MLB Trade Deadline thread - Everybody to LAD; Contreras to COL; Kazmir to ANA; Wagner to BOS.

The Rangers absolutely will not trade Smoak and Feliz/Holland in a package... No chance. None. You're gonna be looking at an offer headlined by Smoak,Feliz, or Martin Perez, and filled in with guys from that next tier... The Rangers second tier guys are better than most teams top guys, so they've gotmore to work with...

They're having financial problems as it is... They aren't one Roy Halladay away from being World Series contenders... They HAVE to keep their young,cheap, affordable guys as much as possible until the ownership situation is ironed out...

Now, would I do it? Absolutely, but only if Roy is signing an extension... But it would be Smoak and Feliz by themselves and I'm not adding anything elseof significance... Those two alone are better value than ANYTHING else we've heard out there so far...
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason's Jon Heyman tweets that the Phillies are still the favorites to land Halladay. He hears that the Angels want to keep their prospects while the Rangers don't have the money to bring Doc aboard.
Sorry, Osh.

Wait? The Angels have prospects?

Then JP should tell the Phillies to go +@!@ themselves, merely out of principle.

JP wants to be "wowed" the Phillies prospects leave me...flaccid.

Halladay will not be traded.
I still see it as highly unlikely that Halladay gets traded this season...maybe a 5% chance. He's the only reason why this team does not have the worstattendance in baseball. Torontonians have lost interest in this team because they have been %%#! for so long but they do recognize greatness in Halladay.

Without Halladay this team will no longer be an 80-win team which'll mean a decrease in attendance...decrease in revenue...decrease in payroll and you mayend up with a team that is as lowly as the Royals, Nationals, Pirates, etc.
Here's how I see it, someone tell me if I'm wrong:

Toronto wants to get at least two TOP prospects for Doc.

It seems like there isn't a team that wants to trade their two top prospects, plus another two B level guys because even though Halladay is under contractfor next season it just wouldn't make sense to make the trade unless you were prepared to offer Halladay a contract extension (which would surely be 5years, 100 mil at a minimum) . Considering the economic times, I can't think of a team (other than NY or BOS) who would want to commit to that risk becauseprospects have much more value right now than they have had in the past, and because how often would a 5 year deal to a pitcher who will be 33 when he getsextended really work out. Halladay seems like the type of pitcher who could easily pitch effectively late into his 30s, but that doesn't mean you want to(or have the financial resources) to tie up so much money in him.

Only problem for Toronto is that if they don't trade him before this years trade deadline, the amount they could command in a trade in the off-season orduring next season would be less so JP really would be better off trading him now.

I can't think of a team off the top of my head, but if there's a team that has a top prospect who's blocked at the ML level then a three team dealwould work very well so the Jays can get the prospects they want.

[table][tr][td] [/td] [td]IP[/td] [td]H[/td] [td]R[/td] [td]ER[/td] [td]BB[/td] [td]K[/td] [td]HR[/td] [td]WHIP[/td] [td]Season ERA [/td] [/tr][tr][td]R. Halladay (W, 11-3)[/td] [td]9.0[/td] [td]6[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]7[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]1.07[/td] [td]2.73[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][/table]
Doc's stock just went through the roof.

Shut down the best team in baseball.

Now, the Jays will ask for the rights to a complete farm system.
"I really hope the fans know that the Blue Jays have been amazing for us," Brandy Halladay said on The FAN 590, as her husband's team worked toward a 6-2 victory over the Red Sox. "We stand behind them 110 percent. They have absolutely done right by us.

"J.P. (Ricciardi) has gone above and beyond what a general manager would normally do. We're very grateful for the opportunities he's given us and that he is presenting us in the future. Whatever happens will be best for the Blue Jays and good for us, too. I'm excited for everybody all around."

Later, she added: "This very well could be our last homestand. We're leaving on Monday. If something happens before trade deadline, I won't be back. That's difficult. That's more than difficult. I just broke into tears four minutes ago. ... It's very difficult for everybody. ... You're making me cry now."


Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

Doc's stock just went through the roof.

Shut down the best team in baseball.

Now, the Jays will ask for the rights to a complete farm system.

Yes....THIS game is what made his stock go through the roof. Give me a break dude. Hes the best pitcher in baseball. His high stock has NOTHING to do withtodays game. Absolutely nothing. You act as if you have never seen him pitch before.
Brewers Land Felipe Lopez
By Drew Silva [July 19 at 4:59pm CST]

According to B.J. Rains of, the Diamondbacks have dealt Felipe Lopez to the Brewers for two minor-leaugers: outfielder Cole Gillespie and pitcher Roque Mercedes. More to come.
When Flopez played with the Reds he had to be on roids especially in 05. He has one of the weakest swings i've seen.
on Heyman >
Phillies favored to land Halladay

Story Highlights
If Philly agrees to surrender Kyle Drabek, a deal could happen quickly
The Angels appear to be reluctant to trade their prospects for Halladay
The Jays' GM declined to mention teams or prospects being discussed
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Roy Halladay saluted the home crowd after beating the Red Sox Sunday to move to 11-3 on the season.

The Phillies remain nearly everyone's favorite to land star Blue Jays pitcher Roy Halladay, and the teams are believed to have advanced to the point where they have discussed several of Philadelphia's top prospects -- including outfielder Michael Taylor, shortstop Jason Donald and pitcher Carlos Carrasco -- although, there's no evidence yet that the Phillies are relenting on top pitching prospect Kyle Drabek.

If Philly agrees to surrender Drabek, one competing executive said, "they might get (Halladay) real quick.''

But two more competing execs warned that they believe the Phillies would absolutely have to include Drabek -- a dynamic talent who impressed in the Futures Game -- to have any chance to land Halladay. If they're going to trade Halladay, "they've got to get the Phillies' best prospect,'' one American League exec insisted.

don't wanna sell the farm for a possible one year ofdoc.

w/ the way happ is pitching im hoping they go after Dukes, Bedard, or Washburn. it would be cheaper
So wait why do people think JA Happ is good?

He can't strike people out, has limited control, a straight fast ball and no true out can keep him.

Also dude is 26 years old.

I can't stand i tI have scoured the Phillies farm system, I hate all of them.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

So wait why do people think JA Happ is good?

He can't strike people out, has limited control, a straight fast ball and no true out can keep him.
you can't be serious

His control is
his change up and curve ball is
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

So wait why do people think JA Happ is good?

He can't strike people out, has limited control, a straight fast ball and no true out can keep him.

Also dude is 26 years old.

I can't stand i tI have scoured the Phillies farm system, I hate all of them.
I seriously think you're starting to lose credibility... Do you even watch the players you comment about? Happ almost has a 2:1 strikeout towalk ratio... Which is actually pretty good. Not ace type stuff, but it's not horrible.

He also had a complete game shutout with no walks against the Jays just last month...
Happ quieted the Yankee bats as well.

John Sterling and Suzyn Waldman have gone off on the radio about people who rely just on stats instead of actually watching the games...anytime I hear theirrants I can't help but think they're taking shots at Osh
This from the article by Jon Paul Morosi of FoxSports:

"Meanwhile, representatives of no fewer than seven contenders - the Dodgers, Phillies, Brewers, Tigers, Red Sox, Rangers and Twins - were in attendance. (Of that group, the Red Sox don't appear to have serious interest, and it would be a surprise if Texas or Minnesota came up with the money.) And if any of those scouts were there to look at Toronto's bullpen, well, they picked a lousy day."
I know it won't happen, but I can dream right
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