Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

LimitedRetroOG wrote:

That's cuz they're demonstrating it. Obviously, come time for everyone to play it, it'll be just as fast as MvC2.

Wrong, its already confirmed it will play more at the speed of TvC

Confirmed by who? Dudes at Capcom said themselves it'll be more like MvC2 than TvC.

Did they now?

Overall, though, the game is slightly slower than its predecessors – no bad thing for those that want to extend their mad combo skills beyond crazy button bashing – whist Marvel-heavy, excited graphical touches dominate like never before (including the classic ‘READDDY!’ opening slogan ahead of each fight).
Plus Gamespot editors said the E3 build was very close to TvC speed.

E3 build... Gamespot editors
How many of those guys are gonna play competitively? Have dudes like Justin Wong or Sanford Kelly play it and we'll see how fast that game really is.
Check the interviews and look up some articles. Seth Killian said multiple times it's built is based on MvC2.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

E3 build... Gamespot editors
How many of those guys are gonna play competitively? Have dudes like Justin Wong or Sanford Kelly play it and we'll see how fast that game really is.
Check the interviews and look up some articles. Seth Killian said multiple times it's built is based on MvC2.

Link? Everything i've read stated it'll play alot more like TvC than MvC2 and TvC > MvC2 so it works perfect for me.
After the whole Killzone 2 debacle no one should ever take E3 builds seriously, the final product is never the same
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

"Intense and hectic as MvC2" = just as fast as MvC2.
And no, it really wasn't...

Wrong again, and TvC was heads and shoulders more complex as MvC2 seeing as though it ran off a modified engine of that gam. You probably never played it, and or wasn't good at it though so eh.... 
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

"Intense and hectic as MvC2" = just as fast as MvC2.
And no, it really wasn't...

Wrong again, and TvC was heads and shoulders more complex as MvC2 seeing as though it ran off a modified engine of that gam. You probably never played it, and or wasn't good at it though so eh.... 
Plenty of gameplay videos out to judge the speed and intensity.  The EVO build shows that its fair to say it really is right in between TVC and MVC2.  The simple combo strings adds to the games intensity. 

I wouldn't call TVC more complex than MVC2.   MVC2's "complexity" isn't by design.  Capcom spent no time on balancing the game.  They gave you your 50+ characters and an unrefined fighting engine.  They let the players determine how the game will be played and 10 years later we see what it has become.  Its fun as all hell and there is an insane learning curve now but it just isn't a balanced game.  I'll take TVC over MVC2 any day just because it is more of a complete game.  Not exactly perfect but fun and balanced.

Back to MVC3:
-No more universal air dashing = great for character differentiation
-I'm not a fan of the Ariel Exchange system as is.  There should be more of a cost instead of the whole rock-paper-scissors counter risk.  Make it cost a meter for each tag and adjust meter build up accordingly.  I love ariel combat but if launching is easier now, entire matches will be played in the air..  TVC does a good job of balancing ground and air game.
-X-Factor and canceling... um..  there just has to be a better way to implement canceling.  3 character teams justifies and x-factor power boost I guess but there has to be some way to work canceling in there outside of the x-factor.  Again, make it cost some meter.
-When will the Dante experiment end?  He has an insane arsenal, incredible range, and a better version of the Captain Commando ground pound assist...  If so much time went into this character then you should know how you want him to play by now.  Hopefully we see some appropriate nerfs come release..

Overall though I'm even more excited for this game.
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

LimitedRetroOG wrote:

"Intense and hectic as MvC2" = just as fast as MvC2.
And no, it really wasn't...

Wrong again, and TvC was heads and shoulders more complex as MvC2 seeing as though it ran off a modified engine of that gam. You probably never played it, and or wasn't good at it though so eh.... 

I play both, just as good in both, and like both just fine.
TvC is a watered down, more simplified version of MvC2. Don't get me wrong, I like TvC, but it's like a connect the dot puzzle compared to MvC2.
Just the assists alone make it more complex than TvC. MvC2 you got unlimited assists, knowing when to call your assists, having to dodge those unlimited assists while your opponent is constantly attacking you, being able to chain your assists to perform your combos, choosing your assist types, the list goes on and on. That is not to say that you can't chain your assist to perform your combos in TvC or stuff like that, but you can't even call your assist while you're blocking and getting attacked cuz you'll just tag.
Don't even get me started on the Infinites.
Try again.
Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

LimitedRetroOG wrote:

"Intense and hectic as MvC2" = just as fast as MvC2.
And no, it really wasn't...

Wrong again, and TvC was heads and shoulders more complex as MvC2 seeing as though it ran off a modified engine of that gam. You probably never played it, and or wasn't good at it though so eh.... 
Plenty of gameplay videos out to judge the speed and intensity.  The EVO build shows that its fair to say it really is right in between TVC and MVC2.  The simple combo strings adds to the games intensity. 

I wouldn't call TVC more complex than MVC2.   MVC2's "complexity" isn't by design.  Capcom spent no time on balancing the game.  They gave you your 50+ characters and an unrefined fighting engine.  They let the players determine how the game will be played and 10 years later we see what it has become.  Its fun as all hell and there is an insane learning curve now but it just isn't a balanced game.  I'll take TVC over MVC2 any day just because it is more of a complete game.  Not exactly perfect but fun and balanced.

Back to MVC3:
-No more universal air dashing = great for character differentiation
-I'm not a fan of the Ariel Exchange system as is.  There should be more of a cost instead of the whole rock-paper-scissors counter risk.  Make it cost a meter for each tag and adjust meter build up accordingly.  I love ariel combat but if launching is easier now, entire matches will be played in the air..  TVC does a good job of balancing ground and air game.
-X-Factor and canceling... um..  there just has to be a better way to implement canceling.  3 character teams justifies and x-factor power boost I guess but there has to be some way to work canceling in there outside of the x-factor.  Again, make it cost some meter.
-When will the Dante experiment end?  He has an insane arsenal, incredible range, and a better version of the Captain Commando ground pound assist...  If so much time went into this character then you should know how you want him to play by now.  Hopefully we see some appropriate nerfs come release..

Overall though I'm even more excited for this game.

Not really... Those videos don't really do much justice. They're just demonstrating it, so they're not really playing it as fast as it's meant to be played.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Not really... Those videos don't really do much justice. They're just demonstrating it, so they're not really playing it as fast as it's meant to be played.
I don't know if you are referring to the E3 build or the EVO build because both are VERY different and were in the hands of different types of players.
This is a match between Justin Wong and RyRy after a couple hours with the game.  I just dont know how fast yall expect the game to be but here it is in the hands of some big names. I think this serves as a good glimpse of what advanced play will begin to look like. Again, keep in mind we are talking about a game that is said to be ~50% complete but the quicker you dismiss the notion that this is MVC2 pt. 2 the sooner you will come to terms with what to expect come Spring 2011. MVC3 = TVC x MVC2 and too me that is a good thing.
Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Not really... Those videos don't really do much justice. They're just demonstrating it, so they're not really playing it as fast as it's meant to be played.
I don't know if you are referring to the E3 build or the EVO build because both are VERY different and were in the hands of different types of players.
This is a match between Justin Wong and RyRy after a couple hours with the game.� I just dont know how fast yall expect the game to be but here it is in the hands of some big names.� I think this serves as a good glimpse of what advanced play will begin to look like.� Again, keep in mind we are talking about a game that is said to be� ~50% complete but the quicker you dismiss the notion that this is MVC2 pt. 2 the sooner you will come to terms with what to expect come Spring 2011.� MVC3 = TVC x MVC2 and too me that is a good thing.

deadpool moonwalking at 8:04

cant wait for this game
Originally Posted by Dakingii

After the whole Killzone 2 debacle no one should ever take E3 builds seriously, the final product is never the same
"Debacle" is too strong of a term since the final product came out just fine. Did it look like the E3 trailer? No but they came pretty damn close...
Was pissed at the idea of Skrull b4 . . . but taking 4 bland characters and turning them into one really good one, AND saving roster spots. >>> Could kinda care less about Trish though
at this point im happy the game is actually coming out..

but the characters selections im not really to happy about..

would love to see Akuma, Zero, Gambit, Iceman and venom..
I hear that, but with 35 or so roster slots, and Marvel making damn sure this Avenger movie gets promoted by hook or crook, it's not looking good for some old favorites. But who knows. Still SMHing at Trish. Devil May Cry didn't need 2 characters . . . period.
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