Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Majority of us don't care selfishly.

This is America.

Just hope it never happens to me or anyone I know.

Some celebrity will say the N word next week and the energy will go to cancelling them.

What a joke.
“He shot and killed locals that were fundraising outside the Walmart selling water. Children and adults.”

Man :smh:
I don’t remember ever seeing a mass shooting of this level that’s the shooter used a shotgun or a handgun, sure people die from them, but not in this sort of fashion.

The Virginia Tech shooter used handguns. But I think it was more his strategy of chaining the doors that made it so deadly. If this same shooter walked into Wal-Mart with a pistol or shotgun, I don't think you'd see the same amount of carnage, unless there are pistols capable of holding a grip of rounds. Which I'm sure there probably are.

It is extra curious that most of the super deadly mass shootings are perpetrated with semi automatic rifles, but people are still so quick to defend them.

Aurora: AR-15
Orlando: AR-15
Parkland: AR-15
Las Vegas: AR-15
Sandy Hook: AR-15
Texas Church: AR-15
San Bernardino: AR-15
Waffle House: AR-15
Santa Fe High School: AR-15

That's just off the top of my head.
The Virginia Tech shooter used handguns. But I think it was more his strategy of chaining the doors that made it so deadly. If this same shooter walked into Wal-Mart with a pistol or shotgun, I don't think you'd see the same amount of carnage, unless there are pistols capable of holding a grip of rounds. Which I'm sure there probably are.

It is extra curious that most of the super deadly mass shootings are perpetrated with semi automatic rifles, but people are still so quick to defend them.

Aurora: AR-15
Orlando: AR-15
Parkland: AR-15
Las Vegas: AR-15
Sandy Hook: AR-15
Texas Church: AR-15
San Bernardino: AR-15
Waffle House: AR-15
Santa Fe High School: AR-15

That's just off the top of my head.

So if you shoot people from 10 feet with a handgun they aren't dying?

These aren't tactical strikes from elevated positions and shooters firing from cover. They are literally shooting defenseless people close range.

The Santa Fe shooter had a pump action shotgun and a pistol.
we should have stats on each class of weapon:

- number lives saved
- number crimes deterred
- number animals hunted
- number murders committed

yo on the real
i will never understand why white folks
hate so much
Oh stop. You know the reason. It is the same reason they hide in threads trying to dictate who can talk about race, and then when. They are the same people here who'll report pro Black commentary to mods, suggesting that it is racist commentary. They cannot handle the truth. White supremacy celebrates mediocrity. They've lived with privilege for so long, any talk about equality freaks them out.
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The Virginia Tech shooter used handguns. But I think it was more his strategy of chaining the doors that made it so deadly. If this same shooter walked into Wal-Mart with a pistol or shotgun, I don't think you'd see the same amount of carnage, unless there are pistols capable of holding a grip of rounds. Which I'm sure there probably are.

It is extra curious that most of the super deadly mass shootings are perpetrated with semi automatic rifles, but people are still so quick to defend them.

Aurora: AR-15
Orlando: AR-15
Parkland: AR-15
Las Vegas: AR-15
Sandy Hook: AR-15
Texas Church: AR-15
San Bernardino: AR-15
Waffle House: AR-15
Santa Fe High School: AR-15

That's just off the top of my head.

High capacity mags are available for pistols (sticks, drums) they just vastly reduce reliability.

AR platform is widely available, easy to use, easy to control, easy to customize. Cost less money to build one than to buy a complete one. AKs are also widely available and easy to control.

There is a common mold for these shooters. White male, extremist views or mental health issue or both, and access to a firearm built or bought on AR platform. I think the reason we see them so much is the reasons I said above + copycat effect.

Edit - speaking to the issue about magazine capacity, there is research suggesting (it is obvious to anyone with a brain) that limiting magazine capacity can and will have an effect on these kinds of shootings.
I was at Lollapalooza in Chicago yesterday, I never felt unsafe, but it definitely crossed my mind at times.

Maybe I’m more passionate and sensitive because I go to a few music festivals every year, ever since the Vegas shooting I definitely think about it more. Going to Days N Vegas in November, it’ll be hard not to think about it while there.

I don’t live my life in fear, but I know the constant shootings have certainly hindered many when it comes to living life.

I can’t help but think though what if something did happen, would my sisters tone change? Would friends of mine who are hardcore gun fanatics and don’t think we need any change, would they care?

Most people don’t give a damn until it happens to them or someone they know. I’m not a religious man, but I pray that nobody in this thread, or messageboard, regardless of their views, is ever affected by a mass shooting whether it be someone they know and care about, or to themselves.

I need to stay off the Internet..... lol
America in a nutshell. Dance with the devil and act surprised when you get burned.
Crazy thing is, if someone would've ran behind him and tackled him after he killed some people, they probably would've gotten more time for assault than he would get for murder.
High capacity mags are available for pistols (sticks, drums) they just vastly reduce reliability.

AR platform is widely available, easy to use, easy to control, easy to customize. Cost less money to build one than to buy a complete one. AKs are also widely available and easy to control.

There is a common mold for these shooters. White male, extremist views or mental health issue or both, and access to a firearm built or bought on AR platform. I think the reason we see them so much is the reasons I said above + copycat effect.

Edit - speaking to the issue about magazine capacity, there is research suggesting (it is obvious to anyone with a brain) that limiting magazine capacity can and will have an effect on these kinds of shootings.

The Parkland shooter had 10 round magazines man.

Let's just jump to banning semi autos.
The Parkland shooter had 10 round magazines man.

Let's just jump to banning semi autos.

Yeah, he couldn’t fit larger capacity mags in what he was carrying his stuff in. At this point I don’t think it’s “stop this from happening” because that isn’t possible. I sincerely believe we have to focus on limiting these events and I think magazine restrictions could help. I know there are arguments against that but I also know there are arguments for it as well as research to back it.

We both know banning semi auto weapons makes no sense and will not happen in this country. But we both also know, as honest gun owners, there are things we can do that can at minimum limit these events or lessen the impact and casualties. The infringement of rights argument holds weight, but again, any and all gun laws age infringements of rights. I can’t in good faith sit here hours after cleaning my own weapons and say there’s nothing we can do.

Edit - to add to this I think a major problem is how much all of this stuff is already available. We are literally trying to dig ourselves out of a miles deep cavern trying to reign this stuff in.
The Parkland shooter had 10 round magazines man.

Let's just jump to banning semi autos.

To me it’s not even about a ban, it’s about legit stricter background checks.

My sister even admitted to me it was “easy to lie” on the questionnaires to get the AR they own and it was incredibly easy, also only her husband had to fill it out, they didn’t both have to do one.

It’s insane how easy it is to purchase these weapons.
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