Marques Houston looking a little Kellzish in the light

hope she's not immature
he met her when she was 15-16. posted that they were dating when she turned 18.

edit: "allegedly"

Good for him. If they met when she was 18, hats off.

A man's prime sexual market value years starts after 35 assumimg they take care of themselves. That's when most guys' money situation really boom in terms of their career/business.

A woman's sexual market peak value is between 18-25.

But if he groomed her when she was 15, that's messed.
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Sounds weird but w/e. Im 36 and I feel slightly uncomfortable at the thought of a 20 y/o... Let alone 19 or 18. My friend's have kids that age, that's what's really weird to me.
Was he ever touched as a child? That could be why he's into younger chicks. Kellz was touched as a child and I'm sure that contributed to his illness.
The issue here is that he knew her since she was 15, and he was 33-34. That’s grooming fellas. Just because you supposedly don’t act until she is of age doesn’t make it wrong when you train her for years

I’m 30 right now. If I’m friendly with my 14 year old neighbor and in 4 years we get married, you guys better think something is up there
Shorty look older than 19, homie look younger than 39. I know that doesnt mean much but hey.

Im 30 and dated a 23 year old. There were some differences that are age related but nothing crazy. 39 and 19 is a bit of a stretch but hey.
I think if you’re 30 and don’t have much differences than a 23 year old that says more about you than anything

sorry....I know what the “ law “ says but this is lame and weird. And it’s funny to see people all of a sudden use laws to justify actions when we know they don’t justify anything
I think if you’re 30 and don’t have much differences than a 23 year old that says more about you than anything

sorry....I know what the “ law “ says but this is lame and weird. And it’s funny to see people all of a sudden use laws to justify actions when we know they don’t justify anything

Eh this is one of those things where theres so many variables that that first statement is too generalized. But more often than not I think youre correct though.
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