Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Outside of certain law enforcement who actually needs an AR? No one. You can’t hunt with it or anything. I’ve only been able to use mine once in years. Most ranges don’t even allow them. Curious how many weirdo politicians have even shot theirs.

While this is true, Americans tend to have a lot of things they don’t need (car collections, coin collections, stamp collections, etc.) On this forum, several people have entire shoe collections that they don’t wear.
How do yall feel about annually Registering your firearm and annually paying fee's for it?(like a car)

Can we start somewhere....

This is a bit misleading. I don’t think you have to do this with a car if you aren’t planning to drive it in most states. And you can certainly purchase cars without doing that. And I’m not sure there are any restrictions on buying a car cash from a private seller.
My brother in law has an banned from his range because he thought he could shoot it there....turns out you can't. So I too wonder what a person with one really does?
Did he actually try to shoot it or thru just banned him off the rip?
The key is usability. All those things can be utilized and not for harm.

Putting aside the fact that cars can certainly cause harm (and kill about as many people annually as guns) this kind of takes away the utility of collecting anything in general, be it art, shoes, Samurai swords., etc. There’s sentimental value, I suppose. But I don’t own any guns personally.
Putting aside the fact that cars can certainly cause harm (and kill about as many people annually as guns) this kind of takes away the utility of collecting anything in general, be it art, shoes, Samurai swords., etc. There’s sentimental value, I suppose. But I don’t own any guns personally.
Are you seriously comparing a car to a gun? What is the intent of a gun? What is the intent of a car?

Stop it.
Did he actually try to shoot it or thru just banned him off the rip?

He had just moved to North Carolina. Got a membership to some range...of course had a friend say "i think you can shoot it" so he did....and proceeded to get banned.
He had just moved to North Carolina. Got a membership to some range...of course had a friend say "i think you can shoot it" so he did....and proceeded to get banned.

I’d be interested to know the demographics of that range. Seems odd to not say anything to him when he brought it in and just ban him with no warning.
He had just moved to North Carolina. Got a membership to some range...of course had a friend say "i think you can shoot it" so he did....and proceeded to get banned.
Most places check your guns too and have clear signage for no rapid fire. So if he ignored all that then I understand the ban.
Most places check your guns too and have clear signage for no rapid fire. So if he ignored all that then I understand the ban.

yeah i literally know nothing about the situation. I know he owns an AR...he told me he shot it at the range and got banned :lol: so no clue what it was set up...if he checked it in? How any of that works. But yeah he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed so it wouldn't surprise me if he got carried away and shot it auto or something and that was illegal there. But moral to the story was i had no clue a shooting range wouldn't allow you to shoot a gun...I thought at least if you had some unnecessary gun you could shoot it at a range.
yeah i literally know nothing about the situation. I know he owns an AR...he told me he shot it at the range and got banned :lol: so no clue what it was set up...if he checked it in? How any of that works. But yeah he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed so it wouldn't surprise me if he got carried away and shot it auto or something and that was illegal there. But moral to the story was i had no clue a shooting range wouldn't allow you to shoot a gun...I thought at least if you had some unnecessary gun you could shoot it at a range.
Got it. Nah they have restrictions.
Outside of certain law enforcement who actually needs an AR? No one. You can’t hunt with it or anything. I’ve only been able to use mine once in years. Most ranges don’t even allow them. Curious how many weirdo politicians have even shot theirs.

My brother in law has an banned from his range because he thought he could shoot it there....turns out you can't. So I too wonder what a person with one really does?
Yes, in many states it is legal to hunt with an ArmaLite Rifle. I have and many people that I know use the platform to hunt.

Every range is different with their rules and procedures, most DO NOT allow rapid firing.

Also, you’re not beholden to shooting your guns at a range, many states allow target shooting on public/forest land…so no long as the proper guidelines are followed.
Yes, in many states it is legal to hunt with an ArmaLite Rifle. I have and many people that I know use the platform to hunt.

Every range is different with their rules and procedures, most DO NOT allow rapid firing.

Also, you’re not beholden to shooting your guns at a range, many states allow target shooting on public/forest land…so no long as the proper guidelines are followed.
You right about the hunting. My ignorance was speaking out of assumption for Cali.
seems odd the NRA would ban guns at their convention when advocating for more guns everywhere else…

Aren’t guns banned in schools. Do you think banning guns from schools/grocery stores would stop mass shootings?

I thought guns were already banned at schools. And many places have no guns signs on their doors. Same for concerts, airports, etc.

Those measures (including the ban at the NRA convention) haven’t stopped the recent incidents unfortunately.

I’d like something to be done. I think raising the age would be a good start. But I think the biggest focus has to be on addressing mental health, poverty, and education.
No one with car collections is committing mass murders with their cars.

Don't be dense.

Are people with gun collections committing mass murders?

It seems the people committing these heinous acts go and buy a gun the weekend before and go out and do the unthinkable.

I doubt the majority of these crimes are committed by true gun collectors.
That's why we should enhance the penalties for crimes committed with guns. Enhance the penalties for straw purchases.

This would disproportionately affect minorities.

And deterrence won't work with mass shooters. These people are past gone and pretty much plan to go out in a blaze of glory shooting it out with cops. Adding years to their sentence won't enter their consciousness because they either plan on being dead or locked up for life.

I wouldn't mind seeing people that make verbal threats or actually set these plans in motion get hit harder though. Get them out the paint.
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