Messed up stuff a mother did to her young son? Or just nothing big?

my mom spanked me one time. after that all she had to do was threaten a spanking and i straightened up. If you got spanked multiple times you just didnt know when to stop

This video is od cause the mom isnt helping him learn anything at all shes just being a #%+!#
my mom spanked me one time. after that all she had to do was threaten a spanking and i straightened up. If you got spanked multiple times you just didnt know when to stop

This video is od cause the mom isnt helping him learn anything at all shes just being a #%+!#
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

If you are doing that constantly to your kid, he obviously doesnt know what he's doing wrong.


@ the lady tearing up.

Use to get bruises from getting whooped. Metal spatulas, belts, and other crap...Hot sauce and a cold shower? Boo hoo.
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

If you are doing that constantly to your kid, he obviously doesnt know what he's doing wrong.


@ the lady tearing up.

Use to get bruises from getting whooped. Metal spatulas, belts, and other crap...Hot sauce and a cold shower? Boo hoo.
Wow at anyone condoning that. 

Seriously? That was disgusting and it's child abuse however you chop it up.
No child should have to go through that.
Wow at anyone condoning that. 

Seriously? That was disgusting and it's child abuse however you chop it up.
No child should have to go through that.
I think a lot of the justifications we're hearing in defense of having been spanked, smacked, etc as a child is a complicated psychological defense mechanism. Where's the line between "discipline" and "abuse"? it's unfortunate that these cruel parenting methods will find their way through generations until somebody decides that it is #$!+$!@! and decides not to perpetuate the #$!+$!@!. and it is #$!+$!@!. hitting your kids is %!*++% up. you can't simultaneously love your children unconditionally and justify physical aggression against them. that's just ******ed. How can you justify being smacked up and hit with extension cords? 
I think a lot of the justifications we're hearing in defense of having been spanked, smacked, etc as a child is a complicated psychological defense mechanism. Where's the line between "discipline" and "abuse"? it's unfortunate that these cruel parenting methods will find their way through generations until somebody decides that it is #$!+$!@! and decides not to perpetuate the #$!+$!@!. and it is #$!+$!@!. hitting your kids is %!*++% up. you can't simultaneously love your children unconditionally and justify physical aggression against them. that's just ******ed. How can you justify being smacked up and hit with extension cords? 
First of all NIKETalk sometimes makes me wonder...the kids soft? whatever hes like 6. people soft for tearing up? I teared up. am I soft? maybe I just hate to see kids get treated like kills me

Second of all maybe this HORRIBLE PARENT should think about rewarding the good behavior instead of punishing the bad. She might get more results.

Third, she just kept repeating herself to keep the punishment going. THe kid answered all the questions and knew what he did wrong but she just kept going. SHe asked like 20 times "What dont we do in this house" THe kid said "Lie" everytime. He gets it.

Fourth, before any of you all say anything I have 3 kids 15, 10 and 5 mos. So yeah I know what its like to raise kids and I have NEVER hit my kids, not that Im opposed to it, I just know there are ways to gain their respect without mentally abusing them.
First of all NIKETalk sometimes makes me wonder...the kids soft? whatever hes like 6. people soft for tearing up? I teared up. am I soft? maybe I just hate to see kids get treated like kills me

Second of all maybe this HORRIBLE PARENT should think about rewarding the good behavior instead of punishing the bad. She might get more results.

Third, she just kept repeating herself to keep the punishment going. THe kid answered all the questions and knew what he did wrong but she just kept going. SHe asked like 20 times "What dont we do in this house" THe kid said "Lie" everytime. He gets it.

Fourth, before any of you all say anything I have 3 kids 15, 10 and 5 mos. So yeah I know what its like to raise kids and I have NEVER hit my kids, not that Im opposed to it, I just know there are ways to gain their respect without mentally abusing them.
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