Ryu will be bottom-tier, and Dante and maybe Deadpool will be top-tier. I'm calling it. Dante's gonna be just like Magneto and Deadpool will be just like Cable...
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Full trailer:

Dormammu?? Really???

I don't read Doc Strange at all so I had to look him up.

Presented as one of the most powerful known mystical entities within the Marvel Universe, Doctor Strange refers to Dormammu as his "most terrible foe"; a threat to "the life of the universe itself", that "at full power no one could stand against."
The character is an interdimensional entity composed of mystical energy that can be used to achieve effects including: energy projection; matter transmutation; size shifting and teleportation; body possession; resurrection of the dead; bestowing of power; and creating demon lords. In certain instances being displayed approaching a universal scale of influence.
Dormammu is apparently stronger in the Dark Dimension, being empowered by the worship of his followers, and can draw upon its power. The character has been shown to have one significant weakness: being vulnerable in environments that cannot fuel his mystical Faltine flames.

Sounds powerful but we seriously don't know if he's the boss at this moment could just be another challenger just entering the arena....

Also found this....its from wiki take with grain of salt:

Characters confirmed by Niitsuma to be absent from the game have so far included the monsters Tyrant and Nemesis of the Resident Evil series, citing concerns that their inclusion would change the game's content rating, as well as the primary members of Marvel's Fantastic Four, who were excluded at the company's suggestion. Seth Killian has stated that Amingo will not appear.
This game looks so ill!!

Dante looking super legit and my man Deadpool sounding like pops "Bang Bang, Bang Bang"
Yo Deadpool has me so psyched to play this game.....(no bandwagon)

the gameplay itself literally made my day, im just so glad they didnt change what made this game fun
game looks tooooooooooooooooo sick.. nice change of pace from ssf4. also, the broken combos dont seem to be in the game so far, or maybe they havent been discovered yet
Originally Posted by NYH425

game looks tooooooooooooooooo sick.. nice change of pace from ssf4. also, the broken combos dont seem to be in the game so far, or maybe they havent been discovered yet
The game isn't even finished yet, let alone released.  Plus in this day and age with one of the most anticipated games of all time, Capcom isn't going let anything game breaking slip through development.
why would they put in Galactus and not have the F4 in it and its already confirmed the Fantastic Four is not.

The game looks SO intense its ridiculous.

Dante looks unstoppable
Hi everyone your homegirl shay reporting in from e3 :smile: flip hd ultras are the best thing ever!

Here is some video I shot of my brother playing MVC3 today, i just put it on my youtube, i have more vids to upload and i will get more tomorrow. if you want more vids just ask :smile:
idk why but i rly dont like the overall look of the game.
the graphics seem so plastic and dark. 

plus it dosent seem as "fun" as MvC2
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