Michael Jackson and his affinity towards children...Mature Discussion PLEASE...

Originally Posted by morningstar7777

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

not changing my stance. i expressed that his pedophile like actions led me to believe he was a pedophile

and i'd say i have a 50% chance of being right with that guess.

good enough for me.
His actions wouldn't have been seen as they were if the circumstances
and situations were different i.e. him starting a program to keep boys
off the street
and always w/ the boys every chance he got. Correct?

but he did not do that. he created neverland

Right. MJ never gave MILLIONS of dollars to over 30 different charities which involved kids he never met, never put a disguise on so cameras won't follow him going to hospitals to give out toys to kids DURING tour............you believe what you see on TV because things like this is NEVER in the news, only the bad things........and you judge him based on that.....
Same conclusion I'm drawin.

And u did change ur stance from
BwooDFolkGD74 wrote:
mike was a pedophile. he is my favorite artist still.


he had pedophile like tendencies.
Originally Posted by CasperJr

mike wanted to be a kid not touch them

its sad that people will ruin peoples image for money

(and i cant image the things dude went thru growing up)

now i hope the others come out with the truth and they can all "disappear" together
We're probably in the minority, but I agree.

Dude had the spotlight on him so early in life, dude was an entertainer most of his life, and he made so much money people just wanted to see him fall..
This is no laughing matter but
@ lying on someone else's richard. I've heardit all now
Mike never bleached his skin, he had a skin disorder that turned spots of his body and pigmentation white, and bright white, not white man white.

I'm not completely denying this, I just find it weird that no other black celebrity, singer, actor, athlete or any black person I know has this disorder. Iknow that there are albinos who are born without the pigment that makes their skin black/brown, but they are born that way. Michael did a 180 when you look athis Thriller cover and then compare it to his Bad cover. And it certainly doesn't help that his skin color changed during all those nose surgeries..
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Mike never bleached his skin, he had a skin disorder that turned spots of his body and pigmentation white, and bright white, not white man white.

I'm not completely denying this, I just find it weird that no other black celebrity, singer, actor, athlete or any black person I know has this disorder. I know that there are albinos who are born without the pigment that makes their skin black/brown, but they are born that way. Michael did a 180 when you look at his Thriller cover and then compare it to his Bad cover. And it certainly doesn't help that his skin color changed during all those nose surgeries..
Read my post a couple pages back . I believe on page 7 .
that's just sad... i guess when it comes down to it it's the father's issue. he had no business making his kid, or any child at that, tella lie of that caliber for the whole world to crumble on one man. i really don't even pay attention to the media/news because it's being manipulated andcontrolled for obvious but insane reasons. RIP Mike. People should take this as a lesson and use it to quit judging not just entertainers but other regulareveryday people as well until you get to know their actions fully. Fame has it's ups, but the downs eat people up.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Mike never bleached his skin, he had a skin disorder that turned spots of his body and pigmentation white, and bright white, not white man white.

I'm not completely denying this, I just find it weird that no other black celebrity, singer, actor, athlete or any black person I know has this disorder. I know that there are albinos who are born without the pigment that makes their skin black/brown, but they are born that way. Michael did a 180 when you look at his Thriller cover and then compare it to his Bad cover. And it certainly doesn't help that his skin color changed during all those nose surgeries..
I know folk in real life who have it in patches, mike probably didn't want it like that and did something to blend the rest.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Mike never bleached his skin, he had a skin disorder that turned spots of his body and pigmentation white, and bright white, not white man white.

I'm not completely denying this, I just find it weird that no other black celebrity, singer, actor, athlete or any black person I know has this disorder. I know that there are albinos who are born without the pigment that makes their skin black/brown, but they are born that way. Michael did a 180 when you look at his Thriller cover and then compare it to his Bad cover. And it certainly doesn't help that his skin color changed during all those nose surgeries..
It's called vitiligo and it's a very real disease. I went to school with two people who had it. Bot where white, but it was still verynoticeable. The spots where it occurs are absolutely WHITE, no pigment whatsoever- exactly how MJ's skin looked. It can even, as in the case od one of thekids I mentioned, make parts of your hair completely white. It's said to affect 1-2% of the population.

It's crazy how most people completely write his explanation off as nonsense- it's a disease that affects thousands and thousands of people, not somecrazy excude MJ made up. He was dagnosed with it in 1986.

Hell, it can even happen to some breeds of horses and dogs.
a link other thantrashselector

My Disturbing Michael Jackson Experience
by James Hudnall

I met Michael Jackson just once back in 1993. It was only months before he was first accused of sexually molesting then 13-year-old Jordy Chandler. Like a lot of people before that scandal, I was an admirer of his music. I grew up listening to the Jackson Five and later Michael Jackson's solo efforts. I wasn't a huge fan, but I bought most of his CDs.

Coincidentally, I was living in Encino, California in 1993. The Jackson family lived not far from me. I would see Joe Jackson at the supermarket or Randy at the car wash. But I never expected to meet Michael. About once a week I would go over the hill to Golden Apple Comics on Melrose. It was owned by a friend, the late Bill Liebowitz, and I also had a bunch of friends who worked there. They told me Michael was a big customer. He would go there with a group of kids and buy them whatever they wanted. He would often spend thousands on those days.

I asked one of my friends if Michael bought any comics for himself. He said sure. So I said what kind of books does he read? He said "Anything with kids in them." I remember thinking: "Brrr!" at the time.

Sure, that could be innocent and all, but there were all those stories even then of Michael having kids with him all the time. Which is kind of odd for a grown man, but Michael Jackson was never known for being normal.

Everyone I know who knew him said he was a very nice guy, kind of quiet and he did a lot with charity. No one had a bad thing to say about him. But I did detect a certain reluctant vibe when discussing Michael with my friends at the store. They didn't say why, but they felt he was weird. And this is from people who worked at a store on Melrose in L.A.

So one day I came in the store and one of my friends told me Jackson was in the store. And there he was, over by the comics rack. He had his arm around someone like he was on a date. That someone was Jordy Chandler.

I walked over to the long racks and pretended not to notice them. Jackson had his people with him including his driver. That driver was later a witness against Jackson in his trial.

Jackson was whispering in Jordy's ear and they were acting totally like people on a date. It was not the kind of behavior a couple of straight guys do together. Then they went back in the store in the employee area and disappeared. They were gone for a half hour. I stuck around and talked to my friends, just shooting the breeze. I assumed Jackson left by the back door to avoid people. But Bill the owner asked me if I wanted to meet Michael Jackson, and I said, sure.

Jackson reappeared, and left the store. I went out there with Bill and he introduced me. Jordy had detached from Michael and went to the black SUV. I didn't shake hands with Jackson, I only got to exchange pleasantries. But I noticed something, when I tried to look him in the eyes, he had this very evasive…almost crazed look. Like someone who had just committed a crime and didn't want anyone to see them. It was weird.

I've met a lot of famous celebs and have never seen them as anything other than people. People who work in the entertainment industry, which I was doing at the time myself. So I've been very laid back in these encounters. So I know it was nothing I did that made him look at me like that. I thought, "Man, is he paranoid or what? Maybe he's on something."

After they took off, I went back in the store to buy some comics and I asked one of my friends what they were doing in the back room for so long. He said Michael and Jordy were in the bathroom for a half hour.


I said, huh? He said that's not unusual for him.

Now, I don't know what they did in there, but it was a small one-person bathroom. And I can only think of a couple reasons two people would go into a small bathroom together. One of the nice reasons is they were helping the other with their costumes. He wasn't wearing anything that out of the ordinary. So that leaves the other two reasons, since we can assume Jordy is potty trained at 13. Sex or drugs.

When the story about the molestation broke a few months later, that pretty much made up my mind which reason it was.

A lot of people say Michael Jackson did not molest kids. Maybe not. But I have a hard time believing it.

Everyone I know, who worked with Michael had great things to say about him, so I suppose he wasn't a bad person. But if you have followed his story closely, he was no saint either. He actively worked to insure his brothers would never succeed. He reneged on deals constantly and didn't pay people he owed their money.

There will be a lot of stories coming out about him and his defenders will work hard to try to canonize him. But the truth is a lot more complex.

and more..

Jordy Chandler's secret diary of sex abuse

ON STAGE he was a genius showman adored by millions - but when the spotlights went off, Jackson entered a secret dark world where he preyed on young boys. He truly was BAD.

Thanks to immense wealth he kept this chilling side of his life hushed-up and shrouded in mystery.

Then the scandal of 13-year-old Jordy Chandler broke.

Until today the full horrifying details of Jordy's abuse at the hands of Jackson have never been published in Britain.

Now for the first time the News of the World reveals the explosive story spelled out to author Victor M. Gutierrez in his shock book Michael Jackson Was My Lover: The Secret Diary of Jordy Chandler.

Jackson's cunning manipulation of youngsters is starkly unveiled in Jordy's version of events, telling how the pop king first lured him into his bed by scaring the life out of him with a screening of grisly horror movie The Exorcist.

Jackson had whisked his new young pal to Las Vegas on his private jet. The boy's trusting parents allowed their starstruck son to book into his own room and to spend the night watching a film with Jackson.

Michael told me we were destined to be a couple

The calculating star knew Jordy would be frightened witless by the scenes on screen and would eagerly accept his invitation to stay in his luxury suite. Nothing untoward occurred that night, but Jackson had achieved his first objective - getting the innocent boy to sleep with him.

The child had been one of many special young friends to visit the singer's Neverland playground in Santa Barbara, California, and sample his lavish lifestyle.

But Jordy - who met Jacko in 1992 when the star rented a car from his stepdad's company - quickly became No 1 companion.

And Jordy's mother June was furious in Vegas when she found his bed untouched the following morning and realised what had happened.

"Never do it again!" she scolded Jordy. "Do you understand?" "Yes," said Jordy softly.

But when Jordy reported that to Jackson his response was brutal, telling the boy his mum was trying to come between them and if Jordy couldn't contribute to their friendship he'd find someone else who would. From that moment the pair slept together whenever they could.

Jordy told how just two months after their first meeting, on Sunday April 18, the abuse began in earnest.

"Michael began to kiss me on the lips," he said. But this wasn't enough to satisfy Jackson and he started to put his tongue in the boy's mouth.

When Jordy told him to stop because he didn't like it Jackson responded by saying he'd been conditioned to think that way and that there was nothing wrong with it. As their relationship grew Jackson began to confess his darkest secrets. One night, when the pair were in bed together in their pyjamas, Jordy couldn't beleve what he heard,

He recalled: "Michael said things like 'I've had several sexual encounters with another boy. I still do. We have a very good time.'

"Michael said if I wouldn't do those things with him he'd take it as 'perhaps Jordy doesn't love me as much as the other boy loves me'."

Soon Jackson was touching Jordy all over his body when they kissed. Jackson was becoming besotted and invited the boy to Monaco in May for the World Music Awards.

The moment they arrived in the hotel room Jackson locked the door and asked Jordy if he wanted to take a hot bath. Jordy said: "While I was taking off my shirt Michael took me in his arms and began to kiss me.

"Michael finished taking off my shirt. When I was left only in my underwear he pulled them down and took them off with his teeth." Jordy said the singer then took off his clothes and the boy noticed that he had very little pubic hair and had been circumcised.

The pair got in the tub and Jordy sat in Jackson's lap. He said: "Michael washed my hair and I could feel him close. He kissed my neck and gave me goose bumps."

Jordy said he was encouraged to wash the star's private parts and touch him.

He said Jackson then performed an even more intimate sexual act on the boy and Jordy said: "Finally, we kissed on the mouth.

"Michael looked at me and told me it had been fantastic." Shortly before the pair were due to leave for the presentation Jackson approached Jordy again in the hotel bedroom, kissed him and told him he wanted to make love.

The singer performed more sex acts on the boy before they both got dressed and left for the ceremony.

Jordy said Jackson told him: "We're destined to be a couple." The forbidden sex continued on a trip to the Disney theme park in Paris. Jordy revealed: "Michael loved to do it with me in the shower." But their closeness was beginning to raise suspicions.

One day Jordy's dad Evan confronted Jackson at Neverland and said: "Michael, are you f***ing Jordy?" Jackson giggled: "I never use that word."

Evan said: "Excuse me, but what is the exact nature of your relationship?" Jackson replied: "It's cosmic! I don't understand it myself."

But the singer denied any wrongdoing and the father allowed the pair to continue as friends. Nevertheless Jackson was about to make a fatal mistake. He was invited to stay at the family's house to celebrate the fifth birthday of Jordy's stepbrother Nikki.

With Nikki in a top bunk bed, Jordy and Jackson performed sex acts on each other in the bottom bunk - all witnessed by the youngster above.

And months months later Nikki was to explode Jacko's big secret.

Meanwhile Jordy and Jacko continued to meet to have sex, sometimes for days on end.

The singer began to stay at Evan's house with Jordy a lot. His behaviour, constantly following the boy around everywhere, even into the toilet, left Evan worried. He asked Jackson if he was gay. Jackson just laughed and said: "No!" But one night Evan went into the bedroom and found him and Jordy under the same blanket.

"Jordan was in the foetal position with Michael hugging him from behind with his hand in my son's crotch," said Evan.

"I was extremely confused. I thought that my son was a homosexual. I left them and decided to speak later when I'd calmed down." Next morning young Nikki came into Evan's bedroom and asked his mum Nathalie if it was all right for two boys to get married. Later he added: "Michael is bad because he was hugging Jordy in bed."

But Jackson was already warning Jordy: "If someone asks you if we've done something, just deny it."

With staff at Neverland also suspicious, eventually Jordy's dad could take it no longer. He broke down and told a lawyer friend he suspected the pair of having a sexual relationship. By this time Jackson was asking Jordy to engage in the most perverse acts, although the boy said he refused.

On July 7, 1993, Evan tried to get an order stopping Jackson from seeing Jordy, blaming his ex-wife for nurturing the relationship and accepting cash, lavish gifts and holidays from the star.

When Jordy finally told his dad that Jacko HAD touched him intimately Evan had the evidence he needed. He confronted Jackson and told him: "I'll see you in court!"

That was the last time Jordy and Jackson would see each other.

Evan's next move was to ask for a pay-off of $20 million - over £12 million at today's rates. At the time he explained: "Perhaps this amount will convince Michael not to abuse any more children."

Quickly the police got involved and, after hearing every intimate detail from Jordy, were horrified that Evan had tried to negotiate with Jackson.

Cops swooped on Neverland seizing videos, photos, diaries, and rolls of film. They also found a photo album of nude boys.

When the charges of sexual abuse broke, Jackson countered that it was a simple case of extortion.

Youngsters were paraded in front of the press - including Australian Brett Barnes - to say they had slept in the same bed as Jackson but it was perfectly innocent.

I tuck the boys in, have hot milk, it's all very sweet

But by the turn of the year doubts on Jackson's innocence were growing. Negotiations began again to cut a deal. And on January 21, 1994, the news broke. Jackson had bought Jordy's testimony - and silence - for $22 million. Jordy got 20 million, his parents a million each.

Many saw it as an admission of guilt but it effectively killed off the police case.

Today Jordy is 29 and lives in a luxury apartment outside New York where he successfully manages his investments, increasing his fortune still further. He had years of counselling and now insists he will never speak of the past.

But the scandal left Jackson tarnished. And in 2003 he became so desperate to revive his career he invited in Panorama journalist Martin Bashir - of Princess Diana interview fame. But the show was a disaster.

The star admitted to sharing a bed with young boys, among them Gavin Arvizo, a 13-year-old cancer patient.

He told Bashir: "It's not sexual. I tuck them in, have hot milk, cookies. It's very charming, it's very sweet."

Jackson revealed "many children" had shared his room - including Home Alone star Macaulay Culkin.

Jackson denied any sexual contact but after the broadcast Arvizo came forward to claim he HAD been molested. In 2005, at a court in Santa Maria, California, jurors heard graphic testimony from Arvizo how he clearly remembered two occasions when the singer fondled him under his underpants.

But the case unravelled when several key witnesses admitted to previously lying under oath, and Jackson was acquitted.

Click here for all Michael Jackson death and tribute stories

Nevertheless fans deserted him in millions and deals foundered. And after all the cosmetic surgery no one dould be sure which face was the REAL Michael Jackson. . .
Yeah, that comic store biz was nasty...

I am a fan of Michael Jackson and was saddened by his death, but that doesn't mean I look past his flaws.

No normal grown man hangs out with kids like he did. And let's say that it really was all innocent. Once you get accused of being a child molester,wouldn't that make you wanna stay away from kids to avoid more accusations?
So a guy who makes up stories for a living, and the cat who lied on him are your sources?
Eh, I don't buy it........over 150 witnesses testifies in his trail, for and against him, and he was acquitted. Money doesnt make a jury of 12 pardon sucha crime, especially 1 involving little boys, there was absolutely no physical evidence, nothing. They turned Michael's house upside down, Joe Jackson'shouse upside down, nothing. As far as Michael "buying" Jordy's silence? Please......Michael knew he was innocent but didn't want the jury toseal his fate and his lawyers couldn't guarantee that he'd be acquitted so they all had a meeting and decided that it's much safer and cheaper tosettle a case that could of gone for 5, even 10 years and spend millions of dollars on lawyers fees and he was even quoted as saying "it was no where nearthe amount reported." They spent 30 minutes in the bathroom? Really? And they do it all the time? In a public place? And no 1 ever said anything about it?Even if I took a girl to the bathroom to smash I would never be there for 30 minutes, that's ridiculous. If the kid was so hurt about being molested howcome he and his family took the money instead of seeking justice? Looks like that article was written to alter the minds of the people that believed hedidn't do it, this guy is the only witness of foul play I've ever read/heard about.....and Mike had up to 150 employees at 1 time in his own privateresidence. What happened to innocent till proven guilty? Damn Dirty I thought you were better than that. Epic fail also for merging the topic.
Why would you even make a post from this topic. like how does that benefit anybody. let him rest.......in.............peace
"When Jordy finally told his dad that Jacko HAD touched him intimately Evan had the evidence he needed. He confronted Jackson and told him: "I'llsee you in court!""

Court? that was the first thing he thought of? What about "I'll see you behind bars."? Simple extortion attempt. And that's even if thatarticle and it's quotes are true.

BTW, a statement is not considered evidence.
Originally Posted by morningstar7777

"When Jordy finally told his dad that Jacko HAD touched him intimately Evan had the evidence he needed. He confronted Jackson and told him: "I'll see you in court!""

Court? that was the first thing he thought of? What about "I'll see you behind bars."? Simple extortion attempt. And that's even if that article and it's quotes are true.

me and u would be thinking that but there are some screwed up people people who only see things in terms of Monetary gains. *shrugs
The thing that strikes me here is like dude said if that was your lil boy wouldnt u do everything to see Michael locked up and not be paid off?

I always found it interesting that Macaulay Culkin who was a great friend of Michaels and also a young kid at the time of the first trial never had a bad wordto say against him for me the only reason I could ever come up with is Macaulay was loaded he didnt need anything from Michael but his friendship to hang outand have fun.

Would Macaulay and his younger brother continue to hang around Michael if they were unsure of his ways id say no.

Michael had a child like mind so he never stopped hangin around kids because he wasnt doing anything wrong to him it was normal he trusted kids because kidsdont have twisted minds that comes later in life he just wanted wat hed never had to play n be the kid he was never allowed to be.

The millions of kids that must have spent time with Michael why hasnt there been more storys of abuse a kids actions would change if somthing had happened tohim they wouldnt want to go back or near him they would be scared different in some way.

We will never know the truth mud sticks yes but I have heard Michael was asked under Hypnosis if he touched Jordy Chandler sexually and he replied no now Idont know how true that is but he was never found guilty of any charges so take it for wat u will.

But ask yourself if that was u whod been abused or ya child would any amount of money make it go away? make it better? forgotten? justice to me cant be boughtif they had a real case they should have seen it through.

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by kix4kix

So a guy who makes up stories for a living, and the cat who lied on him are your sources?
i know right

Dudes are really still on this Michael Jackson rapist !@!! ?
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Mike never bleached his skin, he had a skin disorder that turned spots of his body and pigmentation white, and bright white, not white man white.

I'm not completely denying this, I just find it weird that no other black celebrity, singer, actor, athlete or any black person I know has this disorder. I know that there are albinos who are born without the pigment that makes their skin black/brown, but they are born that way. Michael did a 180 when you look at his Thriller cover and then compare it to his Bad cover. And it certainly doesn't help that his skin color changed during all those nose surgeries..
nah, i actually have seen people with that disorder.

i remember when i was a kid, there was this black family in our church and the dad and his sons had these patches of raw white skin on their neck and hands.i'm just now realizing that they probably had vitiligo, and that's likely the same disease Michael had.

i had always bought into him bleaching his skin as well, but after watching the video that was posted a couple pages back i think i'm starting to believethat maybe he did have vitiligo. that's not to say he never rubbed any creams on himself to make his skin lighter.. but if i had discolorations on my bodyi would try to even out my skintone too.
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