Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain | A Hideo Kojima Game

also remember when liquid said we dont hunt foxes we hunt jackals and it looks like a jackals teeth on his necklace.

and how he curses his fate? most likely its liquid
skull face reminds me of hot coldman but hes dead. or is he?

code talker reminds me of granin from snaker eater but i think hes supposed to be dead

Solidus being shown to be old as hell even in the 80's (he's talking to Raiden).

It'll be interesting if he shows up....
When Kojima said he'd be touching on taboo themes, he really meant TABOO.

Showing violence on children is not really something you do, let alone potentially having players commit it (trailer implies Snake fires on the kids in the cage). It's going to make players feel uneasy even if Kojima is able to deliver a well-thought, heavy-handed lesson. Not to mention, the game's gonna get a lot of backlash.

I personally have faith that Kojima will deliver a great story with some heavy messages. I just hope this doesn't bring the game unwanted attention, or causes it to get delayed.
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Question, did Solidus even get a mention in MGS4?

They used parts of him and Liquid to remake Big Boss's body, which is why we see no burns on BB (Remember, he was burned into a coma by Solid).

Nothing else.

Revengeance teased those commercials starring Solidus and ends up a passing mention.

Come on MGSV:tongue:P, bring back the prodigal son!!!
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Can you imagine a sniper boss battle in an open world environment?
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