Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

They need to not lump that in as a school shooting in the usual since like they’re trying to do.

so this senior got washed by a freshmen in front of everybody

then came back and shot the freshmen, two adults (staff, mostly like trying to stop him), a girl (who mostly likely denied him bunz)

shot four ppl and they all lived (thank jesus)

and did it at school so they for sure catch him (yo he for sure wanted to go to jail)

at least he could've wait til things simmered down rolled on him in the future

Yall already know why THEY want to call it a school shooting and not a shooting incident at school. Its the melanin of the kid. They want to even things out, like "see it aint only ours"....
spinners gon spin

u more worried about how fox news gon spin the story rather than the actual event
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so this senior got washed by a freshmen in front of everybody

then came back and shot the freshmen, two adults (staff, mostly like trying to stop him), a girl (who mostly likely denied him bunz)

shot four ppl and they all lived (thank jesus)

and did it at school so they for sure catch him (yo he for sure wanted to go to jail)

at least he could've wait til things simmered down rolled on him in the future

spinners gon spin

u more worried about how fox news gon spin the story rather than the actual event
Naw you're right. They already got me. Already worried about the wrong things, meanwhile this kid just lost his future, and has altered 4 others. SMH to myself.
Naw you're right. They already got me. Already worried about the wrong things, meanwhile this kid just lost his future, and has altered 4 others. SMH to myself.
there's always round two in a fight. esp if u humiliate/OD on someone. shooting innocent randos is WAY worse

son had a gold grill/earing and a 2018 charger, so it probably got that new as when he got his DL

a pretty sweet set up, wish i had that in HS. threw it all away over a beating, ppl get whooped everyday

he's 18 so by next year he gets a fresh start in college. 95% of these ppl he was w in hs won't ever see/speak to him ever again anyway
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My baby stays in Texas and this happened in her district.

Just glad it was not just some random shooting but we also need to start taking responsibility about the music and images our kids ingest.

This aint the hood..... this is a nice neighborhood.

Also found out my dad died.

Not a good day for ya boy.

My baby stays in Texas and this happened in her district.

Just glad it was not just some random shooting but we also need to start taking responsibility about the music and images our kids ingest.

This aint the hood..... this is a nice neighborhood.

Also found out my dad died.

Not a good day for ya boy.
sorry to hear about yo pops. glad yo lil girl is safe

My baby stays in Texas and this happened in her district.

Just glad it was not just some random shooting but we also need to start taking responsibility about the music and images our kids ingest.

This aint the hood..... this is a nice neighborhood.

Also found out my dad died.

Not a good day for ya boy.

damn man…

sorry to hear of your loss..
This was last year in the Dallas area. Can't do anything without the chance of being shot. This was in an area a lot rougher than Timberview.

Greg Abbott's Texas.

because this isn’t new..

other countries actually do things when things happen and it seemingly works

maybe America should give it a thought
like who? like the UK who banned knives? that really worked out

The Onion is a satirical. south park made fun of boomers who post Onion articles on FB as facts.

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u been on NT too long, it's frying yo brain
like who? like the UK who banned knives? that really worked out

Here’s how other countries have responded to mass shootings

In August 1987, Michael Robert Ryan gunned down 16 people in Hungerford, Britain. The scale of the massacre shocked the country. At the time, The Washington Post described it as the “worst such incident in modern British history.”

Ryan, 27 and unemployed, was armed with a Chinese copy of a Kalashnikov AK-47 and a variety of other guns. His motive was never discovered. He killed himself and his mother, his only close relative.

In response to the massacre, British Home Secretary Douglas Hurd called for an investigation into Ryan’s legal ownership of the guns he used. The Firearms (Amendment) Act 1988, passed with the backing of prime minister Margaret Thatcher’s right-wing Conservative government, outlawed semiautomatic weapons and limited sales of some types of shotguns.

These weapons were rare in Britain, so the impact was limited. But after another mass shooting in March 1997, when Thomas Hamilton killed 16 children and their teacher at Dunblane Primary School in Scotland using Browning and Smith & Wesson handguns, more sweeping rules were put in place.

Public anger over the killings led to a powerful grass-roots campaign called Snowdrop. The 1997 Firearms Act ended up restricting ownership of almost all handguns. Tens of thousands of guns were collected from owners, who were given market value for the weapons. The police spent years cracking down on illegal gun ownership.

Gun violence peaked in 2005 and gradually declined in the years since.

Relatives of those who died in Britain’s mass shootings have said their experiences could help the United States reckon with gun-control reform.

“Eyes are going to be on Dunblane, and we don’t need the eyes on Dunblane any more,” Jack Crozier, whose 5-year-old sister Emma was killed in the massacre, said at an anniversary event in March. “But we need to be looking at what is going on in other countries, and America in particular.”

The Onion is a satirical. south park made fun of boomers who post Onion articles on FB as facts

good luck clicking on those “onion articles”
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i personally do not care if people have guns..

buttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt they should have to go through a hell of alot to get them and keep them..

registration, licensing, insurance and alot ALOT of regulation
All of this disadvantages the disfranchised even more. Especially the darker you get, especially Blacks. This would involve some type of tax hike and a lot of other **** that'll primarily affect the main targets on gun violence. Its really not a cut and dry conversation for this country as it may be for others for reasons more than just registrations, etc. Guns are so important to this country that it's the 2nd Amendment.
All of this disadvantages the disfranchised even more. Especially the darker you get, especially Blacks. This would involve some type of tax hike and a lot of other **** that'll primarily affect the main targets on gun violence. Its really not a cut and dry conversation for this country as it may be for other. Guns are so important to this country that it's the 2nd Amendment.

i don’t care

healthcare should be more of a right/concern than owning a damn gun, in your country

and all those things I listed are regularly expected in other aspects of most people‘s daily lives and people go on all fine and dandy

im not American, but this shh happening before i was about to take my 4 year old nephew to the mall REALLY makes me not give a damn about that whole 2nd amendment BS

i don’t care

healthcare should be more of a right/concern than owning a damn gun, in your country

and all those things I listed are regularly expected in other aspects of most people‘s daily lives and people go on all fine and dandy

im not American, but this shh happening before i was about to take my 4 year old nephew to the mall REALLY makes me not give a damn about that whole 2nd amendment BS

I understand your frustration, but it's cultural. Same w/ racism, capitalism, and patriarchy. Violence is a major part of the American identity & guns have been our symbolic instrument to help carry that out. We live in a complicated system and the fact that our identities are often attached to it complicates things more b/c of emotions.
I understand your frustration, but it's cultural. Same w/ racism, capitalism, and patriarchy. Violence is a major part of the American identity & guns have been our symbolic instrument to help carry that out. We live in a complicated system and the fact that our identities are often attached to it complicates things more b/c of emotions.

ive spent enough time in the US, having attended high school and college in Florida.. hell going there every year since before I can remember to go to Disney world.. I was born and live in the Bahamas, I know Americans.. I grew up on American tv, with American movies, with American music, played all the video games

the 2nd amendment was ratified on December 15th, 1971.. heavy consideration should be given to the types of “arms” envisioned then
i don’t care

healthcare should be more of a right/concern than owning a damn gun, in your country

and all those things I listed are regularly expected in other aspects of most people‘s daily lives and people go on all fine and dandy

im not American, but this shh happening before i was about to take my 4 year old nephew to the mall REALLY makes me not give a damn about that whole 2nd amendment BS

u got some nerve, as a guest telling americans how to live their lives, nontheless try to change it

i don't agree with everything that goes in other countries. i don't agree with their customs/religion/culture/ways of living
but as a guest, i respect their way of life and try not to step on their toes. i would never tell other people what do it, in THEIR country

murica used 9/11 (an american tragedy) and used it as an excuse to go into a 20 year war that costs millions of lives
as older i get (more taxes i pay) i realize that bigger (more powerful) government is not the answer
ppl don't so well when they have too much power

ask canada what happens when u give up all the guns/right for free health care/discounted college
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