It's really weird cause I've always assumed they're supposed to be some of the nicest/most polite people in the world..Maybe I just got bad luck..
22stylez 22stylez won the survey 80 out of 90
NTWT Shield Runs this yard again


And not “Again” we’ve been runnin it
Man, the internet is talking about Okada the same way they talk about Roman Reigns. The, "Shoved down our throats" aspect of it.

Folks just don't like dominance.

Same reason @ihust1e hates GSW

Got damn.

I do feel the tide had certainly turned on Okada though, you could hear it when the match started, when Naito walked the ramp, everything. They wanted him to win and topple Gedo's monster.It made that bout all the more exciting. I got goosebumps during those ramp walks.

I came across this too...took me all of 3 minutes to read, and I would easily pass a comprehension test connected to retaining the information contained within.

on topic tho, you MUST respect the culture of the places you visit. this shows such typical entitlement, and that's all I have to say about that.

I see you in that shade, Plutoid Double Roast.

To your second point, I have had this discussion with my international friends and those who have traveled abroad with or without me. I have come to the unrealistic ideal that to be a global society, share culture freely, and truly grow an acceptance of one another, we have to be willing to either confront openly and constructuively the things we deem taboo OR be the vessel in which that taboo is being challenged. For me, it is my body art, and to some extent, my own understanding of how other's perceive my "identity".

I am more than happy to sit with anyone and discuss my choices, my life style, my opinions and ideas in a healthy, non-confrontational way to further understanding for the indivudals after me that may face the challenges I do so they don't receive the same prejudices and slights I may have. 9 times out of 10, I have had some really beautiful interactions with others because I was open and receptive to questions instead of being on gaurd from jump street about my "otherness" in various forms. There is a way to do that totally in line with being respectful to yourself AND the culture you find yourself in that could currently be challenging who and wahat you are and believe you know.

it probably helps that my tattoos are not off demons, anti religious imagery, and what not and instead are of familiar cultural images, but it still stands to reason a certain demo is going to see me as a threat regardless of how cute my tattoos are and how well I pass as either a guy or girl with or without make up on.
Totally agree..But the funny thing is, almost every time I've been on a vacation in the US and there's been Asian tourists around they are the rudest people to be around..They don't try to "fit in" like they want us to in their countries..They'll cut in front of you in a line, walk right through a picture being taken, step on your feet and not even say sorry (or at least acknowledge they did something wrong)..It's really weird cause I've always assumed they're supposed to be some of the nicest/most polite people in the world..Maybe I just got bad luck..

I mean, anywhere there are people there are ******* theory with rude travelers is that they usually have more money than the average citizen and so therefore never really have to be nice to anybody ever.

I do despise people like that, but they seem to know I'm not the fall guy for that type of tomfoolery.

Didn't snow too bad here. The wind is brutal though.

2° right now :sick:

yeah that's some bonafide ********. I heard about 6 inches of snow in some places, but 2 damn degrees is a disaster in and of itself.

I am not looking forward to Philly weather, I remember the winters of there and Chicago very well.
Totally agree..But the funny thing is, almost every time I've been on a vacation in the US and there's been Asian tourists around they are the rudest people to be around..They don't try to "fit in" like they want us to in their countries..They'll cut in front of you in a line, walk right through a picture being taken, step on your feet and not even say sorry (or at least acknowledge they did something wrong)..It's really weird cause I've always assumed they're supposed to be some of the nicest/most polite people in the world..Maybe I just got bad luck..

My neighborhood is one of the more diverse in NYC and has a very strong Asian community. Trust me, the manners just aren’t there. :lol:
Totally agree..But the funny thing is, almost every time I've been on a vacation in the US and there's been Asian tourists around they are the rudest people to be around..They don't try to "fit in" like they want us to in their countries..They'll cut in front of you in a line, walk right through a picture being taken, step on your feet and not even say sorry (or at least acknowledge they did something wrong)..It's really weird cause I've always assumed they're supposed to be some of the nicest/most polite people in the world..Maybe I just got bad luck..

What Asian demographic? Japanese are mad respectful most of the time. depending on wealth, Korean's can be real c words. I have seen some really rude Thai and Vietnamese folks.

That said, I am not saying there are not outliers. I have had some rerally rude *** Japanese people treat me like dog**** but I just kill em with kindness and when they realize I understand them and can speak, they tighten up real quick.

Ol' christmas treeing ***. You know damn well you couldn't read the survey.
What Asian demographic? Japanese are mad respectful most of the time. depending on wealth, Korean's can be real c words. I have seen some really rude Thai and Vietnamese folks.

That said, I am not saying there are not outliers. I have had some rerally rude *** Japanese people treat me like dog**** but I just kill em with kindness and when they realize I understand them and can speak, they tighten up real quick.

Ol' christmas treeing ***. You know damn well you couldn't read the survey.
Soft shot with no receipts. I won the survey so obviously my critical thinking>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>yours.
Got damn.

I do feel the tide had certainly turned on Okada though, you could hear it when the match started, when Naito walked the ramp, everything. They wanted him to win and topple Gedo's monster.It made that bout all the more exciting. I got goosebumps during those ramp walks.

I see you in that shade, Plutoid Double Roast.

To your second point, I have had this discussion with my international friends and those who have traveled abroad with or without me. I have come to the unrealistic ideal that to be a global society, share culture freely, and truly grow an acceptance of one another, we have to be willing to either confront openly and constructuively the things we deem taboo OR be the vessel in which that taboo is being challenged. For me, it is my body art, and to some extent, my own understanding of how other's perceive my "identity".

I am more than happy to sit with anyone and discuss my choices, my life style, my opinions and ideas in a healthy, non-confrontational way to further understanding for the indivudals after me that may face the challenges I do so they don't receive the same prejudices and slights I may have. 9 times out of 10, I have had some really beautiful interactions with others because I was open and receptive to questions instead of being on gaurd from jump street about my "otherness" in various forms. There is a way to do that totally in line with being respectful to yourself AND the culture you find yourself in that could currently be challenging who and wahat you are and believe you know.

it probably helps that my tattoos are not off demons, anti religious imagery, and what not and instead are of familiar cultural images, but it still stands to reason a certain demo is going to see me as a threat regardless of how cute my tattoos are and how well I pass as either a guy or girl with or without make up on.

the only reason I know you're not me after posting this is that I saw a picture of you last night (and I read your other posts).

I'm something of an "other" too, so although I wish some of the things I didn't choose weren't the most interesting things about me to some people, our responsibility as functioning neurons in the collective consciousness dictates that we break down as many barriers as possible, including through some awkward conversations.

as it relates to travel, people inherently understand that you're an outsider, but you have to show that you see their home as more than an amusement park.

like the guy said, every bad experience with an outsider closes a community to further experiences with outsiders.

you are actually holding back human progress with that kind of nonsense.
He got a 30 while you got a 90. Easy work uce

He only understands because numerals aren't letters. >D

the only reason I know you're not me after posting this is that I saw a picture of you last night (and I read your other posts).

I'm something of an "other" too, so although I wish some of the things I didn't choose weren't the most interesting things about me to some people, our responsibility as functioning neurons in the collective consciousness dictates that we break down as many barriers as possible, including through some awkward conversations.

as it relates to travel, people inherently understand that you're an outsider, but you have to show that you see their home as more than an amusement park.

like the guy said, every bad experience with an outsider closes a community to further experiences with outsiders.

you are actually holding back human progress with that kind of nonsense.

ya never know, that collective consciousness you speak of, maybe you and I ARE the same person haha.

"gimmick" infringement aside, I totally see what you are saying. I find I am "on guard" far more in my country of origin than I am when I return to the country that I consider my real "home". Highly likely that has to do with my quick assimilation into the culture as best as I possibly can and the general attitude I bring to my time there (far more positive and cheerful than my time spent in the U.S.).

Everyday, something is gonna happen that you do not expect, whether that be interpersonal or not, how you a navigate it and either allow it to mold you or you mold it to suit you is truly where the "gift" lies.
He only understands because numerals aren't letters. >D

ya never know, that collective consciousness you speak of, maybe you and I ARE the same person haha.

"gimmick" infringement aside, I totally see what you are saying. I find I am "on guard" far more in my country of origin than I am when I return to the country that I consider my real "home". Highly likely that has to do with my quick assimilation into the culture as best as I possibly can and the general attitude I bring to my time there (far more positive and cheerful than my time spent in the U.S.).

Everyday, something is gonna happen that you do not expect, whether that be interpersonal or not, how you a navigate it and either allow it to mold you or you mold it to suit you is truly where the "gift" lies.

people appreciate and gravitate toward a positive vibe because they figure you know something they don't.

nah, we live in the same crapsack world...just that it's easy as **** to be miserable.

being happy is harder, but much more rewarding. can be contagious too.

I’m sure if you win... that money going straight to the expired coffee creamer in the clearance section. :sick::smh:

sell by and use by dates are different you elitist food wasting ****lord.
I’m sure if you win... that money going straight to the expired coffee creamer in the clearance section. :sick::smh:

I am a generous person, so I am gonna pay for your next month of tutoring bubba.

Mazel tov you ignant bastard.

Grats on the win man.
I am a generous person, so I am gonna pay for your next month of tutoring bubba.

Mazel tov you ignant bastard.

Grats on the win man.
Save the money. All that sodium from all them top ramen you be eating gotta be hurting your kidneys.
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