Microsoft ain't playin....

I mean, people should know better playing games on Live before they come out
lol my boy with a modded 360 was pressing me to get mine done. imma have to ask him tomorrow if his still works.

he was bragging about playing mw2 too.
Damn I only hear good things about people getting their 360's modded except I'm not going to risk getting banned. I'm a gamer.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

its the weeks leading up to a HUGE release, you better believe they are banning people

pirating games is lame anyways

you sound like a lame...every post you make on this site is corny.
Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

its the weeks leading up to a HUGE release, you better believe they are banning people

pirating games is lame anyways

you sound like a lame...every post you make on this site is corny.
who are you dude?
Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

its the weeks leading up to a HUGE release, you better believe they are banning people

pirating games is lame anyways

you mad you don't know how?

what's lame bout saving tons of money on video games?
To me, It's not worth it.

If you want to save money on games, follow a bunch of video game deals online, don't risk your console and warranty.
I can understand the people who are arguing whether it is ethically sound to mod, but the people saying it is not economically sound are delusional
Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

its the weeks leading up to a HUGE release, you better believe they are banning people

pirating games is lame anyways

you mad you don't know how?
its so dam hard to google
Originally Posted by Dunk Demon

Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

its the weeks leading up to a HUGE release, you better believe they are banning people

pirating games is lame anyways

you mad you don't know how?

what's lame bout saving tons of money on video games?
To me, It's not worth it.

If you want to save money on games, follow a bunch of video game deals online, don't risk your console and warranty.
1) A new arcade xbox is $200.
2) 4 games are $240
3) M$ mostly does ban waves around the holiday shopping period

So if you do the math even if you get banned once a year you could make up the difference on burned games in less then a week.

I see no moral justification in the prices or all that other talk I just want free and early games
o blu ray cases all over and have well over 400 blu rays on 4tbs with space to boot.. space saver and money saver

I don't know a thing about pirating games--don't even have an Xbox (PS3 and only a handful of games), but damn, you have time to watch 400 movies?
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

o blu ray cases all over and have well over 400 blu rays on 4tbs with space to boot.. space saver and money saver

I don't know a thing about pirating games--don't even have an Xbox (PS3 and only a handful of games), but damn, you have time to watch 400 movies?
He's a collector.
Originally Posted by HoisanHaze

PS3 > ____

Free Games > PS3

And this is old news... The Ban Wave is basically over, only those who are reckless and don't know what there doing gets banned.

i use iBurn360 and abgx. turst me when i say i took every precaution in the book. I covered my tracks perfectly yet i still got banned. i was up on 360-scene and im not the only one so i dont feel so bad
Your supposed to use IMGBURN and your sectors need to matchup. Also you need Verbatims and 2.4x speed. Your weren't carful, you gotbanned.
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by HoisanHaze

PS3 > ____

Free Games > PS3

And this is old news... The Ban Wave is basically over, only those who are reckless and don't know what there doing gets banned.

i use iBurn360 and abgx. turst me when i say i took every precaution in the book. I covered my tracks perfectly yet i still got banned. i was up on 360-scene and im not the only one so i dont feel so bad
Your supposed to use IMGBURN and your sectors need to matchup. Also you need Verbatims and 2.4x speed. Your weren't carful, you got banned.

jetpac shedding knowledge.
Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by KTaylor

1C3M4M wrote:

i3allistic wrote:

HoisanHaze wrote:

PS3 > ____
PS3 aint even hack yet ....

So? Online free makes up for the LEGAL games we pay retail for.

nah cause look @ the qaulity of the game servers when in comparison. ps3 servers are wakk. you get what you pay for.

why do people still say this?

Due to the statement's truthfulness.
Seriously unbiased and I do mean seriously. I really do not like PS3's online. The community just isn't there. I know the fanboys say.. "oh xbox360 parties aren't all that".. But the thing is.. they are. Its nothing like having a selected group of friends all in one party (each playingdifferent games) and chatting, or altogether in one game going over the next move. The experience is just so much more crisp and detailed as compared to whatSony offers.

One thing the PS3 does have > the Xbox is the three way online video chat.
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by HoisanHaze

PS3 > ____

Free Games > PS3

And this is old news... The Ban Wave is basically over, only those who are reckless and don't know what there doing gets banned.

i use iBurn360 and abgx. turst me when i say i took every precaution in the book. I covered my tracks perfectly yet i still got banned. i was up on 360-scene and im not the only one so i dont feel so bad
Your supposed to use IMGBURN and your sectors need to matchup. Also you need Verbatims and 2.4x speed. Your weren't carful, you got banned.

Jetpac speaks the truth I've only used verbatims burned at 2.4x used abgx and burn with imgeburn and didnt get banned plus my 7+ friends that playin our partys didnt get banned either, and we all use the same system to burn games.
Originally Posted by chagocal

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by HoisanHaze

PS3 > ____

Free Games > PS3

And this is old news... The Ban Wave is basically over, only those who are reckless and don't know what there doing gets banned.

i use iBurn360 and abgx. turst me when i say i took every precaution in the book. I covered my tracks perfectly yet i still got banned. i was up on 360-scene and im not the only one so i dont feel so bad
Your supposed to use IMGBURN and your sectors need to matchup. Also you need Verbatims and 2.4x speed. Your weren't carful, you got banned.

Jetpac speaks the truth I've only used verbatims burned at 2.4x used abgx and burn with imgeburn and didnt get banned plus my 7+ friends that play in our partys didnt get banned either, and we all use the same system to burn games.

Same here.

And why are dudes coming in bringing up the PS3? It hasn't even been hacked yet, but I'm sure if it was they'd be banning people for playingpirated games, too.

Y'all can keep paying $70 for video games if you want.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by chagocal

Jetpacunlimited wrote:

HoisanHaze wrote:

PS3 > ____

Free Games > PS3

And this is old news... The Ban Wave is basically over, only those who are reckless and don't know what there doing gets banned.

i use iBurn360 and abgx. turst me when i say i took every precaution in the book. I covered my tracks perfectly yet i still got banned. i was up on
360-scene and im not the only one so i dont feel so bad
Your supposed to use IMGBURN and your sectors need to matchup. Also you need Verbatims and 2.4x speed. Your weren't carful, you got

Jetpac speaks the truth I've only used verbatims burned at 2.4x used abgx and burn with imgeburn and didnt get banned plus my 7+ friends that play
in our partys didnt get banned either, and we all use the same system to burn games.

Same here.

And why are dudes coming in bringing up the PS3? It hasn't even been hacked yet, but I'm sure if it was they'd be banning people for playing pirated games, too.

Y'all can keep paying $70 for video games if you want.

Minus the imageburn (i'm on a mac) i did all of that.
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