Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Not until the billionaire families flooding the GOP with dark money funds feel the effects of a school shooting. Until then, **** probably even if it happened to them, theyll continue stripping away any chance of positive change in the world.
You know the moment there is a scare, all these rich folks will build schools inside their secluded compounds or pay for private tutors to homeschool the kids.
More of this energy:

"F--- you @tedcruz you care about a fetus but you will let our children get slaughtered. Just get your *** to Cancun. You are useless," Gallego wrote on his personal Twitter account.

Twenty-one minutes later, Gallego doubled down on the message:

"Just to be clear f--- you @tedcruz you f------ baby killer."

Gallego did so in response to remarks by Cruz reported by CNN.

“Inevitably when there's a murderer of this kind, you see politicians try to politicize it, you see Democrats and a lot of folks in the media whose immediate solution is to try to restrict the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens,” Cruz said.

Gallego later turned his anger at Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who had tweeted, "Our thoughts and prayers are with these families."

"F--- your prayers. They haven’t worked for the last 20 mass shootings how about passing laws that will stop these killings," Gallego said.

Gallego also ripped Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., after she condemned the shooting.

“We are horrified and heartbroken by the senseless tragedy unfolding at Robb Elementary School in Texas and grateful to the first responders for acting swiftly,” Sinema said in a statement. “No families should ever have to fear violence in their children's schools.”

“Please just stop.. unless you are willing to break the filibuster to actually pass sensible gun control measures you might as well just say ‘thoughts and prayers,’” Gallego responded.

I'm tired of liberals pretending that there is an ounce of sanity across the aisle.
This **** is straight heartbreaking. American gun loving culture is trash. **** the GOP and their disingenuous thoughts and prayers while sucking off the NRA. I wish scumbags like Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott could just be wiped off the map.

Raising a child in a world where this crap happens regularly, it sucks thinking about how messed up of a world we live in. The shooting in Buffalo wasn’t even two weeks ago. I couldn’t even imagine the pain and hurt those kids parents are going through. You kiss your kid goodbye before they go to school in the morning and something horrific like this happens. That hurt and pain is going to stay with them and the kids bothers and sisters for their rest of their lives. Families destroyed, it’s just heartbreaking.
Why? Seems like your students would need to talk about this with you. They might not with anyone else.

That isn’t a teacher’s job. I know in this country we’ve come to accept that teachers are a catch-all for our kids, but that ain’t their job man. It sounds very noble and I can respect teachers that want to do so. But I also respect teachers that just aren’t feeling that.

Parents need to talk to their kids about **** like this—don’t push that on teachers. Their job is hard enough in this country.
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