micheal jordan off court ?

Originally Posted by dlsilva21

If you read "The Jordan Rules" it does a good job of showing his relationships with his teammates and his desires to not only win, but to be the focal point of attention.
I picked up this book about a week ago, now i'm almost done, but reading this has really changed my view on MJ. it makes him out to be acrappy teammate with a giant ego and a gambling problem, and most of it is fairly believable. I dont think this book is full of lies.
those quotes are hilarious, I think I have this book somewhere at home. But they have to be lies cause we all know that MJ was the best on and off the courtand no way he would say any of those things [sarcasm]
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

those quotes are hilarious, I think I have this book somewhere at home. But they have to be lies cause we all know that MJ was the best on and off the court and no way he would say any of those things [sarcasm]
Says the biggest Kobe stan on this board. You're just mad your hero will never be better than Jordan
why do athletes have to be perfect? I never understood why people who never met the people they criticize have often harsh opinions on them..these guys arehumans too..i
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

those quotes are hilarious, I think I have this book somewhere at home. But they have to be lies cause we all know that MJ was the best on and off the court and no way he would say any of those things [sarcasm]
Says the biggest Kobe stan on this board. You're just mad your hero will never be better than Jordan
yeah that must be it MJ stan...see I can make funnies too
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by NY41101

Just wondering how do you guys know he dont tip?
They don't, they just like to repeat rumors they heard and pass it off as truth.
i have actually caddied in michael jordans group at robert trent jones in Va. we played 36 holes and he tipped well, nothing crazy but well. there are other members there with less money who tip more.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

those quotes are hilarious, I think I have this book somewhere at home. But they have to be lies cause we all know that MJ was the best on and off the court and no way he would say any of those things [sarcasm]
Says the biggest Kobe stan on this board. You're just mad your hero will never be better than Jordan

Most of the stuff said about Jordan is well documented...and notice how not one Kobe fan has even brought up his name
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I swear some of you NTers praise him and think he can do no wrong.

Michael Jordan the person is one of the biggest pieces of @!%# in the world. He cheated on his wife a bazzillion times. Has a huge gambling problem, and probably would have been broke if it wasn't for his sneakers. He looks down on people and is an #$$#$%# to them.

Michael Jordan the person is not somebody to look up to and praise.
I was never a huge MJ fan He did my Knicks in every year I respect the fact he put the NBA into the Limelight when things looked dim. I dontassinate his character cause I dont walk in the mans shoes I dont know him personally ( I dont think anyone on NIkeTalk does) and I dont thinks its right foranyone to judge anyone, But I can tell you this He isnt the only man that has ever cheated on his wife and I think he worked hard for his money so if hechooses to gamble it away thats his problem. A lot of Professional Players look down a people doesnt make it right but thats life.
i don't doubt MJ's ruthless criticism, bt thats all it is. so far, nothing but rumor/hearsay/approximations. i do have a curiosity for the urban legendof the whole retirment/suspension thing though. who knows...
Originally Posted by StickyRicky34

"If I were a general manager, we'd be a better team."


MJ is still the GOAT though.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

those quotes are hilarious, I think I have this book somewhere at home. But they have to be lies cause we all know that MJ was the best on and off the court and no way he would say any of those things [sarcasm]
Says the biggest Kobe stan on this board. You're just mad your hero will never be better than Jordan
dude, you've been all over any kobe/lakers thread likeflies on #+!@ since the lakers won the ship. butthurt all because the lakers won the championship. give it up
Originally Posted by doyung9

You Kobe stans need to drop it. Got your ring, chill.

I'm sure the "Kobe Rules" would be just as action packed and fun filled.

6-0 in the Finals.
Where did Kobe come in...? I think you're the one that needs to chill, sir.
Believe in half of what you see and none of what you heard...

I better go watch those Ultimate Jordan collections again. Trust me, it's better than a book from one year of MJ's career.

Come on, dude was in Space Jam off the court!
This just feeds into the fact that most (not all) professional athletes are pampered pricks who off the court are usually low life's. Not necessarilycalling MJ a low life, but he definitely isn't the classiest of men.

I've always tried to separate in my mind, what someone does on the playing field/court, as opposed to their personal lives, because more times than notthese athletes are spoiled brats with the world at their fingertips. That is not a good combination.

There are some cool down to earth people in pro sports though. Just want to make that clear. Overall, I just have a bad outlook towards the majority of proathletes that conduct themselves in a disrespectful manner out of their uniforms.
Originally Posted by doyung9

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by doyung9

You Kobe stans need to drop it. Got your ring, chill.

I'm sure the "Kobe Rules" would be just as action packed and fun filled.

6-0 in the Finals.

Why even put kobe's name in this thread?

You don't even know if the OP was a kobe fan or not.....
Because it's pretty obvious that's what it all comes down to.

Since the buzzer sounded on game 5, we've had threads such as:

"What does Kobe's 'rape' case have to do with his legacy?"

"What does Kobe have to do to surpass MJ?"

And there were like two other threads involving either Kobe as a person or Jordan as a person. Like seriously, I'm one of the biggest Jordan fans probably on this board, and while I'm not a Kobe fan, I appreciate his contribution to the game. He's the best we have right now, he won the chip this year.

I'm sorry I brought it up, it was a mis-step on my part, but I'm just tired of the MJ v. Kobe argument. It's aggravating to a point that makes S&T intolerable, and it never remains just about the game, it's always "kobe's a ##**" or "so was Jordan"... As if we were all sitting in during those Laker practices or Bulls practices anyway.

Just to let you know, there were plenty of threads created immediately afterward by KOBE haters to reinforce their MJ love and discredit Kobe'saccomplishments, but of course you didn't remember those.
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