Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by iHust1e

yall act like you were using all 56 characters in mvc 2. 
they should've and made em all 3D....king of fighters series keeps all their characters....

MvC2 came out in 2000. Do you really think they had the technology back then to make them 3D without them looking like Porygon from Pokemon? KoF was never 3D unless you're talking about those garbage Maximum Impact on PS2. And no, they didn't keep all the characters in ever KoF game.
im talkin about NOW...they should've brought back every single character + more and do da graphics they doing now.

Then we wouldn't get the game until the PS4 games out. It already took 3 years to get 36 characters. Imagine another 20 or so. They were also having trouble fitting in characters in due to issues with RAM and stuffs.
the RAM stuff was bull !%!%. we were lied to.
it was more about who couldn't get in the game due to marvel saying yes/no. remember, some of these characters are from new comics, recent comic story lines, new movies, recent movies, etc.

basically its designed to also get ppl interested in the characters and buy the merchandise (movies, comics, action figures).

we are going to end up with more than 36 characters with dlc. watch. they're going to nickel and dime us.
Originally Posted by debs 168

when mvc3 drops, sf4, ssf4, and ssf4ae will be considered obsolete, IMO. ppl will drop that game. ppl were only playing it just cuz nothing else was out as far as capcom games.

watch. EVERYONE will be on mvc3, dissecting it.

I don't think this is true. SF4 is still considered obsolete compared to MvC2, at least, to hardcore fighting game players. However, they both have their own separate fanbase. I think people play SF4 cuz they actually like it. With that said, both will continue to have their own fanbase.
However, I'm even gonna go ahead and say MvC2 > MvC3. At least, based on what I see.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

LimitedRetroOG wrote:

^That's what makes the game fun and fast-paced. Just being able to link your assists into your combos, using the assists to counter, protecting your assists, and avoiding your opponent's assists.
As said, if "spamming" if what it takes to win, then so be it.
%$@#, I do it, too. Why? Cuz it gets me victories.

From what I see, you still have the option to relentlessly call your assists. People just don't do it as much right now cuz they're learning. But yeah, the "spamming" is what makes the game fun and fast-paced, so I hope it remain the same in MvC3.
And they're not really "spamming" they have unlimited assists and no delay unlike TvC where you gotta wait each time you call and assist, so they're making use of that.

lol ima keep it real i spam too, only because I HAVE TO.. my original team before X box online was

Strider, Guile and Akuma, then when I got to play online, and realised that people SPAM, with the reg, Sentanil, storm, cable, iron man and etc.

I had to change my team up abit, my team because of the online spamming is,  Iceman, akuma and Cable

You talking about those dudes that go "ICE BEAM! ICE BEAM! ICE BEAM!" and the fact that Iceman takes no chip damage?

Yea man, Thats em, But ONLY because other people SPAM so muc
Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

LimitedRetroOG wrote:

^That's what makes the game fun and fast-paced. Just being able to link your assists into your combos, using the assists to counter, protecting your assists, and avoiding your opponent's assists.
As said, if "spamming" if what it takes to win, then so be it.
%$@#, I do it, too. Why? Cuz it gets me victories.

From what I see, you still have the option to relentlessly call your assists. People just don't do it as much right now cuz they're learning. But yeah, the "spamming" is what makes the game fun and fast-paced, so I hope it remain the same in MvC3.
And they're not really "spamming" they have unlimited assists and no delay unlike TvC where you gotta wait each time you call and assist, so they're making use of that.

lol ima keep it real i spam too, only because I HAVE TO.. my original team before X box online was

Strider, Guile and Akuma, then when I got to play online, and realised that people SPAM, with the reg, Sentanil, storm, cable, iron man and etc.

I had to change my team up abit, my team because of the online spamming is,  Iceman, akuma and Cable

You talking about those dudes that go "ICE BEAM! ICE BEAM! ICE BEAM!" and the fact that Iceman takes no chip damage?

Yea man, Thats em, But ONLY because other people SPAM so muc
i used to STAY spanking ice man with silver samurai, he DOES give chip damage...and thats why i laugh at people who get frustrated at people who "spam"

da accountability is on you to know what characters's strengths/weaknesses are....another one is me using omega red to abuse cable, simply because his coils prevented

cable from just running away from you shooting his cannon...its SIMPLE nuances like that can change complete matches in your favor.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by debs 168

when mvc3 drops, sf4, ssf4, and ssf4ae will be considered obsolete, IMO. ppl will drop that game. ppl were only playing it just cuz nothing else was out as far as capcom games.

watch. EVERYONE will be on mvc3, dissecting it.

I don't think this is true. SF4 is still considered obsolete compared to MvC2, at least, to hardcore fighting game players. However, they both have their own separate fanbase. I think people play SF4 cuz they actually like it. With that said, both will continue to have their own fanbase.
However, I'm even gonna go ahead and say MvC2 > MvC3. At least, based on what I see.
honestly, its too early to tell but its just a hunch. everyone i know that plays SF4 hardcore is only doing it because everyone else is. everyone i know also says the game isn't really that good but there is (was) nothing else out at the moment. with the release of mvc3 that changes everything.

i do think that there will always be sf4 players and ppl will still enter tournaments but i also think there will be a huge drop off. the focus will be on mvc3. everyone wants to relive the early to mid mvc2 years.

i can't agree with mvc2 > mvc3 because early mvc2 was just like what we're seeing in those vids of mvc3. a bunch of time outs, random supers, etc. ppl playing characters that seem strong now but will end up cast aside for somebody that we'll figure out is better later.
i remember back when the following were top or close to it:

black heart

now, nobody uses those characters (although spiral IMO is still decent with sent or doom, its just very hard to go against mag w/psy assist in general).

remember what mvc2 was like before the slide inf, rom, etc., before resets and guard breaks became so big.
blackheart isn't considered top tier anymore, tho. that trap stuff won't work anymore on most teams that are used nowadays (by pro players).
bh hasn't been top tier since like 02, iirc. thats real early marvel.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by MrBrown

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by Lebron Games23

Howard The Duck??


I can't believe this...

Can't believe how awesome it is? But if gets included, it makes sense to me: On the Capcom side, there are like 3-4 of these joke characters. The Marvel side should have at least one then.

Agreed. We need more crazy characters. Remember this is supposed to a fun fighting game. SF4 is there if you're looking for a serious balanced game...not saying that this won't be balanced but come on let's be serious. It's a cross-over fighting game.

Let us be serious
I was under the impression that it's the "IT" fighting game right now. If not what is? I honestly don't care and can't stand the hardcore fighting game scene. Biggest cornballs on the planet.

EDIT: Some of the choices capcom made in picking their roster has me worried. I knew things were gonna get bad once Kenji left but damn No Megaman... Even if he is DLC it's such a slap in the face. That's your posterboy. How are gonna put in Trish 
, Nathan (Is there even 5 people in the world who know who he is or even like this character), She-Hulk
, and 4 people from Street Fighter IV. Are you kidding me...What a waste of character slots.

The "It" fighting game is actually MvC2. You will never see people get as hyped for SF4 like you see MvC2. There's even elitists who swear by 3rd Strike and feel SF4 is inferior to 3S. I agree that they're making poor choices when it comes to characters. I've said multiple times they're just putting in random characters to make the game interesting. But who's Nathan? There's no Nathan in MvC3.
the thing that made me wonder the most was Tron-Bonne and no Megaman. @@%?
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Im actually someone who travels around to Fighting game tourneys and this statement is an absolute lie....MvC2 doesent even have close to the community SF4 has right now, like honestly its not even close 
... I went to Evo last year and i wish i could find the numbers but there were probablly 6 or 7 times the people entered into street fighter rather then MvC2....MvC2 hasent been the it game in a long time[/font]
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by MrBrown

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by Lebron Games23

Howard The Duck??


I can't believe this...

Can't believe how awesome it is? But if gets included, it makes sense to me: On the Capcom side, there are like 3-4 of these joke characters. The Marvel side should have at least one then.

Agreed. We need more crazy characters. Remember this is supposed to a fun fighting game. SF4 is there if you're looking for a serious balanced game...not saying that this won't be balanced but come on let's be serious. It's a cross-over fighting game.

Let us be serious
I was under the impression that it's the "IT" fighting game right now. If not what is? I honestly don't care and can't stand the hardcore fighting game scene. Biggest cornballs on the planet.

EDIT: Some of the choices capcom made in picking their roster has me worried. I knew things were gonna get bad once Kenji left but damn No Megaman... Even if he is DLC it's such a slap in the face. That's your posterboy. How are gonna put in Trish 
, Nathan (Is there even 5 people in the world who know who he is or even like this character), She-Hulk
, and 4 people from Street Fighter IV. Are you kidding me...What a waste of character slots.

The "It" fighting game is actually MvC2. You will never see people get as hyped for SF4 like you see MvC2. There's even elitists who swear by 3rd Strike and feel SF4 is inferior to 3S. I agree that they're making poor choices when it comes to characters. I've said multiple times they're just putting in random characters to make the game interesting. But who's Nathan? There's no Nathan in MvC3.
the thing that made me wonder the most was Tron-Bonne and no Megaman. @@%?
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Im actually someone who travels around to Fighting game tourneys and this statement is an absolute lie....MvC2 doesent even have close to the community SF4 has right now, like honestly its not even close 
... I went to Evo last year and i wish i could find the numbers but there were probablly 6 or 7 times the people entered into street fighter rather then MvC2....MvC2 hasent been the it game in a long time[/font]

Well yeah, I know SF4 has a larger fanbase. But that's mainly cuz SF4 appeals more to the casual and beginners whereas MvC2 appeals to the hardcore players. I'm basing this mainly on the hype MvC2 gets. You will never see people get as hyped for SF as MvC2.
Originally Posted by debs 168

blackheart isn't considered top tier anymore


there's people that play with him REAL offensively...don't let that trap nonsense fool you, son is still top tier

Well yeah, I know SF4 has a larger fanbase. But that's mainly cuz SF4 appeals more to the casual and beginners whereas MvC2 appeals to the hardcore players. I'm basing this mainly on the hype MvC2 gets. You will never see people get as hyped for SF as MvC2.

i honestly just dont believe that. Yea back in its prime MvC2 was the @*%, but today? it gets no where near the hype SF4 gets at tourneys. and for people posting that Match for WCW Neo vs Clockwork, that doesent count. anyone who knows the story behind that match knows it was a special occasion.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by debs 168

blackheart isn't considered top tier anymore


there's people that play with him REAL offensively...don't let that trap nonsense fool you, son is still top tier

don't let one or two ppl bodying u with bh make u think he's top. sentMagstorm CableThat's pretty much it. Obviously you'll see cap com and psy as assists. Bh isn't played by many ppl at all. Again that's early marvel. He's been obsolete for years along with spiral/sent teams.
Do we really need 11 female characters?

I mean felicia,X-23, morrigan and tron-bonne? No thank you
The only 3 that will be used is Storm, Jill and Viper
Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Do we really need 11 female characters?

I mean felicia,X-23, morrigan and tron-bonne? No thank you
The only 3 that will be used is Storm, Jill and Viper
this is true but I was thinking along the lines of
Felicia-- Hell no

X-23--might= Storm *might be a stretch lol*

Morrigan-- I think everyone can agree for her to not be in the game (except maybe the females)

Tron-bonne--She is beast, I say keep because she was a favorite in MvC2 
Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Do we really need 11 female characters?

I mean felicia,X-23, morrigan and tron-bonne? No thank you
The only 3 that will be used is Storm, Jill and Viper

Add Trish and Chun Li to that mix. her legs assist is godlike, you cant push block them off you combined with Trish's lockdown hyper?= over for you.
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