Mo’Nique wants you to boycott Netflix

i think he is really just corrupting them and leading them to life of drug use and other activities

so i dont hold it against him all things being equal

People giving her legit pointers and she's getting defensive instead of taking away the right things. Kevin Hart legit thought he was done till he said **** it and hit the road.
I would love to know the amount of people who actually made the decision to cancel their Netflix for her

More or less than 1000 people?
Who detemines what someone "DESERVES."

The consumer

If A consumer decides to spend x amount for y product, then that is what it is worth.

It doesn't matter what others feel the true value is.

WORTH isn't an absolute concept.
In this view, Netflix is not the consumer. The subscribers to Netflix are.

In this context, Netflix ranges from gambling to making informed thoroughly researched and mathematically backed up offers.

If they offered a comedian 10 mil for a special and on top of the money spent to promote it only 1000 subscribers watched it over a 6 month span then that comedian was not worth 10 mil. Netflix would take a huge loss.

This isn't like somebody is selling celebrity memorabilia and you pay a crazy amount cuz its worth it to you.

Netflix makes offers based on w/e attention it'll get them, critical acclaim, and most importantly profit.

Why are we ignoring that her husband managers her ? If she was repped by a bigger agency I'm quite sure the offer would've been larger even if she's irrelevant. Can't imagine her husband of all people are being realistic about the trajectory of her career and actually why she's blackballed.
Didn't know this since I didn't watch her actual vid :lol:

But while it sounds compromising is dude just one of those family members turned managers or is he an actual manager? I know what I'd assume though :lol:

Either way that is a good point.
In this view, Netflix is not the consumer. The subscribers to Netflix are.

In this context, Netflix ranges from gambling to making informed thoroughly researched and mathematically backed up offers.

If they offered a comedian 10 mil for a special and on top of the money spent to promote it only 1000 subscribers watched it over a 6 month span then that comedian was not worth 10 mil. Netflix would take a huge loss.

This isn't like somebody is selling celebrity memorabilia and you pay a crazy amount cuz its worth it to you.

Netflix makes offers based on w/e attention it'll get them, critical acclaim, and most importantly profit.

I wasn't saying Netflix was the CONSUMER.

I only used the term consumer because he brought up what people spend their money on and value/worth.

I was responding to his statement
Netflix is all about analytics on everything, from how they pick shows to salary. They rarely take risks.
Feels like stand up as a whole has been whack for a while, that includes all races and genders. Chappelle's name is still strong but thats mostly due to the impact of his tv show (Comedy Central still shows reruns). If your not doing something else to keep your name out their your probably not going to get as much as others
well i think that plays into what kind of roles are being written and what are they trying to promote?
That has more to do with writers and producers. Then overall movie studios in general.

Again they work off money as well and that's partially why there's a representation issue in movies. Studios don't have a requirement to have equal representation in their various movies and that practice which has led to a whole lot of white flicks (post civil rights era) which has then resulted in many creators specifically creating books, tv shows, plays, amd movies for ppl that look like them.

Hollywood really isn't composed of ppl that think that way or at least not the majority. At this point, I find it a problem that ppl keep expecting or complaining about it when we know what it is.

Given the amount of rich black ppl, wealthy black ppl, famous black ppl, black celebrities, etc. nothing is stopping them from making a few studios and producing high quality material even if they eventually have to team up or be bought by a huge media conglomerate.

That's how it was for Motown, Def Jam, etc.
white people stuff gets the most critical acclaim and profits
You know one day I stepped back and put all black ppl in America aside when I look at stuff like this not to get caught up in so many black ppl being force fed all of this white imagery and focus and it really just comes down to there - for now - being way more white ppl than anything else.

White ppl make movies, and then if they're good enough and resonate, white viewers and critics praise it. Its a simple cycle. Its also very exclusive and not inclusive.

Now the black dollar means a lot for movies, and studios are catching on but barring generational differences (like a few generations of white ppl liking to loving to being obsessed with black culture) its not going to be a massive change cuz there's a large core of white ppl that'll always gravitate towards that stuff that looks like them.

Its baked in to American society and identity unfortunately.
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I think the problems that black owned businesses run into is the perception that societally/racially black people are undermined and that plays into expectations of black service

Like the whole black people do t even support black businesses

In terms of Hollywood it plays out like a lot of Octavia Spencer roles (shape of water) where black actors are up marginalized and reduced to secondary roles

And they will say its because that's what audiences want to see
Well, yeah, like I said there simply aren't enough of ppl white ppl in Hollywood that actively have that mindset of proper representation and inclusivity.

Like a month or two ago I saw the Light Between Oceans, okay movie, ****** up plot if I were to get in to it but I was just thinking its an all white cast and nothing about the movie would be different if it was cast all black or all Asian or all Hispanic. But its all white cuz of a book and the setting and it being an international venture by 4 mostly white countries.
i will say that unless it's a purely "black story", its not very likely to have a black actor as a lead (unless it's an A list actor).

asian stories get whitewashed to hell tho
I'm sure Netflix is just fine.

Considering they still make money from their 120 million subscribers.

People don't sign up for Netflix because there's one show they want to watch.
Which goes towards my point that they took an L paying Schumer $15M, how much rev can they possibly generate off an Amy Schumer stand up? Of course they will be fine they are worth $100B
Haven't watched an Amy Schumer comedy special or movie, nor do I plan to in the near future. However I will say that she was given some heavy exposure by the media some time back ('15-'16) and that more than likely factored into Netflix (over)paying her tremendously for a 'comedy' special that was reviewed poorly.

Now Mo'Nique had that same exposure in '09 with Precious with her nominations and awards but the main problem was that the film was a drama and her character was extremely unlikable.

Overall timing and a lack of a good agent seem to be Mo'Nique's primary problems.
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I didn't see the Schumer special, but to be fair the ratings for her special were manipulated by bitter trolls.
Which goes towards my point that they took an L paying Schumer $15M, how much rev can they possibly generate off an Amy Schumer stand up? Of course they will be fine they are worth $100B

How much revenue does netflix make off of anything anyway? Hard to know since so many are already signed up and you can’t really tell if people signed up to watch certain things.
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