March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

You are right he did just recently win the G1 but he hasn't had the title in over 564 days that is quite a while man. I don't believe they rushed it at all if anything I think the timing was perfect considering this all really began when he lost to Okada the first time at WK.

And it is very possible that he might not ever be as HOT as he is NOW. I could be wrong but you never know.

I also said to ME it will NOT be as memorable if he wont it at another show. The dome is the dome man it is the Wrestle Mania for NJPW it will always outshine any other event. He could win it at any other damn show and for me personally it won't be as memorable.
Well said
Dude was never gonna be the ace, I am fully aware and ok with that, him winning was gonna be the ultimate F U to Kidany and Gedo. Kidany would have to acknowledge all he does for his promotion, and Gedo would realize that the Rainmaker was fallible by someone other than who we deem his only rival, Kenny O.

It wasn't even about the belt for Naito, like you state, it was the main event, but the belt would have been the cherry on top. It was about showing everyone why he deserved to be in the discussion for the best of the company, if not the best, objectively speaking for stories sake. I do truly believe we might not have seen the belt tossing Naito of old due to him finally getting what he wanted and earning it the way he could have. But he would have definitely rubbed it in the powers that be's faces because they backed Okada so heavy handedly.

It is all that about him that has the japanese gravitating toward him. They want to be seen outside of the hive social construct they have to fit into every day. Naito is their release, their vent, and him toppling Okada was saying "I did this my way, took on everyone, you can do it too. Keep doing you because we are ungovernable." I dig the **** out of that because it's punk as hell.

But you can't really be this edgy ungovernable badass who does things his own way when you're pandering to the fans..I really think this sets him up to be the biggest heel in all of professional wrestling..It'll be one of those "I tried it your way and look where it got me. So now I'm gonna go back to doing it my way and everyone better be prepared for what I do next" type of situations..Which I feel is a perfect fit for a guy like him..

And I'm not the one saying it's about the belt for Naito..Everyone else is saying it's all about the belt for Naito..Oh, and btw, not every sundae needs a cherry on top..Sometimes a sundae is perfect just the way it is and that tiny little piece has zero effect on how great the desert is overall..
We will have a better look at things once Dash is over tonight. Got a sneaky suspicion that if Jericho is sticking around you will see him and Naito next.

I honestly don't know who you give Okada? Ibushi?
Not even sure. I think Ibushi should be put with Omega (Finally). But then again, we never know if Ibushi is coming or going.

Not sure who Omega should deal with next. Not Omega. Not Naito. We will see
Jay White is one of the goth kids from South Park

Okada has held the belt for 564 days and counting and has had 9 defenses :lol:

We all know he is THE GUY but come on man how much longer does he need to hold that damn title for?

Naito had the title for 70 days :rofl:

I don't think Okada loses that title for another 2 years unless he gets injured.... The IC and US titles will always be in high prestige if the HW title is unreachable..
I guess I never felt he was pandering, he was embraced and he just kind of rolled with it. You dap up a kid or two, whatever, even badasses have a hint of decency sometimes. To me I always read that as sort of a nod to the generation embracing what he was standing for. Plus culturally and professionally, he is still psuedo beholden to the masses as far as his japaneseness is concerned. But I get where it could certainly be viewed otherwise. My academic/japanese brain doesn't view it I think the way others do haha.

Jay White is the Spencer's Gifts Billy Kidman..

damn, poor Kidman.

Alright, that is a little too far.
loving this WRESTLING discussion, this is quality ****. #NJPWInfluence

I probably wouldn't have even bothered with the flight if I knew about this Bomb Cyclone business, but I'm gonna be in Philly for the Rumble anyway since I already spent the money. anybody else gonna be around?
Omega wrestling himself :wow:

Wood be 7 stars guaranteed :pimp:

Book it! Meltzer in a fap coma just reading this.


Mikaze doesn't know that Sasha and Finn
Do it in his van every Sunday
She tells him she's in church but
She doesn't go
Still she's on her knees and
Mikaze doesn't know!!!

Man, I knew my yellow fever was bad, but he look like a real BAN. The yellow fever really clouds your judgement making 3's solid 7's. It is truly hard to shake.
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