Moderator/Admin Appreciation Post

appreciated! I'm a Real life/ & Cyberbully but Mods & Admins on NT has helped me not bullying people online.
Originally Posted by Free The Chief

Method Man,

If the shoe fits, wear it. If it doesn't, don't lecture me about it. After all, you're acting like you're my teacher. When I get statements in my inbox that enforce rules I've never heard of, with no explanations or links to those explanations (if they are indeed a part of the ROC)...

(and I quote)

no discussion

...then I start to feel a little "opressed" as you so put it. Maybe it's my nature. Maybe it's my nurture. I really don't know. But if you take offense to that statement, then maybe it's you. Like I said, if the shoe fits...

And people say the mods are sensitive. "I called you an insulting name. You should get over it immediately. Dirty didn't want to talk about therules with me.... I feel hurt and I plan to carry a long term grudge."

Spare us the whole "i didn't say you were a rent-a-cop... i just said that all mods other than ska and ant are rent a cops. If you HAPPEN to beincluded in that group then that's a product of your guilty coinscience, I suppose." routine.
Give me a break. Don't act like 1 + 1 = 2 is advanced math.

no discussion
I don't even know what this is in reference to, but keep in mind that the staff has 50,000+ members on this board, thousands of active postersare on here daily. I'm sorry they don't have time to take you by the hand and walk you through violations when you break the rules, but the rules areclearly posted. If you have any questions, you need to ask those BEFORE you add something to the board. If not, you're accepting responsibility for whatyou post.

If I had to choose, I'd say the staff should spend more of their time keeping the forums safe and friendly and less of their time humoring uncooperativemembers looking for an argument.

Dude... I made ONE statement. You typed an essay in response. I explained my statement. If you have a problem with that statement, unless it violates the ROC,deal with it.

If I had to choose, I'd say the staff should spend more of their time keeping the forums safe and friendly and less of their time humoring uncooperative members looking for an argument.

I agree. Stop humoring me, please. Like I'm the only NTer looking for an arguement all of a sudden...
. Actually, I stated my opinion on thetopic at hand, nothing further.
meth no disrespect, but you act like this is life or death... you are taking it more seriously then most of the jokers in here.
Originally Posted by new york yanks

meth no disrespect, but you act like this is life or death... you are taking it more seriously then most of the jokers in here.

lol i know right. if the OP feels he wants to appreciate them, then send them pm's. if some people are attacking him because he seems to be a kiss-upthen let them do that.
meth no disrespect, but you act like this is life or death... you are taking it more seriously then most of the jokers in here.
That's your interpretation. Honestly, if I cared whether or not people appreciated what we do I wouldn't be here. We don't work forpraise, true, but we certainly don't need disrespect and if someone does want to say 'thanks,' it's REALLY petty to try and silence thatperson.

I just get tired of the immaturity on this forum. You can't say a kind word about anyone without the trolls coming out from under the bridge.



Dude... I made ONE statement. You typed an essay in response. I explained my statement. If you have a problem with that statement, unless it violates the ROC, deal with it.
And Dirtylicious made one statement... and you stay pouting about it. I just don't get the attitude. You act like somebody stomped out yoursand castle or something. You need to get on with that the whole "ban me or shut up" thing. You're the one who wrote the check. Now you'regetting tight because somebody wants to cash it. How are you gonna throw a stone and then run?

I actually took the time to try and explain why Dirty would be short with you but, you know what, at the end of the day I may as well just treat you the sameway you're treating us right now: if you don't like the way the staff upholds the ROC, suck it up or bounce. I was willing to discuss the source ofyour problem with the staff, but that's fine. If you don't want to be a part of this forum, ain't nothing keeping you here. I don't need yourpraise but I sure as anything don't need your disrespect. You can keep that. Have I really WRONGED you?
I understand where you are coming from i said the people in here doing what you said are just jokers looking to provoke the mods.

I applaud anybody who would take time out of their day to maintain a message board. you would have to pay me a lot...hahah...and you guys aren't payed...ami right on that?
Speaking of which, can you please tell me why my other SN, rockstar fresh ninja got banned? I had only one post on that sn and it was an avy request thread...I didn't break avy or sig rules or anything because it didn't even have either one!
Originally Posted by new york yanks

I understand where you are coming from i said the people in here doing what you said are just jokers looking to provoke the mods.

I applaud anybody who would take time out of their day to maintain a message board. you would have to pay me a lot...hahah...and you guys aren't i right on that?

That's correct. We take the money that could go to the staff (ad revenue that exceeds our hosting expenses) anddonate that to charities. You can find the donation posts in our archives. I have a list of the different charities we've given to in my profile as well.

Speaking of which, can you please tell me why my other SN, rockstar fresh ninja got banned?

If you created the account in ezboard and it was banned after the Yuku move, it's probably because that account was linked via email toanother banned account. You can have multiple profiles in Yuku, but they're all tied to the same email address. So, during the import process, allaccounts under the same email were linked. If one was banned, they all would be banned by extension.
It was banned BEFORE the yuku move and no, it had its only separate email on that account. After I made that ONE avy request post, I checked NT again on thatSN and it was banned.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

It was banned BEFORE the yuku move and no, it had its only separate email on that account. After I made that ONE avy request post, I checked NT again on that SN and it was banned.

It's not showing as banned - it's showing up as "pending," meaning the account hasn't been approved yet. If you've posted underthat name before, I'm guessing it's a glitch.

We'll be approving accounts again soon.
Method Man:
It takes more courage to say something kind on NikeTalk than to say something negative. That's immaturity shining through.

I couldn't agree more.....this statement can apply to life in general as well, not just Niketalk
Originally Posted by Free The Chief

Dude... I made ONE statement. You typed an essay in response. I explained my statement. If you have a problem with that statement, unless it violates the ROC, deal with it.

soundin like a mod...

edit: nvm thanx

edit: now yall playin games, I wanna be a mod now so I can do that.
Step your life game up.
LOL @ the irony in that. Not saying you need to, but how are you going to defend someone with that when the guy is appreciating someone theydon't know, haven't met, but yet take some time out of their day to make an appreciation post. Does it take that long? Not really, but I have more toappreciate then people I don't know.
Originally Posted by Method Man

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

It was banned BEFORE the yuku move and no, it had its only separate email on that account. After I made that ONE avy request post, I checked NT again on that SN and it was banned.

It's not showing as banned - it's showing up as "pending," meaning the account hasn't been approved yet. If you've posted under that name before, I'm guessing it's a glitch.

We'll be approving accounts again soon.

Does that mean the account will be "unbanned" or "approved" again?
Originally Posted by Free The Chief

Dude... please stop

I don't need to pursue it any further. The point has been made.

That said, if you don't want to stand by your comment, you could edit it out.

Images aren't allowed in signatures, by the way. That includes emoticons.
Bullsrepeat3peat: your signature is over 5 lines long. Blank lines count.
LOL @ the irony in that. Not saying you need to, but how are you going to defend someone with that when the guy is appreciating someone they don't know, haven't met, but yet take some time out of their day to make an appreciation post. Does it take that long? Not really, but I have more to appreciate then people I don't know.
You may not know the staff members, but they're doing something that directly benefits you. If you use NikeTalk regularly, obviously you atleast appreciate the end result of that work. So, what's the problem with someone saying, 'thanks'?

Does that mean the account will be "unbanned" or "approved" again?
It's showing as pending in our database, so approving it should solve the problem.
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