Marvel Video Games Thread :: Spider-Man 2 (PS5) Out Now!

True its clear on a map.

You learn something new everyday. I've lived in ny almost all my life.. 30 years and I'd always assumed Harlem was at north as it gets in manhattan :lol:

I'm not sure who or where I got that the heights is located in the Bronx from but when I did I never questioned it or bothered to look for it on a map lol
Finally finished it 100%

The storyline & gameplay are excellent, the cutscenes are... well, amazing! Definitely the best Spidey game since SM2, which was one of my fave PS2 games ever.

Looking forward to the Black Cat DLC now, although I do fear it's basically gonna be one huge "drone challenge" where you have to chase her all around the city hitting certain markers in a race against the clock. Those bomb & drone challenges are easily the worst thing about this game... not even a case of "git gud" I like a challenge as much as the next the person, but they were waaay too hard imo, to the point where they weren't even enjoyable. Wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't so much riding on them, but you HAVE to fully complete them on ultimate if you want to unlock all the suits & gadgets.

Anyway, couple of screenshots in the ESU suit & undies lol...

One thing that I wish we saw was a cameo from other superheroes from Marvel Universe. Even something as simple as Daredevil.

I would have enjoyed a couple of missions where you had to work with Daredevil.

Also curious as to who hired Taskmaster.

I liked the twist of Norman trying to cure his son with the use of the symbiote. I'm curious if they plan on introducing Green Goblin and then Norman or Harry becomes the host of the symbiote.
100%'d the game and got the underwear suit.

Now time to platinum the task master challenges (except the drones)
I’m at 96% now think it’s about time I hang it up.

Gonna put in some work on NHL and FIFA until the all the DLC comes out
Great year of games. After I finish this red dead redemption 2 will come out. Then Resident Evil 2 remake. :pimp::pimp::pimp:

Forgot to hide the photo UI on the screenshot but it still came out clean

Had to YouTube how to get gold on the taskmaster challenges to get enough tokens for suits and gadget upgrades. Still need ~15 or so for suit mods but I give up lol drones challenges are the worst lol
I ended up getting all of the costumes besides the underwear one lol. Thankfully didn't have to mess with the drone ones too much

Forgot I was supposed to upload some pics too lol. Maybe tonight
Yeah, I'll just enjoy everyone else's photos. I've been sitting here for the past hour trying to take a decent photo.

I fail lol.
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