Millennials Are Running Out of Time to Build Wealth #brokebois

you won’t work winters, lots of ot in the summer though.

lots of guys come up from down south and go back home for the winter. Street sweeper was an example of one of the jobs you could get. There’s a million jobs they’re hiring for. I always push union jobs on here. No fighting for a raise, no college and a pension and healthcare.


Catch me with my NT :nthat: hat with the crane truck
It’s not a bad gig man, it might require an apprenticeship but you still start at like 20 an hour with free bennies.

all I do is ride around moving construction equipment listening to music and raid taco trucks. :lol:

I did get the police called on me though because I shook the whole block moving some big machine and the neighbors hated. 🤷‍♂️
I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again, White people were giving Free land away with the land run. All you have to do is run and plant the flag on it and it was yours. That land turned into generational wealth. Are we really going to act like that wasn’t the biggest head start anyone could ever have? Let me know when they start giving away houses and all I had to do was play tag to get it. Imagine getting acres of land and all you had to do was jog half a mile LOL. I’d be Ted Turner

Wild as hell when you seriously think about it man.
It’s wack, my sister in law can’t find a good job to save her life because she lives in the country and has a kid so it’s not like she can go do a construction job like i was posting and work 12 hours a day.

we need to come together and organize not look down on people not making it.
This is my favorite recurring post on NT :lol: Comparing yourself to the generation before you, or anyone for that matter, is an exercise in futility.

All my friends are flourishing and most own homes. Not denying it, but I don’t really see the millennial struggle first hand. Most people choose to be broke.

Started off so well then it turned into “if me and my friends aren’t broke then WHY ARE YOU????”
This is my favorite recurring post on NT :lol: Comparing yourself to the generation before you, or anyone for that matter, is an exercise in futility. All my friends are flourishing and most own homes. Not denying it, but I don’t really see the millennial struggle first hand. Most people choose to be broke.
Well since your friends are flourishing, everyone else must be.

dude is very out of touch

yes im sure people wake up with the choice of having 50k in their account vs 0 dollars :lol:
Here’s the opposite side of the coin:

So the oldest millennials (on the border of being boomers) were able to achieve most of the boomers same wealth..? Proves to me they just hoarded wealth as much as possible during their era

All the wealth the Boomers hoarded(repeated tax cuts, pension plans, neglecting infrastructure, non-green energy) --> Boomers gonna die off and will eventually be a wealth transfer.

in addition to the land, the free labor from slavery gave a good head start. Imagine having someone work for you for free 24/7
So the oldest millennials (on the border of being boomers) were able to achieve most of the boomers same wealth..? Proves to me they just hoarded wealth as much as possible during their era

All the wealth the Boomers hoarded(repeated tax cuts, pension plans, neglecting infrastructure, non-green energy) --> Boomers gonna die off and will eventually be a wealth transfer.

in addition to the land, the free labor from slavery gave a good head start. Imagine having someone work for you for free 24/7
Almost like it’s.......... generational....... and........... systematic........ 🤷🏽‍♂️
This is my favorite recurring post on NT :lol: Comparing yourself to the generation before you, or anyone for that matter, is an exercise in futility. All my friends are flourishing and most own homes. Not denying it, but I don’t really see the millennial struggle first hand. Most people choose to be broke.

This is foolish plain and simple. Also hella ironic all the black and brown folks that had their lives ruined behind some weed only for white folks to reverse course and now clowns like this dude benefit. Ppl choose to be broke smh
Lot of privileged pick yourself up by the bootstraps nonsense in here. :rofl:

Bottom line is it takes much more work to be wealthy in modern America. Prior generations had slaves, manifest destiny, the GI bill...and have the nerve to ask why millenials don't own anything.
I wouldn’t say a lot. One poster did and everyone said knock that **** off.

if You got good job opportunities or resources in your area post them up.

Might be a long shot on nt but if you have heavy equipment experience or grading and paving shoot me a dm. My company is hiring.
I wouldn’t say a lot. One poster did and everyone said knock that **** off.

if You got good job opportunities or resources in your area post them up.

Might be a long shot on nt but if you have heavy equipment experience or grading and paving shoot me a dm. My company is hiring.

Gotcha. I'm doing well for myself but I would never hold that against fellow millenials. Life was much simpler and less competitive for MAGA generations.

STEM fields tend to be boomer proof FTW. If you're in medicine/science/tech just keep up with current literature, innovations, and techniques and it may help give you an advantage over dinosaurs.
Gotcha. I'm doing well for myself but I would never hold that against fellow millenials. Life was much simpler and less competitive for MAGA generations.

STEM fields tend to be boomer proof FTW. If you're in medicine/science/tech just keep up with current literature, innovations, and techniques and it may help give you an advantage over dinosaurs.

no never, I just want everyone to do well. It makes it a better place for all of us.

i’m going take take some classes this winter I think at our community college and get a couple coding certificates. Maybe just for some side hustle money and it never hurts to learn more. F them 🦖
Not gonna like, I see people in my age group make questionable financial decisions.

Like I know dogs are cute and all but I don't understand why people living in a tiny apartment in NYC feel they need a dog. Taking care of a pet costs money. That's money you could be saving.
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