Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Media contagion plays a huge role in copycats, the way media covers/speaks about the shooters is disgusting.

Columbine was 20 years ago and the media is still making the same mistakes that they did back then.

I've never understood why society's chosen lexicon in these events uses the labels "shooter" and "gunman" to talk about the perpetrators.

That language normalizes the violence. Media should openly call them the killers that they are.

This has been going on long before Trump and will continue to happen long after he's gone, tho.

They need to be called out for being terrorists, sure but that's not going to happen.

That idiot shot up a Madden tournament and they were talking about about him like he was a celebrity in the gaming community.

Also, assuming media did start calling these events domestic terrorism, do you guys think that would lessen how often they occur?
I wish there was a 3rd world war happening soon:

Radicalized terrorists vs white supremacists.

White supremacists aka radicalized terrorists

I've never understood why society's chosen lexicon in these events uses the labels "shooter" and "gunman" to talk about the perpetrators.

That language normalizes the violence. Media should openly call them the killers that they are.
iirc the El Paso mayor switched from describing the white shooter as a gentleman to murderer. That was good.
I’m about to cop a gun. Don’t want of these white supremacists catching me slipping. Gonna sound crazy, and I hate guns but the only way to stop these fools is to shoot back at them.
Shouldn’t have took u this long. For dude before that asked what was the reason I owned a AR and other guns, the simplest way for me to put it is I don’t trust these white folks. My grandad used to always tell us when that day comes we need to be ready so yeah I’m stocked and ready.
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