MLB Trade Deadline thread - Everybody to LAD; Contreras to COL; Kazmir to ANA; Wagner to BOS.

Originally Posted by CP1708

Somebody take Soriano off my hands? Please?

Just Soriano?

How bout that whole damn outfield?

[h1]Pedro to Take Physical on Tuesday, Deal Likely

By John R. Finger

ST. LOUIS - As far as roster moves go, the Phillies like to keep things on a need-to-know basis. That goes for the team's manager, too.

In that regard, Charlie Manuel said he was watching ESPN in his hotel room here in downtown St. Louis on Sunday night when he saw the scroll slide past that offered some news that definitely will affect him. Not too long after that, Manuel said he got a call from general manager Ruben Amaro Jr.

"I saw him on ESPN and then Ruben called to tell me they're bringing him in for a physical," Manuel said.

"Him," of course, is future Hall-of-Famer Pedro Martinez, but as far as anything else goes, Manuel knows nothing. He's unaware of a possible deal with the right-hander though a deal is likely imminent. Martinez will take a physical on Tuesday at 11 a.m. in Philadelphia and if that comes out well he could be signed as early as Wednesday.

Then he would likely go out for a few rehab starts before joining the big league team.

"Our people that were down there said they liked Pedro and they said he's throwing better than he did last year and he's in better shape," Manuel said. "They're bringing him in."

The Phillies definitely have gotten a good look at Martinez. Twice last week the team sent special assistant Charlie Kerfeld to watch Martinez throw at their baseball academy in the Dominican Republic in a pair of three-inning simulated games. That spawned the rumor that Amaro had traveled to the Dominican Republic to offer a $4 million prorated deal to the 37-year-old pitcher, a report that turned out to be unfounded since the Phils' GM never left Philadelphia.

Regardless, the latest report from last Thursday's simulated game was that Martinez pitched three scoreless innings allowing three hits with three strikeouts. His fastball was said to top out at 93-mph.

However, it would be difficult for Martinez to be much worse than he was the last few injury-plagued seasons. After all, the Phillies would hardly be interested in a pitcher like the last-year's version of Pedro.

After going 15-8 with a 2.82 ERA in 2005, Martinez, a three-time Cy Young award winner, went 17-15 with a 4.74 ERA in 48 starts in three combined seasons. When his contract ended after the Mets choked away another September, they just let him walk away - and so did everyone else.

If Martinez ends up with the Phillies, Manuel is sure he will be a terrific fit.

"I know Pedro and Pedro is a professional. I never had trouble with him and guys in the clubhouse say they're always able to talk to him," Manuel said. "The only thing I'll ask of Pedro is to go out there and be professional - just go pitch. I know him a little bit and I'm sure he's going to go along with everything we want to do."

That kind of makes it sound like a done deal, huh?

"Our goal is to win another World Series so we might try to do some things with our pitching," Manuel said. "There are some things that might be worth a try that might make us better."

Of course there is the question whether a player as temperamental as Martinez's reputation will fit in with the tight-knit bunch in the Phillies' clubhouse. When the subject was broached amongst the Phillies' All-Stars, they all pretty much shrugged it off.

The Phillies are notorious for their relentless work ethic so if Martinez can handle that part of it, he'll fit in just fine, they say.

"I think he'll be just fine," starting second baseman Chase Utley said. "We have 25 guys who get along with each other and one guy can't screw that up."

Quite true. Besides, if the Phillies were to add Martinez into the mix that doesn't mean they won't go after another top-of-the-rotation starter, like, say, Roy Halladay.

Pedro Martinez might just be the tip of the iceberg.

"There's positives and negatives to it," starting NL centerfielder Shane Victorino said. "For instance, when we got Raul (Ibanez), everybody talked about how he was such a great guy, but no one talked about his offense and his game on the field. But he's been nothing but great. But, I think if there is a guy you might bring in who is going to deter the chemistry of the team, you have to think about if it is necessary to make the move.

"But from everything I've heard, Pedro is a great guy off the field."

And a bulldog on the field. Martinez famously tossed Don Zimmer to the ground during a bench-clearing incident in the 2002 ALCS at Fenway Park. He also told Boston reporters that if Babe Ruth were alive, he'd "hit him on the @%%."

The Phillies like that.

"If he's as hungry and as big of a big-game pitcher that we've seen and if he wants the ball, then yeah, he'll definitely help us," Victorino said.

And after one title, the Phillies are hungry for more.

"From what I heard he has the kind of mentality that would fit right in with us," Jayson Werth said.

Get ready… here comes Pedro.


pedro is a phil
Originally Posted by LB510

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Halladay won't be traded....if they do trade him it'll probably be in the off-season (Toronto is obviously just feeling out the market right now).

You can also bet they won't trade him within their own division.

The GM said they are open to all offers. They are doing bad attendance wise I think like 25th in the league. If they get an offer worth wild they will take it rather than waiting till the offseason and not getting anything for him. I think the two teams that have the best chance are the Phillies and the Dodgers.

If he's moved it will def be to the NL, but the Blue Jays are in NO rush to make a move right now, and will want top-prospects who are ready to contributeat the Major League level right now.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

If we lose hallday for The Philidelphia Phillies poo poo platter of prospects I certain I will convulse violently.
So Osh, basically the Jays are just listening to offers, they are not really "looking" for something in particular?

Just curious to hear any ramblings about who the Jays would want if a trade with the Dodgers was plausible....
Well they have said that they would like a shortstop, or a 3rd baseman and a ace potential pitcher and some more layers farther away from the bigswith some potential.
The Dodgers don't have the prospects so it will involve Billingsley or Kershaw, I don't really like any of the Phillies prospects but some people seemtoo.

Also the fact that Blue Jays ownership is trying to pretend that we are some mid market team is ******ed and downright silly, back in the 90's we had oneof the highest payrolls in baseball, it's the 4th biggest market in North America fr christ sake and if they try to pass of loosing Roy as some revenuecrunch I will lose my !@%*.

They are the only Canadian team and have the games broadcast nation wide to 30 million people, they just print money with this !+%%!+$ baseball team, it'sjust a billboard for cell phones and internet hooks ups, and worth it's weight in free advertising, not to mention the "currency equalizationpayments" they pocket every year, and the hotel that's is attached the !@%* hole stadium.

The idea that Rogers is worried about attendance like were the Marlins is so !+%%!+$ stupid, JP probably wouldn't have signed Vernon to that ridiculouscontract if they weren't so concerned with TV ratings, word is they might nix this Halladay deal because of backlash and tv ratings already.

Tom Hicks needs to get his !@%* together and give me Smoak before I'm forced be loading up Lou Marson minor league reports.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Tom Hicks needs to get his !@%* together and give me Smoak before I'm forced be loading up Lou Marson minor league reports.
You can have Smoak...

But after seeing Neftali in the Futures Game yesterday... He's off limits...
this happened a couple days ago but no one posted it
Victor Martinez never wants to leave the only organization he's known in his 11 pro seasons, according to Paul Hoynes of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. V-Mart says he wants "to retire as an Indian" and can't envision himself in another team's uniform.

"This organization is great," Martinez said. "This organization has made me a better player and a better person. I love this organization."

Why Kieth Law is awesome.

Gerry (Scranton, PA): Klaw, if Doc is to go the Phils who would the Jays demand? Would Drabek, Donald, Marson be enough?
Keith Law: Here we go! No, that's not enough. Not close for me.

Shawn (Philly): It's been reported that the Phillies consider Kyle Drabek untouchable. If that's the case, is there anycombination of prospects not including him that could entice the Jays to trade Halladay to the Phils?

Keith Law: Sticking with a theme - how stupid is that? Drabek isn't even good enough to be "untouchable" (greatstuff, already blew out his elbow, fair delivery at best, makeup questions dating back to HS), but more to the point, you're talking about acquiring one ofthe top 5 starters in baseball - maybe the top starter in baseball - for a year and a half. You don't designate a AA pitcher as"untouchable" if you're serious about acquiring Doc.

Briks (Philly): Sorry to keep doing the "who would blink first game", but does Dominic Brown, Carrasco, Donald, Drabekmake any sense for Halladay?
Keith Law: That's their best bolt, but I think concerns about both arms holds down its value. (Do the Phils just not trustCarrasco? Didn't impress with his antics last July, at least.)

!$#@ the Phillies.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Tom Hicks needs to get his !@%* together and give me Smoak before I'm forced be loading up Lou Marson minor league reports.
You can have Smoak...

But after seeing Neftali in the Futures Game yesterday... He's off limits...

First thing I thought of was "well they're not getting Halladay"

And Law is right.
those phillies prospects really are overrated...this Donald dude went from the next big thing to nothing

i think the Halladay price is going to come down a little though. They are asking for 4 players but i bet he gets dealt for 3 and not even 3 elites
I wouldn't call them really overrated, I just think the Phillies may be overrating them just a little. They are all very solid prospects would may verywell help the Phillies more than Halladay eventually could. Look at what Happ is doing in the majors already.

And I doubt the price comes down this season...maybe but next years deadline if it becomes apparent he won't re-sign. But this year I doubt JP is in anyrush to deal.
After seeing Halladay's interviews yesterday, I'm convinced that he's on his way out. All this talk about "I want to win" = easing theblow for Jays fans. Who can blame him though? He took a discount to remain with the team, meanwhile they overpaid for guys like BJ Ryan, AJ Burnett, FrankThomas and are now stuck with bad contracts belonging to Rios and Wells. JP ******i has single-handedly run this organization into the ground. Mr. Money Ballcould not win using the Billy Beane method and when given cash, he's splurged it all away on players who did not perform well enough for the team. Torontois not a small market team at all, they've had an $80+ million payroll for several years now. Last year they were an almost $100 million payroll team.

When Ricciardi took over, he complained that the team did not have enough talent. Then he complained about not having enough money to compete with the Sox andYankees. When he got the money to spend, he blamed injuries and guys like Burnett for not being tough enough. After seeing the Rays win the division last year,Ricciardi and Blue Jays management ran out of excuses.

Unfortunately this team will have to "rebuild" once again, although that term is misleading considering they haven't been a playoff contender in15 years. I'd love for Halladay to stay but he deserves better than this pathetic franchise. My biggest concern is that the Jays will get shafted in thetrade, ******i has rarely made a trade that has benefited the team. If he's the one that deals Halladay then I'll become sick to my stomach.

Now that Halladay is likely going to leave, I think that the best time to trade him is in the Fall/Winter. First, the team must fire ******i since he has ledthis team nowhere in the past 7-8 years. Bring in a GM with a long-term vision and have him trade Halladay for guys that meet the new GM's needs. It'dbe absolutely stupid for the team to allow ******i to deal Halladay, only for the team to fire ******i in 2010.

Oh yeah, dealing Halladay in the off-season will yield the team much better players than if they do a trade now. In the off-season teams are more willing torevamp their rosters than they are in the middle of the year. None of the contenders that may be interested in Halladay right now will want to trade severalkey position players when those players helped them to get to where they currently are.
Wouldn't the best time to trade him be before the 31st? I mean I see it from your side and what you're saying, but why not let the prospects come inand call them up in September to gauge if you can use em next year and start fresh in 2010?
Despite the bad contracts given to Rios and Wells, I still think the Jays will make some noise next season when some of their arms get healthy.

It is crazy to think that there was a proposed Vernon Wells for Brad Penny deal on the table. Then the Jays extended Wells with that ridiculous contract,Penny is no longer in the organization, but that deal is a wash.

Also, wouldn't Jay fans reconsider all those Alex Rios for Lowry/Cain/Sanchez deals that were being proposed since the Giants desperately needed a bat.

Although, Riccardi has done a solid job of building the farm system and stocking it. He has overvalued his guys and is scared to piss off that fan base. TheWells and Rios deals, were terrible, yet they negotiated against themselves to seem as if they were making a push to be competitive. Wells is not a sevenfigure player, even in his best years, yet he got a better deal than Albert Pujols (
), because he was a fan favorite.
Wouldn't the best time to trade him be before the 31st? I mean I see it from your side and what you're saying, but why not let the prospects come in and call them up in September to gauge if you can use em next year and start fresh in 2010?

It would be, to be quite honest, the best time to trade him would have been during the winter meetings this past December.

Like OKB stated and Keith Law supported his statements, the Phillies prospects are heavily overrated. Now, they need a no.1 starter badly, they just don'thave the prospects to get the deal done.

The Rangers also have the prospects, but Doc has made it clear he wants nothing to do with The Ballpark at Arlington.

The Dodgers make perfect sense, but all of our "elite prospects" have reached the Major Leagues and they are contributing nicely. We have decentprospects in our system, some that were highly touted and got their shot (Hu, Abreu, Elbert) but failed and others who have been succesful but are still raw(May, DeWitt). As far as arms, the only Major League ready arm we have that is still considered a "prospect" is James McDonald, and he has beenfloundering from the rotation to Triple A and now in the bullpen. The Jays will ask for young players on our Major League roster, and any trade will bedeclined.
Also, wouldn't Jay fans reconsider all those Alex Rios for Lowry/Cain/Sanchez deals that were being proposed since the Giants desperately needed a bat.
They should jump on that for Cain. He comes with that "NL to AL" question but still to get a pitcher in their prime for Rios would be agreat deal.
If Halladay does get traded, I like the idea of perhaps forcing the other team to take Vernon Wells as well. This may reduce the package that the Jays get inreturn but the money saved by dealing Wells could be put to good use in coming off-seasons. Right now he's making around $5 mill/yr but in 2 years timeit'll jump to $20+ million which will kill the team's financial flexibility.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

If Halladay does get traded, I like the idea of perhaps forcing the other team to take Vernon Wells as well. This may reduce the package that the Jays get in return but the money saved by dealing Wells could be put to good use in coming off-seasons. Right now he's making around $5 mill/yr but in 2 years time it'll jump to $20+ million which will kill the team's financial flexibility.
That is impossible, I guarantee you unless Vernon Wells returns to form he will finish that contract with us. It's not going to happen, itNEVER will happen.

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Wouldn't the best time to trade him be before the 31st? I mean I see it from your side and what you're saying, but why not let the prospects come in and call them up in September to gauge if you can use em next year and start fresh in 2010?
It would be, to be quite honest, the best time to trade him would have been during the winter meetings this past December.

Like OKB stated and Keith Law supported his statements, the Phillies prospects are heavily overrated. Now, they need a no.1 starter badly, they just don't have the prospects to get the deal done.

The Rangers also have the prospects, but Doc has made it clear he wants nothing to do with The Ballpark at Arlington.

The Dodgers make perfect sense, but all of our "elite prospects" have reached the Major Leagues and they are contributing nicely. We have decent prospects in our system, some that were highly touted and got their shot (Hu, Abreu, Elbert) but failed and others who have been succesful but are still raw (May, DeWitt). As far as arms, the only Major League ready arm we have that is still considered a "prospect" is James McDonald, and he has been floundering from the rotation to Triple A and now in the bullpen. The Jays will ask for young players on our Major League roster, and any trade will be declined.

He never made anything clear, people keep saying this but Hallday is not the type of dude to start vetoing trades. He isn't even human, you believe he is afraid f that ball park?\
Roy Hallday doesn't know what fear is.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

If Halladay does get traded, I like the idea of perhaps forcing the other team to take Vernon Wells as well. This may reduce the package that the Jays get in return but the money saved by dealing Wells could be put to good use in coming off-seasons. Right now he's making around $5 mill/yr but in 2 years time it'll jump to $20+ million which will kill the team's financial flexibility.

In the NBA you might get some idiot GM to do that

No one is taking Wells.
three way deal: angels, blue jays, red sox....angels get doc, red sox get rolen, jays get prospects

make it happen theo
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

those phillies prospects really are overrated...this Donald dude went from the next big thing to nothing

he's been hurt the whole season.

Carassaco to me is the overrated one.
If someone could be kind enough to post this article please.

Thursday, July 16

[h3]UPDATE: Halladay in pinstripes?[/h3]
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