You know what it is? It's damn laziness...
Same thing with Megaman. That is a dirt poor excuse. That reason doesn't apply because he's in TvC just fine and so is Megaman.
Unlocked up to Task in about an hour and a half
Ima try and beat the arcade with every character before I hop online

Quick question what is considered an advanced block? my defense is terrible

Anybody that hasn't tried dormmamu, dude is unreal! A button mashers dream
you guys use the simple controls or just normal? havent started yet, but i think it's gonna be a while to learn everything
Originally Posted by quanb24

i wouldn't say its a big learing curve once you map out the buttons to your liking its smooth sailing i was having trouble until i got the right button settings i felt comfortable with

mission mode helps big time as well. 
@ Golden.. "simple mode" sucks.. even for beginners IMO.. it gimps the entire game. 


my squad: Wolverine, Deadpool, & Super Skrull

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by quanb24

i wouldn't say its a big learing curve once you map out the buttons to your liking its smooth sailing i was having trouble until i got the right button settings i felt comfortable with

mission mode helps big time as well. 
@ Golden.. "simple mode" sucks.. even for beginners IMO.. it gimps the entire game. 


my squad: Wolverine, Deadpool, & Super Skrull

i guess i'll customize my own buttons, that im confy with... since you dont use all the buttons on ps3 for controls... and now that everyone still sucks at it, well most of us, would be a good idea to start a tournament for both ps3 and 360.. only kinda sucks you cant watch others play while you wait

Originally Posted by robxdrew

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by robxdrew

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

 i cancel my cduniverse order...refresh amazon link...its out of stock 

Whaaaaattt. Damn that sucks man. Why you cancel your order though?
i paid for tracking and it was supposed to ship on monday...still said processing they took my money...i got the cancelation email but money still gone if it happens to arrive ill just sell it if not hope i get my $ quick...i also sent them a email after i canceled asking if they shipped or what cause i went a head and canceled ill let you know if they hit me back 

I appreciate it man. I'm really hoping my order goes through.
they told me "The canceled order was authorized but as it was not shipped no charges were processed." so it went through but they hadnt shipped yet, any update on your order?
Wesker/ Sent are def God Tiers
. Wesker's level 1 Hyper is like a frame Faster than Maximum Spider it seems. There's like 0 tolerance for error
-- I like my Doom / Task/ Spidey squad, though. Pretty fun combos, Doom's 'stun' w/ the overhead heavy attack is a great lead in strategy. It crosses up and can lead into some powerful combos w/ his rocks which can cancel into his level 1 Hyper (When he puts you in a chamber and he's sitting in a chair) for a lot of damage. ...and Task's COUNTERS are illlllll
Add me on PS3(sig check)

I'm competitive in terms of at least getting the other team down to 1 character but I haven't reached a good level of consistency. Would love to get a consistent opponent to train with.
Yeah, full 360 (Pertaining to side of the screen). When you input the Hado + 2 ATK, press the DPAD in any UP, Down or Diagonal direction.
Last night was crazy, 4 hours of @+%* talking and mad combos, gg's yall. Ill throw up the lobby again tonight.
anyone know if you can share the DLC from the special edition? i don't know if my local spots still have the s.e.
Originally Posted by CLU713

anyone know if you can share the DLC from the special edition? i don't know if my local spots still have the s.e.

im sure you can...or just wait till march 15...all se had is a code for march 15
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by robxdrew

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by robxdrew

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

 i cancel my cduniverse order...refresh amazon link...its out of stock 

Whaaaaattt. Damn that sucks man. Why you cancel your order though?
i paid for tracking and it was supposed to ship on monday...still said processing they took my money...i got the cancelation email but money still gone if it happens to arrive ill just sell it if not hope i get my $ quick...i also sent them a email after i canceled asking if they shipped or what cause i went a head and canceled ill let you know if they hit me back 

I appreciate it man. I'm really hoping my order goes through.
they told me "The canceled order was authorized but as it was not shipped no charges were processed." so it went through but they hadnt shipped yet, any update on your order?

So I called them earlier this morning. The lady said that they haven't received their shipment from the warehouse yet since the product was of high demand. (She knew the instant she saw MvC 3
). I asked her if I was still guaranteed my copy and she said just as long as you pre-ordered then I should be fine.

This article might explain as well. Damnit Capcom.

[h1]Update from Capcom on the status of delayed MvC3 orders[/h1]

Some users have experienced delays receiving Marvel vs. Capcom 3 from the official Capcom Store. Darin, the manager for the store, sent over this message explaining what's going on behind the scenes.

As much as we would like to we can't guarantee delivery on release day. The best we can do is ship early so that there is a high likelihood they will arrive on release day. Orders began shipping last Thursday and a big majority did arrive by 2/15.

For the orders that have not yet been delivered there are a couple issues at play:

1. Many fans have said their order shipped early but are puzzled by tracking information. We can't confirm this but it appears the tracking info is not updating as it shows some orders sitting in Indiana. As of this writing that has not changed since the orders arrived there. We're not sure what is happening here but are investigating.

2. There was an "outage" at the company who does our order fulfillment. We did not find out about this until just before noon Pacific Time today. This outage required them to resubmit a number of orders. They have since confirmed that the orders affected shipped today.

Thanks to Ogrimtitan for the initial heads up.
Originally Posted by bdis1986

for the life of me i don't know how to switch characters in battle ..

It took me and my friend a minute to figure this out

If you're on PS3 you gotta hold R1 or L1, for 360 it's RB or LB.
Speaking of sentinel, anybody having trouble with his mission #6??

Standing H
Crouching H
Rocket Punch M
Hyper Sentinel Force

I don't know what the problem is, I can do all 4 moves in succession, but the 4th move doesn't want to connect for some reason... After I hit the rocket punch, the cpu dummy is in the air and I do the hyper sentinel force, but it doesn't connect....

^^ everytime i see your avy i die. 

just picked mine up... kinda sucks about the lack of depth with characters but oh well. love these games either way.
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