Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

I feel bad for people that have to commute on the subway everyday. Gotta worry about mass shooters, getting pushed on the tracks, someone slashing your face with a knife, someone throwing their poop on you.
Pandemic really exposed how ignorant this city is and humans in general can be. Subways were never a “safe“ place, but I know for sure people are on high alert when commuting these days.
no lie during rush hour here in philly yesterday i was on the BSL (Broad St Line) heading home when we came to a stop at walnut and locust

the whole trains generator shut off to where every cart was dark with no light, doors wouldnt open, no air etc

people were deff panicking and i just thought to myself it really isn't nowhere to go when you on a packed train

after about 5-6 mins everything came back on

was just weird timing with what happened in NY that same morning

He said he not built for jail. So the cops may have to take dude out.
Big Khufu energy.
They just arrested him. They always all talk

no lie during rush hour here in philly yesterday i was on the BSL (Broad St Line) heading home when we came to a stop at walnut and locust

the whole trains generator shut off to where every cart was dark with no light, doors wouldnt open, no air etc

people were deff panicking and i just thought to myself it really isn't nowhere to go when you on a packed train

after about 5-6 mins everything came back on

was just weird timing with what happened in NY that same morning
That happened to me too on that line, maybe 7-8 years back
Doesn’t New York have some of the strictest gun laws in the country?
Correct they do. The gun he had I have no doubt was illegally obtained
But than again apparently he had addresses in different states so I could be wrong
Either way glad they caught him
Pandemic really exposed how ignorant this city is and humans in general can be. Subways were never a “safe“ place, but I know for sure people are on high alert when commuting these days.
the pandemic just pretty much exposed the ugly side of humanity. lots of Karen went out of control. this is why I believed that stricter rules and laws should be implemented and certain rights to be put into better scrutiny.
Please believe. Guy has been identified in under 12 hours

You've been watching too many movies set in london :lol:
London leads the world in CCTV. They are quick to ID suspects and they don't have laws where citizens have the right to hold footage unless a warrant is procured. In this incident, the camera at the station is broken and probably has been for years.
The mask mandate gave a reason for people to start acting reckless here too. Right idea, masks were definitely needed, but people felt they can get away with anything once masked up.
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