Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain | A Hideo Kojima Game

I'm still holding out hope this comes to PC. Then Hayter can record all snake's lines and someone can mod it into the game. :smokin

When Kojima said he'd be touching on taboo themes, he really meant TABOO.

Showing violence on children is not really something you do, let alone potentially having players commit it (trailer implies Snake fires on the kids in the cage). It's going to make players feel uneasy even if Kojima is able to deliver a well-thought, heavy-handed lesson. Not to mention, the game's gonna get a lot of backlash.

I personally have faith that Kojima will deliver a great story with some heavy messages. I just hope this doesn't bring the game unwanted attention, or causes it to get delayed.

Torture, Child soldiers, blood diamonds. Yeah this game feels a lot heavier than previous MGS games. I trust Kojima with these themes more than any other developer though. I know he'll do it right.
One thing I noticed in the red band trailer.
It seems like they are torturing otacon's dad at around the 2:20 mark. I wonder why...
Looking at the reddit they're saying that one of the clues is a possible DNA sequence and genetics.

This is supposed to be the lead to Metal Gear. So I guess at some point in the game Zero will steal Boss DNA and start the Les Infant Terribles project.

It makes sense too. An X-Ray of Boss? Almost a dead giveaway .
Looking at the reddit they're saying that one of the clues is a possible DNA sequence and genetics.

This is supposed to be the lead to Metal Gear. So I guess at some point in the game Zero will steal Boss DNA and start the Les Infant Terribles project.

It makes sense too. An X-Ray of Boss? Almost a dead giveaway .
The L.I.T. project happened before the Peace Walker incident. That's why Big Boss broke away and founded the MSF.
E3 interview with Kojima.

MGO and user generated missions are in.

Is open-world something you always wanted to do? Were you limited by the console hardware?

It's not necessarily about the hardware - GTA was able to do it on PS2. The first reason why I wanted to go open-world is because I wanted to create a world that had a lot of freedom and allowed users to create their own gameplay.

We're developing alongside the Fox Engine and we wanted to make sure that we were doing the most difficult and challenging thing, which is open-world. We want to create a standard for our team and then later on once we finish developing MGSV on Fox Engine we can use it for other games within Konami and it will get better and better graphically.

The other reason for the game going open-world is that we wanted to use multiple devices for this game. So using tablets and smart phones you can also enjoy MGSV and create user-generated missions within the world. That's another reason we had to go open-world - if it was linear we wouldn't be able to do that.

Will MGSV have an online multiplayer mode like the previous game?

Yes, we plan on creating Metal Gear Online. Multiplayer right now is being created at our LA studio as well as us. We're working closely to create a vast multiplayer for all the fans.

Kojima-san, you are famous for breaking the fourth wall in your games. How might you use to features of the next-gen consoles to do this in MGSV?

Specifically for the next-gen and Metal Gear Solid V, it's not necessarily about breaking the fourth wall, but we do have a big surprise for the players in this game. We have challenged and pushed ourselves with something that movies can't do but only games can do. It hasn't been done before.
The L.I.T. project happened before the Peace Walker incident. That's why Big Boss broke away and founded the MSF.

Ok. I'm tripping then. I thought he left after killing The Boss or had the Patriots even been formed yet? I need to read up on what happened after Snake Eater more. I played Peace Walker but lost interest pretty quickly.

Maybe it means we'll see Solid/Liquid then. The DNA/Genome/X-Ray clue has to be linked to Les Infant Terrible somehow.

Someone remarked about Liquid looking like this new Eli kid. His description even says something about rejecting his past/destiny.
Ok. I'm tripping then. I thought he left after killing The Boss or had the Patriots even been formed yet? I need to read up on what happened after Snake Eater more. I played Peace Walker but lost interest pretty quickly.

Maybe it means we'll see Solid/Liquid then. The DNA/Genome/X-Ray clue has to be linked to Les Infant Terrible somehow.

Someone remarked about Liquid looking like this new Eli kid. His description even says something about rejecting his past/destiny.
I love peace walker. it's such a fun game to play, especially with others. The monster hunter missions are great. :lol:

In my opinion, I believe Eli is Liquid. He looks similar to liquid. He's a child soldier in the middle east around the same time liquid would have been in the middle east as a child soldier. Not to mention that he has a snake on his lap in the video. I'm sure that's a clue in some form. :lol:
Looking at the reddit they're saying that one of the clues is a possible DNA sequence and genetics.

This is supposed to be the lead to Metal Gear. So I guess at some point in the game Zero will steal Boss DNA and start the Les Infant Terribles project.

It makes sense too. An X-Ray of Boss? Almost a dead giveaway .

it had started already. in 72 the project started. peace walker happened in 74
Ok. I'm tripping then. I thought he left after killing The Boss or had the Patriots even been formed yet? I need to read up on what happened after Snake Eater more. I played Peace Walker but lost interest pretty quickly.

Maybe it means we'll see Solid/Liquid then. The DNA/Genome/X-Ray clue has to be linked to Les Infant Terrible somehow.

Someone remarked about Liquid looking like this new Eli kid. His description even says something about rejecting his past/destiny.
Naked Snake/Big Boss, Zero,  Sigint, and Para Medic are the team in MGS3 (Ocelot was also involved with The Patriots but is looked as a tool more than a member imo) and make up The Patriots.

They form together after the events with The Boss (They got a part of the Philosophers' Legacy and got the whole thing after the San Hieronymo Takeover (Portable Ops).

Big Boss fell into a coma during some time in 1972, Zero fearing he might die cloned him, resulting in Solid and Liquid (Solidus made shortly afterwards).

Big Boss found out and was pissed, so he left.

Eli is most DEFINITELY Liquid as 2s' stated with the reasons above, although Liquid's hair was originally brown like Solid's, it's said it was bleached by the hot sun during his time in Iraq during a war (or it's some genetic thing). So a little weird he already has blonde hair but whatever.
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It's funny if Liquid is parading around with Big Boss and Miller, when

Kaz's death comes at the hands of Liquid
(also if no one knew Miller helped Solid Snake during the events of the Zanzibar Land Disturbance (AKA Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake) and calls Big Boss a "monster").
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So this game is gonna show how Big Boss became Big Boss right?

Is anyone else happy that David Hayter is out as the voice of Snake? I always hated his portrayal, it was so cheesy.

Flame suit on!
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