micheal jordan off court ?

Feb 17, 2009
May someone in detail please explain how he was not the greatest to his fans and could be perceived as a jerk. My friend is claming he was one of the nicestathletes ever.
I'm guessing it varies, imagine if you were bothered by everybody everywhere. You couldn't even walk one block without someone asking for yourautograph or coming up to you asking you questions. Some people don't understand its hard being famous but that doesn't give him the right to act rudebut thats one of the reasons why sometimes Celebrities act rude to their fans
He is a huge jerk, everybody knows that. Charles Barkley has even said that, also the fact that he never tips.
If you read "The Jordan Rules" it does a good job of showing his relationships with his teammates and his desires to not only win, but to be thefocal point of attention.

He knew he was great and he showed that he knew. Yes, he was a jerk to a lot of his teammates. His argument most of the time was their lack of effort. It doestell of him being kind in a few instances and doing random acts of kindness for his teammates too.
dlsilva21 wrote:
If you read "The Jordan Rules" it does a good job of showing his relationships with his teammates and his desires to not only win, but to be the focal point of attention.

He knew he was great and he showed that he knew. Yes, he was a jerk to a lot of his teammates. His argument most of the time was their lack of effort. It does tell of him being kind in a few instances and doing random acts of kindness for his teammates too.

Yeah, I just quoted myself... here's so quotes from the book:

"We're beating a lot of poor teams. So what? We won a lot of games last year, too. Will Horace and Bill stillbe playing at this level in the playoffs...Can Pip keep it up?"

"[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]I hate being out there with those garbagemen.They don't get you the bal[/color]l."

"They've got no idea what it's all about. The white guys, they work hard, but they don't have thetalent. And the rest of them? Who knows what to expect? They're not good for much of anything."

"[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]I know what's gonna happen. We'llwait until the last minute and then they'll say something like they couldn't get a deal done because of the cap or somebody pulled out at the last minute. It happens hereall the time. I don't know why I'm surprised every year[/color]."

"He can't do anything with the ball. Don't give it to him." - Michael yelling at Paxson who passedthe ball to Perdue

"You ever hear of a guy, six-eleven maybe and two hundred sixty pounds, a guy big and fat like that and hecan't get but two rebounds, if that many, running all over the damn court and he gets two rebounds? Big guy like that and he gets one rebound. Can'teven stick his **** into people and get more than that...Big, fat, fat guy. One rebound in three games. Power forward. Maybe they should call it powerlessforward." - Michael ripping Stacey King a new one

"He was scared in there and panicking. He just lost it when Stockton scored." - Michael on B.J.Armstrong's mental fragility

I'll let them stand up and take responsibility for themselves."

"We have to do some things. We need to make some changes."

"...I call them 'the Looney Tunes.' Physically, they were the best. Mentally, they weren't evenclose."

"He's scared. He's got no heart...Nobody told me that. If I had spoken up, he wouldn't have beenhere."

"I know I can recognize what to do, but I'm not sure they can."

"It's a hell of a lot easier to make Earl Monroe look good than it is Brad Sellers."

"I hope there's a jumpshot in there." - Michael to Stacey King who was walking into the locker room witha box

"They don't need a ticket to watch you sitting on the bench. They can go to your
house for that." - Michael to Charles Davis who was sorting through his tickets for his family and friends

"Give me the ******* ball." - Michael to Doug Collins who drew up a play for Dave Corzine

"I hate when I have to read that in the papers the next day, that I couldn't do something. It wasn't my fault."

"You're an idiot. You've screwed up every play we ever ran. You're too stupid to even remember the plays. We ought to get rid of you." - Michael to Horace Grant

"If you [pass the ball to Bill Cartwright], you'll never get the ball from me."

"We're not winning because of talent. We're just beating bad teams."

"Headache tonight, Scottie?" - Michael asks Scottie, while showing him his 2-for-16 line

"It's probably a twelve-day. He needs two days to wake up." - Michael on a ten-day contract teammate

"Five more years and I'm out of here. I'm marking these days on a calendar, like I'm in jail. I'm tired of being used by this organization, by the league, by the writers, by everyone."

"They're not interested in winning. They just want to sell tickets, which they can do because of me. They won't make any deals to make us better. And this Kukoc thing. I hate that. They're spending all their time chasing this guy."

"If I were a general manager, we'd be a better team."

"Will Vanderbilt. He doesn't deserve to be named after a Big Ten school." - Michael on Will Perdue

"I want to prove the critics wrong...I want to see some serious moves from management, which I really haven't seen that much of yet, and I want to see more serious attitudes from my teammates this year when it comes to the playoffs. In the past, it's been more or less a joking thing, sort of a 'Well, we're here, so let's have a good time.'"

"I'm sure everything will be fine if we win, but if we start losing, I'm shooting."

"I know what I would do if I were coach. I'd determine our strengths and weaknesses and utilize them. And it's pretty clear what our strength is."

"Your boy doesn't want to play. I'm tired of bailing his @$% out." - Michael yelling at Jim Cleamons about Dennis Hopson

"I don't know about trading a 24 year-old guy for a 34 year-old guy." - Michael questioning the Oakley trade

"He's causing me too many turnovers." - Michael on Cartwright's inability to catch

"Why the hell don't you ever set a pick like that in a game?" - Michael yelling at Perdue after also hitting Perdue upside his head (led to the institution of the private curtain for practices)
doubt all those quotes are accurate but hes arguablly th most famous person n the world... hes been sick of fans for 20+ years i would imagine.. know i wouldbe
You Kobe stans need to drop it. Got your ring, chill.

I'm sure the "Kobe Rules" would be just as action packed and fun filled.

6-0 in the Finals.
Originally Posted by NY41101

Just wondering how do you guys know he dont tip?
It's well documented, plus when he was on the Wizards I had a friend who was a waitress in a restaurant he went to and said he was there forlike 3 hours getting food and all kinds of drinks with a pretty large party, and didn't tip one cent.
@ "If I were a general manager, we'd be a better team."
Originally Posted by doyung9

You Kobe stans need to drop it. Got your ring, chill.

I'm sure the "Kobe Rules" would be just as action packed and fun filled.

6-0 in the Finals.

Why even put kobe's name in this thread?

You don't even know if the OP was a kobe fan or not.....
Originally Posted by doyung9

You Kobe stans need to drop it. Got your ring, chill.

I'm sure the "Kobe Rules" would be just as action packed and fun filled.

6-0 in the Finals.
Not a single person in this thread was a Kobe fan til you posted
"Five more years and I'm out of here. I'm marking these days on a calendar, like I'm in jail. I'm tired of being used by this organization, by the league, by the writers, by everyone."
hmm, when did he say this? it's kinda funny how he came back two times if he felt this way
Originally Posted by tmukg21

Originally Posted by 81ackMamba

@ "If I were a general manager, we'd be a better team."

Word to the bobcats winning the championship this year

... What's funny nowadays is you see a lot of the old legends -Russell, Malone, Pippen, Magic, Kareem, D Rob... - come back on tnt or abc/espn for interviews,etc. I don't think Jordan has ever been on tntwith Kenny and Charles and def never on espn for an interview. Maybe wrong, but I always though it was because he didn't want to hurt his image. But onething is for sure, he was obsessed about his image during his playing days. From espn sportscentury - Michael always had a suit on before and after every gameand wanted to be viewed a certain way by the fans off the court. Even it is just for 5 seconds as he walks out of the hotel lobby he wants to maintain theimage.
Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by doyung9

You Kobe stans need to drop it. Got your ring, chill.

I'm sure the "Kobe Rules" would be just as action packed and fun filled.

6-0 in the Finals.

Why even put kobe's name in this thread?

You don't even know if the OP was a kobe fan or not.....
Because it's pretty obvious that's what it all comes down to.

Since the buzzer sounded on game 5, we've had threads such as:

"What does Kobe's 'rape' case have to do with his legacy?"

"What does Kobe have to do to surpass MJ?"

And there were like two other threads involving either Kobe as a person or Jordan as a person. Like seriously, I'm one of the biggest Jordan fans probablyon this board, and while I'm not a Kobe fan, I appreciate his contribution to the game. He's the best we have right now, he won the chip this year.

I'm sorry I brought it up, it was a mis-step on my part, but I'm just tired of the MJ v. Kobe argument. It's aggravating to a point that makesS&T intolerable, and it never remains just about the game, it's always "kobe's a ##**" or "so was Jordan"... As if we were allsitting in during those Laker practices or Bulls practices anyway.
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Originally Posted by NY41101

Just wondering how do you guys know he dont tip?
It's well documented, plus when he was on the Wizards I had a friend who was a waitress in a restaurant he went to and said he was there for like 3 hours getting food and all kinds of drinks with a pretty large party, and didn't tip one cent.

My cousin has worked as a waitress at a few restaurants and she told me the few times MJ came in he was an amazing tipper.
Don't take those quotes as 100% truth. That's the only piece of memorabilia Jordan won't autograph, because the writer didn't get Jordan'spermission to write it, and fabricated the truth.

Yes he was a jerk to his teammates, but off the court I've only seen him being a stand-up guy, and I've met him half a dozen times.
I swear some of you NTers praise him and think he can do no wrong.

Michael Jordan the person is one of the biggest pieces of @!%# in the world. He cheated on his wife a bazzillion times. Has a huge gambling problem, andprobably would have been broke if it wasn't for his sneakers. He looks down on people and is an #$$#$%# to them.

Michael Jordan the person is not somebody to look up to and praise.
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