** MLB Feet - 2008 Baseball Cleats (Pics) **

7MikeVick7: Haha... kweimer1 already posted a few pics of the gloves, but I'm glad to see he finally got hooked up. Hope he's back on here soon.

Manny: Go to CustomCleats.com if you want to turn a pair of sneakers intocleats. Other than that... just NikeID if you want custom colors.

Okay, now, back to MLB Feet... and let's PLEASE try to keep this thread focused on unique PE cleats. It's totally cool for the Easton guys to dogiveaways and give us inside info on their products, and it's fine to talk about MLB cleat trends and new gear, but aside from that, please try to stayrelevant to the topic. That means posting MLB pics and discussing PE cleats. (And please, please, PLEASE don't just randomly beg the Easton guys for ahook-up out of the blue... if they want to give something away, they'll make an announcement. Giving them random props for being awesome, on the otherhand, is totally fair game.)

Thanks guys... and I don't mean to sound like I'm power tripping or talking down to anybody here... I just want to keep a great thread going strong. Anyway... a few pics:

David Wright Fuse Turf PE

Alex Gordon Zoom Fuse PE (you can't make it out in the pic above, but I saw that they do in fact have the Zoom wedge in the heel in the telecast. Andit's worth noting that he's been wearing these at home and blue Clippers for away games... I'll try to find better pics later on)
Originally Posted by jasonshortstop24

Ive tried forever to keep my pants over my cleats like these guys, anyone know how in the world they do it.

Im experimenting with something new this year. Im using velcro on the inside of my pants and a piece on the back of my spikes. I actually just sent them tothe cleaners to have stitched. I got the idea from a pair of Gary Sheffield spikes I saw on ebay once that had a piece of velcro glued to the back. Im going tobe trying them out for the first time this weekend, Ill let you know how it goes.
Beltran's and Wright's...
I got the cleats today as well and they are very nice. Thanks again kweimer1. :tongue:

I like Wright's turfs.

I was just watching the end of the Mets game (if anyone else was watching, Reyes was out at the plate!) and noticed Jose Reyes wearing Easton batting gloves inhis last at-bat. Interesting.
Originally Posted by MPowers16

Kweimer, I might actually have to get involved. I love memorabilia!

Wow, a dilemma. Many times people won't play the lottery for fear of not winning thus dashing all hopes. Others just walk on past not buying a ticketconceding the fact that they won't win therein not getting their hopoes up! Up until today, I was in the latter.

I was actually disappointed. I thought for sure that my statement would have conveyed that I'd love a pair. Or maybe, I really wasn"t one of thefirst three to post. Nonetheless, the sun will rise, NT will be here and Kweimer and Mark will be back with more!

P.S. I did some investigating. My statement was not concrete enough...I'll take the blame for this one!

BTW, Reyes is smooth! Easton gloves or not, he "Gets It"
Originally Posted by Pipes20


I was just watching the end of the Mets game (if anyone else was watching, Reyes was out at the plate!) and noticed Jose Reyes wearing Easton batting gloves in his last at-bat. Interesting.

Yeah I don't like this no offense Easton Guys but reyes with easton looks so weird and foreign to me. Nike better straighten this out asap and give himwhat he wants. I hope he is not contemplating (once again no offense Easton guys).

Some nice fire here.

Showing Arod some love one of the very few signatures in the game.

Ryan Howard with some nice Adidas

Close look at Wright's Turfs :wow:

Sorry easton but I don't like this at all.


On the subject of batting gloves Griff's 500 glove one of the best wish nike would re release these.


Originally Posted by mksmks

Originally Posted by Pipes20


I was just watching the end of the Mets game (if anyone else was watching, Reyes was out at the plate!) and noticed Jose Reyes wearing Easton batting gloves in his last at-bat. Interesting.


They must be Castillo's as he is the only one I have ever made that colorway for...Scarface told me that Santana was wearing them the other night aswell...

Here is a little scavenger hunt...for every original picture someone can find of Reyes or Santana wearing the Easton gloves I will send a pair of randombatters gloves to them (up to 3 photos per person and no more than 5 people total)...dont think there are that many pictures out there of it anyway...

And I want to keep this PE cleat based as well so the best picture (as judged by me) will get a pair of Black/Orange PE Andy Cavazos (Mets) cleats....justfound another pair.
Originally Posted by swingmanike

Yeah I don't like this no offense Easton Guys but reyes with easton looks so weird and foreign to me. Nike better straighten this out asap and give him what he wants. I hope he is not contemplating (once again no offense Easton guys).


These are actualy NOT custom gloves he is wearing...he is wearing our current Stealth Batter's glove that is available anywhere...predominately Blackand White with a few Orange accents...the Orange accents are not because they were made for him but because that was the color of the Stealth bat when thesecame out. If you look at the wrist strap it doesnt say EASTON it says STEALTH

Will try to find out more info on why he is wearing them and not his Nike's though.
Got a different one completes the trifecta.

Note it looks similar to the first one I posted but obviously the first one shows more glove as the Easton E is clearly displayed and this one doesn't.


Originally Posted by MPowers16

BTW, Reyes is smooth! Easton gloves or not, he "Gets It"

ew a Uniwatch reference

I like reading about the intricacies of uniforms (when they aren't complaining about teams not "getting it" or
"logo creep" ) butthe comments left by some of the readers (who seem to have varying social disorders, but that's another tangent for another day) are so asinine that theymake me feel like I've just taken years off my lifespan...
I never paid attention to cleats before while I watched baseball games but this thread hasnow made me keep my eyes peeled for them. At least I can recognize a 5 Tool PE when I watch TV now
Originally Posted by briannnnn

Originally Posted by MPowers16

BTW, Reyes is smooth! Easton gloves or not, he "Gets It"

ew a Uniwatch reference

I like reading about the intricacies of uniforms (when they aren't complaining about teams not "getting it" or
"logo creep" ) but the comments left by some of the readers (who seem to have varying social disorders, but that's another tangent for another day) are so asinine that they make me feel like I've just taken years off my lifespan...
I never paid attention to cleats before while I watched baseball games but this thread has now made me keep my eyes peeled for them. At least I can recognize a 5 Tool PE when I watch TV now

lol...well said. Im so sick of everyone on UW *****ing about logo creep. And anytime I actually look through the comments (which is very rare, usually Imlooking for something specific) I get a headache really quickly
Originally Posted by Pipes20

Originally Posted by briannnnn

Originally Posted by MPowers16

BTW, Reyes is smooth! Easton gloves or not, he "Gets It"

ew a Uniwatch reference

I like reading about the intricacies of uniforms (when they aren't complaining about teams not "getting it" or
"logo creep" ) but the comments left by some of the readers (who seem to have varying social disorders, but that's another tangent for another day) are so asinine that they make me feel like I've just taken years off my lifespan...
I never paid attention to cleats before while I watched baseball games but this thread has now made me keep my eyes peeled for them. At least I can recognize a 5 Tool PE when I watch TV now

lol...well said. Im so sick of everyone on UW *****ing about logo creep. And anytime I actually look through the comments (which is very rare, usually Im looking for something specific) I get a headache really quickly

I'm glad I'm not the only one. There was a point I stopped reading the site entirely but a new MLB season piqued my interest.

I seldom read the comments unless I want to get into a bad mood voluntarily...
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