Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Son had his annoying moments, but for the most part his posts he started were truths that made people uncomfortable.
He knows what time it is on here, and how they get down. There is this whole contingent here that is draped in white supremacy. I see it, and I know that he saw it. You don't have to be white in order to support white supremacy either. All you have to do is to brush the conversation about race aside, then suggest that the people who do talk about racism, are indeed the racists. Can't talk about racist owners in the specific threads of any given sport, even if that owner is sitting on the sidelines, pushing Black players in the back, or spray painting the Nword on a players home.

Let's leave the race talk out of this. The owner has black players, he can't be a racist.

Avoiding the discussion on race allows situations like mass shootings to happen. You don't talk about it, and then it festers. White dude gets mad, then wants to kill anyone who does not look like him. It is a continuing and ongoing pattern.

The gun debate is something that should have happen decades ago.

There's already more guns in this country than people. A lot of people have more than one. I do.

I think the gun debate is that people see it as, we know guns are the problem. But when you start restricting purchases and making it harder. Next you're going to also realize it's still 400 million guns out in the wild. The guy in California had over a thousand guns. It just pushes things to the underground market and makes them more expensive. The fear for any gun changes is that the next thought is, maybe we should get rid of all guns.

That's the fear that's out there. That needs to be addressed and relieved, but if kids being killed can't do it, what can?
That's false

oh yeah?

same site you linked.

Man stop this. Its these kind of dumb, stupid ignorant statements that push the other side to be even more reactionary. Trump is an idiot, but to compare him to Hitler? Your better than that fam

His ideologies aren't far off. I think that's what he's getting at. Don't think the man was saying Trump committed a genocide. But it's no doubt that Trump thinks a certain demographic are less than human in the same way that Hitler did. That sends signals to his contingent...and look what happens.
The debate shouldn’t be about guns. The focus needs to be on mental health. This country is warped.
. But it's no doubt that Trump thinks a certain demographic are less than human in the same way that Hitler did


some of ya so gone there's really nothing to talk about.

alot of ya real quiet when da Orlando dude basically slaughtered that club full of gays because his religious convictions...where was this extrapolation to his religion? yeah... >D

how about that Las Vegas country festival mass shooting that still owns da record? surely it was because those people weren't conservatives who more than likely was a pro Trump crowd...oh wait >D

what about da Virginia mass shooter.....surely he was exercising his "white privilege"? oh wait he was asian... >D

what about da Christ Church shooter..he loved trump right? oh i forgot he left a manifesto that basically called Trump a Joke.... >D
Truthfully the culprit to all of this is guns and white supremacy

The gymnastics that people do to go around the issue of mass killing being performed with guns as the weapon of choice is insane. The conversation starts and stops right there. If your answer doesn’t have anything to do with massive gun reform, just stop.

Moreover though, young white people, and people in general are troubled. Toxic masculinity in men is dangerous when challenged, especially when you mix toxic masculinity with white supremacy, the latter of which have been supercharged by the damn president. People are harboring deadly and fatal emotions about societal ills while already being socialized in an OD masculine and white supremacist way

So if you have white supremacist who suffer from severe insecurity who mask it under the guise of masculinity, who are essentially being empowered by the president, and they have access to guns, this is naturally the outcome

But all of this is dumb. People are so damn stupid I swear to god
So take the guns away from people to protect them selves from idiots like this who’ll eventually get access to them illegally? Stupid imo

No one needs assault rifles in their homes, and it’s actually stupid to run with that notion, because you’re basically saying don’t do anything thing about it at all. The point of gun control is not to take guns out of people’s hands, it never was. The point of it is to make those assault type rifles hard to get in the first place. Sure, you can get killed by anything, but those are usually the types of guns that get multiple people killed in public places. Gun control is not about people knocking on your door and taking your 9mm or 45 out of your safe in the closet, and people need to stop running with that garbage narrative.
When these mass shootings happen, where are all the good guys with guns that are supposed to be keeping us safe? Isn’t that one of the arguments for doing nothing?
Dudes always jump to "they're gonna take our guns away" like there aren't a myriad of steps in between that. We're human beings with brains and can figure things beyond one size fits all if we're not being lazy.

Same can be said for those who always point to lack of gun control. See, it works both ways!
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try and wiggling out a damn graph that shows you're wrong is funny :lol:
I already provided facts that disproved you, keep it moving.

Don't detail this thread from its actual purpose, which is trying to find the root cause of why these killings are a part of the fabric of America.
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