Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Crazy thing is, if someone would've ran behind him and tackled him after he killed some people, they probably would've gotten more time for assault than he would get for murder.


What kind of logic is that?
It's really telling how these white shooters get taken into custody and never shot on sight by law enforcement

Doesn’t really make sense, especially here when this idiot was wearing ear muffs and wouldn’t be able to hear anything unless he was given the chance to remove them.

They just closed in on dude and shouted “sir, can you kindly remove the earmuffs, drop the AK and get on the ground”?

Sorry but if I’m a cop responding to something like this, I’m not going in there to take someone in.
So if you shoot people from 10 feet with a handgun they aren't dying?

Where did I infer this? :stoneface:

Stop it.

I said the type of carnage you saw today probably wouldn't have been the result of normal pistols, unless they were capable of holding a lot rounds. Cho at VT picked a school where people were contained to rooms. And he chained the doors. Any type of gun would have yielded the amount of deaths he was responsible for under those conditions. In an open space, where people can flee, I would think a firearm with high capacity mags would be more deadly. This is just my opinion. But if high capacity mags on a pistol render it less reliable, so folks opt for rifles...well then that's an issue and makes sense why so many shooters opt for an AR.
Obviously i wasn't being serious. It was was a tongue-in-cheek shot at how broken the legal system is.

This has nothing to do with the legal system.

Dudes not seeing the light.

This is however about gun control and how much pull the NRA has with lobbyists.
The poor young man must have mental health issues that need help
This is the hole in the bucket. Any human being is capable of snapping depending on the situation: divorce, death, losing career. A perfectly healthy gun owner could go ballistic at the drop off a hat. More guns are being pumped out daily too smh
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