Microsoft ain't playin....

Got banned

bout to cop another one, ride it out and remod it...
Originally Posted by BOSS TYCOON 408

Originally Posted by duckdafraft

if my xbox is modded but I dont play burned games will i still get banned?
not likely xbox only figures it out on the game if something doesn't verify on the crc...
As for me got console banned this morning had a 1.51 hitachi.
Just gonna play my burned games on the banned one now and play online on my bros

Does anyone have any info on when this Ban Wave is over???
so as long as I dont play the burned games on live il be good right?
I'm glad, most of my friends had it and always told me I was dumb for havin a ps3, looks like I get the last laugh
yo question...remember how i got my xbox console banned for being modded? i gutted it and swapped the insides out with a new one, plugged in my old hard driveand modded this new system. I tried to login on my gamertag but it gave me and error..said "You don;t have enough space on this hard drive to save thisprofile" or some BS...yet i have 6.6 gigs open. Is there a way around this or does that mean my gamertag got banned? i didnt get an email stating that sure it was just the console. I went ahead and made a new GT but of course all the purchaes/points XBL is on the old GT.
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

yo question...remember how i got my xbox console banned for being modded? i gutted it and swapped the insides out with a new one, plugged in my old hard drive and modded this new system. I tried to login on my gamertag but it gave me and error..said "You don;t have enough space on this hard drive to save this profile" or some BS...yet i have 6.6 gigs open. Is there a way around this or does that mean my gamertag got banned? i didnt get an email stating that it sure it was just the console. I went ahead and made a new GT but of course all the purchaes/points XBL is on the old GT.
You have to RECOVER the profile.

EDIT: I can confirm that the ban wave ended saturday morning. So those of you saying you got banned as recent as today. Either you JUST logged intoyour Xbox Live account or your lying.
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

thegoat121886 wrote:

yo question...remember how i got my xbox console banned for being modded? i gutted it and swapped the insides out with a new one, plugged in my old hard drive and modded this new system. I tried to login on my gamertag but it gave me and error..said "You don;t have enough space on this hard drive to save this profile" or some BS...yet i have 6.6 gigs open. Is there a way around this or does that mean my gamertag got banned? i didnt get an email stating that it sure it was just the console. I went ahead and made a new GT but of course all the purchaes/points XBL is on the old GT.
You have to RECOVER the profile.

EDIT: I can confirm that the ban wave ended saturday morning. So those of you saying you got banned as recent as today. Either you JUST logged into your Xbox Live account or your lying.

that's what i did. i to the alst acted like it was in the process of recovering it and then it hit me with that notice. I did itlike five times, and i even delted stuff off the drive and cleared the cache
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

yo question...remember how i got my xbox console banned for being modded? i gutted it and swapped the insides out with a new one, plugged in my old hard drive and modded this new system. I tried to login on my gamertag but it gave me and error..said "You don;t have enough space on this hard drive to save this profile" or some BS...yet i have 6.6 gigs open. Is there a way around this or does that mean my gamertag got banned? i didnt get an email stating that it sure it was just the console. I went ahead and made a new GT but of course all the purchaes/points XBL is on the old GT.
You have to RECOVER the profile.

EDIT: I can confirm that the ban wave ended saturday morning. So those of you saying you got banned as recent as today. Either you JUST logged into your Xbox Live account or your lying.
How can you CONFIRM that? I was on live sunday , and got banned yesterday so i have no idea what makes you so special that you can confirmit
yeah my brother got me banned yesterday night when he had been playing all weekend...
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

yo question...remember how i got my xbox console banned for being modded? i gutted it and swapped the insides out with a new one, plugged in my old hard drive and modded this new system. I tried to login on my gamertag but it gave me and error..said "You don;t have enough space on this hard drive to save this profile" or some BS...yet i have 6.6 gigs open. Is there a way around this or does that mean my gamertag got banned? i didnt get an email stating that it sure it was just the console. I went ahead and made a new GT but of course all the purchaes/points XBL is on the old GT.
You have to RECOVER the profile.

EDIT: I can confirm that the ban wave ended saturday morning. So those of you saying you got banned as recent as today. Either you JUST logged into your Xbox Live account or your lying.
How can you CONFIRM that? I was on live sunday , and got banned yesterday so i have no idea what makes you so special that you can confirm it

1. Don't get salty with me because you got banned.
2. What time zone are you in and what time did you get banned.
3. You were already flagged to get banned before last saturday.
4. Go to the scene to find out how I can "confirm".

Next ban wave begins Thursday (they are going to extend this until Jan. 20th
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

yo question...remember how i got my xbox console banned for being modded? i gutted it and swapped the insides out with a new one, plugged in my old hard drive and modded this new system. I tried to login on my gamertag but it gave me and error..said "You don;t have enough space on this hard drive to save this profile" or some BS...yet i have 6.6 gigs open. Is there a way around this or does that mean my gamertag got banned? i didnt get an email stating that it sure it was just the console. I went ahead and made a new GT but of course all the purchaes/points XBL is on the old GT.
You have to RECOVER the profile.

EDIT: I can confirm that the ban wave ended saturday morning. So those of you saying you got banned as recent as today. Either you JUST logged into your Xbox Live account or your lying.
How can you CONFIRM that? I was on live sunday , and got banned yesterday so i have no idea what makes you so special that you can confirm it

1. Don't get salty with me because you got banned.
2. What time zone are you in and what time did you get banned.
3. You were already flagged to get banned before last saturday.
4. Go to the scene to find out how I can "confirm".

Next ban wave begins Thursday (they are going to extend this until Jan. 20th
1. Who are you telling me what and what not to do? I'm not salty. I'm pretty much ehh about it because i can just get another box for thelow
2. eastern and 8pm is when i turned on my xbox
3. ok
4. sure
the funniest part about this is out of the 600 k banned. 400 k will go out and buy a new xbox, while complaining about microsoft

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

yo question...remember how i got my xbox console banned for being modded? i gutted it and swapped the insides out with a new one, plugged in my old hard drive and modded this new system. I tried to login on my gamertag but it gave me and error..said "You don;t have enough space on this hard drive to save this profile" or some BS...yet i have 6.6 gigs open. Is there a way around this or does that mean my gamertag got banned? i didnt get an email stating that it sure it was just the console. I went ahead and made a new GT but of course all the purchaes/points XBL is on the old GT.
You have to RECOVER the profile.

EDIT: I can confirm that the ban wave ended saturday morning. So those of you saying you got banned as recent as today. Either you JUST logged into your Xbox Live account or your lying.
How can you confirm this?
this article is saying that their target is 1 million before the holidays are over!!!
I just want to know when this Ban Wave 2009 is for sure over
Originally Posted by don23lucia

Here is my question I'm going to sell this modded xbox to this cat at my work before i get banned lol, what do i need to do before i sell it to him? Like erase the memory and will i have my content when i log into the new console?
i swear ps3 users have to be some of the dumbest fan boys in the world. I dont even care about ps3 or go in threads. enjoy your 0 games and fail onlineexperience.
what the hell does this topic have to do with ps3 being better?
modded xbox where people get games for free are getting banned? similar to wii banning. and if enough people actually played ps3 to set up the mod for freegames and stuff it'd be next.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

i swear ps3 users have to be some of the dumbest fan boys in the world. I dont even care about ps3 or go in threads. enjoy your 0 games and fail online experience.
what the hell does this topic have to do with ps3 being better?
modded xbox where people get games for free are getting banned? similar to wii banning. and if enough people actually played ps3 to set up the mod for free games and stuff it'd be next.
See, that's where you are wrong. Blu Ray and the encryption program on the PS3 software make it impossible ATM. Noone has hacked it yet. Check your figures before you post dumb comments.
Originally Posted by DubA169

the funniest part about this is out of the 600 k banned. 400 k will go out and buy a new xbox, while complaining about microsoft

Yeah, they'll go buy an arcade and still have their modded system where they have already saved well over the amount the arcade cost. Idon't see your point.
Originally Posted by BOSS TYCOON 408

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

yo question...remember how i got my xbox console banned for being modded? i gutted it and swapped the insides out with a new one, plugged in my old hard drive and modded this new system. I tried to login on my gamertag but it gave me and error..said "You don;t have enough space on this hard drive to save this profile" or some BS...yet i have 6.6 gigs open. Is there a way around this or does that mean my gamertag got banned? i didnt get an email stating that it sure it was just the console. I went ahead and made a new GT but of course all the purchaes/points XBL is on the old GT.
You have to RECOVER the profile.

EDIT: I can confirm that the ban wave ended saturday morning. So those of you saying you got banned as recent as today. Either you JUST logged into your Xbox Live account or your lying.
How can you confirm this?
this article is saying that their target is 1 million before the holidays are over!!!
I just want to know when this Ban Wave 2009 is for sure over

Yea I already stated

Next ban wave begins Thursday (they are going to extend this until Jan. 20th

They are basically out to meet a quota.
I don't get why anyone would have an issue with Microsoft. What people are doing by burning games is illegal. People didn't expect Microsoft to defendtheir product or something?

Some people need to just take the loss and move on. It could be a lot worse than not being able to go online with your console. You could pay a fine or do jailtime for this kind of thing.

Just saying.
hey im playing MW2 (backup) and everytime i turn it off, i'll turn it back on to play but it reads it as a DVD. I've started it up about 6 or 7 timesand each time, i have to insert the activation.iso disc before i play to get it to work. Is there a way around this? I'm on 1.6
Just gotta update your firmware. That boot disk is necessary because of wave 4. 1.6 and lower can't play wave 4 games without a boot disk.
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