MEN RAPING MEN...The Congo taking Ls

Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

That's why I hate gays
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

When I read things like this, it always upsets me so much. There is so much misery, atrocities, chaos, and turmoil that happens on every corner of the world.

As for the Congo, it is also frustrating how it never makes headline news. There needs to be a lot more awareness on what is happening over there. There needs be more media attention directed to the situation to raise awareness about the dire situation over there. The mass genocide happening in the Republic of Congo is one of the most neglected atrocities in the world. There have been 4 million deaths due to this genocide since 1998, making it the most brutal conflict since WWII. 4 million!!!! and nothing is being done about it.

It is also so depressing how there are thousands upon thousands of child soldiers involved in this violence by force. Throughout the country,
brutal attacks, rapes, mutilation, cannibalism, displacement, and death are all effects of this violence.As the article above indicates, brutal, mass rapes are a common tactic, and the victims range from all ages from the very young to the very old. Not only do these victims have to deal with the brutal rapes they have endured, but then they are ostracized by society for being victims of rape. If only something can be done to better or ameliorate the situation over there, but it looks like it just keeps getting worse.

The Congo is a beautiful country, very rich and fertile, but the violence overshadows the opportunities and gifts which this country can provide and offer to the world. We can only hope for the country to overcome all this violence and horror one day.
just curious, what do think should be done to stop all this? i ask because it seems like a difficult situation no matter how its approached.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

The Congo has been a lawless nation years....hence the wanton violence and rape. Someone needs to do something about it.

Almost the whole damn continent is lawless.


So true. Go to any African country and you'll appreciate living here so much more.

imagine all the money that has gone to war(s), if only 60% of that could be used to development africa....
Originally Posted by Ryda421


imagine all the money that has gone to war(s), if only 60% of that could be used to development africa....

But how would helping poor countries benefit the companies who cut contracts with our government?
Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

The Congo has been a lawless nation years....hence the wanton violence and rape. Someone needs to do something about it.

Almost the whole damn continent is lawless.


So true. Go to any African country and you'll appreciate living here so much more.
Way to generalize a whole continent.
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